Does anyone experience this or just me ?

You're playing a game as any killer, you're doing fine with decent hooks at early game and all of a sudden when it's about to go down, everything freezes around you and get brought back to lobby screen saying "You lost connection".
I got that often. Always when I'm dominating.
I don't get a DC penalty though so I suspect it's the server croaking.
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This, though on a conspiracy note, we seem to only get that when winning, never when losing...
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It's only because I win pretty often 😋
Unless I play Hag, Wraith, Trapper, Billy, ...
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Try as survivor when 2/3 others decide to try and yeet off the hook :{
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I have had my suspicions about when that has happened. It hasn't happened in a bit but when it has it when i was in a chase with someone every time usually doing very well as killer in the game. I've seen it happen a couple times recently to killers about a week ago but this was close to the beginning of the game so could just be them dcing.
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I play solo survivor ...
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It's a hack, always happen right before I'm about to hook someone for the 3rd time
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Yes, this happens.
And the second PC next to me running a different DBD match is always fine.
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almost never happen when I'm playing survivor. Happen about once every 20 games when I'm playing killer. It always when u winning
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I've had it happen twice since Alien release, in survivor games. No penalty either time, which was nice, so evidently not my fault.
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This happened to me right now and I received a DC penalty. Very odd.
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Glad to see I'm not the only one jumping in the conspiracy theory wagon for this one. Only happens when I'm winning, usually when chasing or about to kill someone who's on death hook, and don't recall ever happening when I'm playing survivor
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It’s happened a few times, everytime when I’m dominating or got the 4k
I would chalk it down to hackers tbh