Without the heroes with their flashlights, the gens fly even faster
First of all:
I cant blame any of the "sides" at all!
but this gameplay-issue is a HUGE PROBLEM for the game itself.
Its unbelievable. After flashlights are out for the moment, everything left to do is slamming gens. No one is trying for saves anymore, why should they. Flashbang is much more used now, but when I play killer, I hook someone and almost every single time BBQ shows me every single Survivor-Aura at a generator. The effectiveness has increased HEAVILY, games last shorter than ever.
At this point, Killer is unplayable, survivor is unplayable too.
Its all about Gen-Tunneling vs. Kill-Tunneling.
Has someone made the same experiences?
Sadly no, now the former clicky Survivors are choosing another way to be worthless. I just had an Ace continuously use Balanced Landing and leave 2 people to die on hook when everyone else was clearly dealing with the Killer or crossmap on a gen (Blast Mine presumably, it wasn't me so I'm not positive). He never bodyblocked or did anything of value, just 'hehe I have BL'. Soloq is soloq though, 1 good teammate, 1 baby, and 1 troll or kobe (and fail) first hook is my average team comp.
While this garbage soloq is arguably normal, I've given up and swapped back to Killer without the incentive far sooner than previously. Whether that means the matches are that much worse, or my patience has simply worn too thin, I couldn't tell you.
Killer is pretty chill for the most part. People greed gens a bit more, but if you can punish gen greed then arguably you are better off. The other night I had a rough Ghosty match on Eyrie (mostly because its Eyrie, but also because I was playing poorly). Luckily they attempted to greed the final gen and I was able to snowball 3 downs and win from 2 banked 99's and the injured attempt to pop it.
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How exactly is this new? Most of the time survivors weren't running around the killer hoping to get a flashlight save anyway because surprise they knew they would die, if they wasted too much time.
I feel barely any difference in how long my games go. The game has been quite fast paced for a while. Although, I have seen 2 very obvious cheaters over the last 3 days (I can understand losing 1 gen in 60 seconds. Maybe 2. But not 3 with the next 2 mere seconds later.)
Both sides are playable but it can sometimes feel like the game is terribly unfun. This can result in you playing worse and amplifying that feeling even more. The best you can do, is to take a deep breath, try to stay calm and keep playing as long as you're still enjoying yourself. If that is no longer the case, take a break and come back after a few days to see how you feel. It happens to the best of us and there are almost no long time players that have never taken a break from the game.