How can people play knight?


I'm not an experienced Knight player and I don't plan on being, I just wanted to play a few games with killers I rarely play just to change it up a bit, but my god he's so inconsistent and clunky.

It seems like his power doesn't work most of the time because his guards don't work properly. There were so many times that I summoned a guard and he took too long to detect someone in a loop and generators even though the survivors were in his radius.

The part that frustrates me the most is that even if the guard is chasing a survivor, 90% of the time they are unable to injured a survivor even though they are running in a straight line. Are you kidding me? I can understand the part about the survivor jumping through a window and dropping pallets to avoid damage, but a survivor doing that by simply running in a straight line shouldn't be possible.

or maybe it's just a skill issue... i don't know.


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,596

    Guards need line of sight to detect survivors, just being in the radius is not enough. The only exception is if they do something that triggers a loud noise notification inside the radius, then they will be detected regardless of LOS. Make sure you’re using Map of the Realm, it’s pretty much required.

    As for the guards not catching up to survivors, Carnifex and Jailer move at 4.1m/s during the hunt meaning survivors with MFT running in a straight line can just outrun them (and usually survivors don’t get caught by them even without MFT).

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,451

    he is bad. you need to be one of the most boring gamers to play him to his fullest like tapping guards at every single tile, tapping them at gens (and 3 gen of course). otherwise guards won't detect them so easily in chase even when they do, chances are you won't be able to zone them because maps allow people to hold w throughout the entire guard chase duration. guards hitting survivors is a dream don't even think about it.

  • OwlWithMustache
    OwlWithMustache Member Posts: 57

    So he is very clunky; while the devs have vastly improved him from his ptb, he's still in really rough shape.

    I do really enjoy him though and I'll share what I know about him. If you like him, maybe a few more tips might make you want to stick with him.

    Not all his guards are made equal, but I'm only really talking about 1 of them: The Jailor. Don't use him. He is the slowest and has a slow movement speed which makes him horrible for injuring survivors. The attempted pay off is a longer patrol time and a much wider detection radius.

    This payoff usually is detrimental; the scenario is pretty much always the same: Use Jailor to patrol gen, walks to a different gen and finds someone, you need a guard but the jailor is still roaming, someone triggers jailor and now you don't have a power for even longer.

    What you do with jailor is you put him down, and hit him so he ######### off. You can also use him to break gens and downed pallets. Remember that kicking gens with the guard regresses by 5% which is double what a vanilla kick does.

    The other two guards actually do something and their uses are pretty straight forward. Carnifex chases the longest and can break pallets instantly. I've found that the pallet breaking part is the best since you can use carnifex almost as the pallet drops, its like the pallet wasn't even there!

    He is statistically the most likely to get a health state if he chases someone as well, the hard part is managing the carnifex. He's undoubtedly the best of the guards but you only get 1 (or 2 with addons but still). And the fact that he chases the longest means that he keeps survivors occupied for a time. DON'T use him to break the gen though, he does it almost instantly compared to the other two who spend like 5 seconds smacking it. These extra few seconds where survivors can't interact with the gen are pretty impactful for a killer with no mobility

    The assassin usually won't get the hit without your help even though he is the fastest.

    Generally the best uses go as followed

    Carnifex: Extremely strong in chase to break pallets also an amazing way to keep survivors off gens for extended periods of time

    Assassin: Usually the one that you drop down at the loop and survivors run away, mitigate this by taking alternative paths to cut them off. Keep in mind that the guards chase is very unintuitive, which usually leads to survivors holding w until the case ends. If you're noticing this, just break off and let the assassin fizzle. That survivor is incapacitated until the chase ends at least.

    Jailor: die

    A general rule if you want to see more guard injuries is to place you guards on top of survivors from max range away then move (you, the knight) to where you think the survivor will be when the chase ends. They will either get hit by you or get pushed back into the guard

    Build and addons would take too long to write, but use Map of the Realm so that you can place your guards on top of survivors without eating ######### (the guards detection circle wont catch survivors without this addon). Dead Mans Switch is great since you can force survivors off gens by commanding you guards to kick it.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,331

    You don't "play" knight, you press the guard button and the ai plays for you.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,458

    You need Map of the Realm add-on otherwise your Guards will be blind.

  • PotatoPotahto
    PotatoPotahto Member Posts: 250

    1) Use your guards when survivor is cornered to get hits

    2) Use your guards to annoy survivors you are not planning to chase right now

    3) Use Carnifex for shredding through pallets

    That's playing Knight for you.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 530

    The main thing is not expecting your guards to do damage, but using them for zoning survivors so you get to hit them yourself.

    With that said, there are perks and addons that can help your guards actually getting hits. Besides the mandatory Map, I like Assassin's Blade or Call to Arms. I also had great results with Claustrophobia and Fearmonger.

    And if you see that a guard is about to get a hit, try to hit right after for a quasi instadown.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 889

    1º ALWAYS bring Map of the realm. That addon its the difference between have a power and dont have it. (Second best addon call to arms).

    2º Guards are meant to be anoying or corner survivors, guards almost never hits by them alone.

    3º Chase, corner, drop guard.

    4º Yeah summoning is clunky and you cant have stuff a few meters in front of you. Thats why you will step back and turn left or right to summon.

    Thats my basic guide for Knight. Hope it helps.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,350

    Generally your guards aren't going to get many, or even any hits, they're useful for keeping survivors busy and off gens, and to try and zone them so you can get a hit easier.

  • HarlockTaliesin
    HarlockTaliesin Member Posts: 763

    The Knight is indeed clunky, but not as bad as Pyramid Head. Both can be annoying to play, but I'd take Knight over PH for most situations.

    As others have said, if one of your guards gets a hit/down it'll either be luck, bad move on the survivor's part, or you putting the survivor in a pincer between you and the guard. Most times you will use the guards for herding survivors, cutting off escape routes, or patrolling a gen with a lot of progress while you look around it or go check another gen.

    In addition, some things to bear in mind. When sending the orb out to summon a guard or make a patrol path, you can go through windows. This is excellent for dropping a guard in the shack or similar area to aggro on a survivor trying to loop while you move to cut them off. They have the choice of getting hit by the guard, running into you for a hit, or possibly burning the pallet to get away and making the shack generally useless against you the rest of the trial.

    Also, the summoning orb can't go over edges. For example, if you're on a second floor or ledge the orb will dead stop just before you or a survivor would drop down. This seems to be a strange limitation and I'm not sure why it's there, but be mindful of it. If a survivor is close enough the guard will still aggro on them if summoned at the edge and go after them.

    It's also often best to drop a guard a little behind/in front of the survivor from the direction you're going, particularly when you're about to go down a parallel wall. Almost guarantees a hit one way or the other (including forcing the survivor to vault a window, and you can swing around to that side of the wall at the last second and catch up to them while they're in the vault animation.

    Lastly, guards can fly! Not sure why, but per BHVR it's intended. If there's a survivor on an overhang (like the main house in GoJ, some of the houses in Haddonfield, or the main house on a cornageddon map) drop a guard just far enough out from the wall that the guard has LoS of the survivor and the survivor will be in the guard's aggro radius. The guard will fly up to hit them, or drive them down to the level you're on for a hit.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,559

    I find him to be one of my better Killers.

    As long as you're willing to strategize and play macro, you'll be okay as Knight.

    Also run Map of the Realm and Call To Arms