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Why do survivors complain about camping and tunneling?

When they are just as toxic/rude to killers? Teabagging, holding game hostages,. swf, sending hate messages to killers, decisive strike, like I don't understand why they complain about toxic killers when they are just as toxic if not worse


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    It's a circle.
    Victim #1: "WEH, imma be toxic cause i received toxicity!"
    Victim #2: "WEH, imma be toxic cause i received toxicity!"

    Etc. etc.
    Where did the circle start? Idk, there's probably some natural douchebags out there...

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    as someone who plays both roles... I complain about both camping AND swf. 

    camping is absolute trash and ruins the game in a myriad of ways that I won't waste time explaining again (it's been explained on so many posts) 

    and swf isn't always OP, it depends on the team... but there are definitely times when its very clear the swf is so coordinated and using every annoying dirty tactic in the book that it completely drains any fun from the round.

    the guilt is on both sides.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    Those people deserve it. I don't see how someone can tbag and then cry when they got camped. Hypocrites and manchildren.

    Undeserved camping sucks though.
  • Vietfox
    Vietfox Member Posts: 3,823
    Btw talking about complaints... You seem to complain quite a bit if we take a look on your threads, either as a killer or as a survivor.
    Apparently as a survivor you dont even manage to pip and as a killer you cant get a single kill even when it's 1v3.
    If i were you i would spend less time on the forums and more on the game. I'm pretty sure that it will be more useful for you and for all of us as well.
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,769

    O snap

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    edited December 2018
    Avariku said:
    as someone who plays both roles... I complain about both camping AND swf. 

    camping is absolute trash and ruins the game in a myriad of ways that I won't waste time explaining again (it's been explained on so many posts) 

    and swf isn't always OP, it depends on the team... but there are definitely times when its very clear the swf is so coordinated and using every annoying dirty tactic in the book that it completely drains any fun from the round.

    the guilt is on both sides.
    As i often dont have great SWF, i do have to say the dirtiest ones do trigger a feeling of pity haha.

    But yes camping, is bs. As a killer main i will not facecamp, may proximity camp every now and then under certain criteria(the Claud and Laurie deserved it for selling out a dwight in a locker).
    But some low rank killers ive played against, camp in soo much of a diagusting way. Trappers, Pigs, and a few Legions. 

    Now tunneling?
    Who should i go for, a healthy survivor, or a injured one? Though i often slug the injured one then chase the healthy one, i will at times just pick up injured survivor and hook em. Especially that Laurie or Claud who sold out that poor Dwight.(poor joke but you get what i mean)

    And no
    DS Tbagging and Flashlight clicking to try and annoy me isn't in the criteria in most cases. 
  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited December 2018

    My only complaint is that I got all trees in my Xmas cookies I’m eatting..
    So if I camp u in your face know if only I got some Santa or raindeer cookies this could of been avoided =p

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    Playing with Friends is toxic and rude, got it. 
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @JanTheMan said:

    ...wait did I miss the point?

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,055

    I've met killers that are just as entitled as the toxic survivors. It's a 2 way street.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    The problem lies in the gameplay.
    For a survivor it is not fun to get focus downed. Everyone wants to play as long as possible and hopefully win the game.
    For a killer it is just too rewarding to kill of a survivor if they can. It enables them to snowball of the survivor.

    But more often the reason why a killer "camps" or "tunnels" a survivor, are the other survivors.
    If the other survivors go for an instant unhook, instead of luring the killer first away and simply start to farm you. Don't blame the killer.
    Only go for save unhooks.
    Don't swarm the hook.
    Do gens or totems.
    That's how you can prevent tunneling and camping.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Schorts94 said:
    When they are just as toxic/rude to killers? Teabagging, holding game hostages,. swf, sending hate messages to killers, decisive strike, like I don't understand why they complain about toxic killers when they are just as toxic if not worse

    You can tell this is yet another troll post when they call the following things toxic.

    1. SWF
    2. DS
    3. Insert the rest of made up excuses here and for 4-12.
  • WeaponXMetsu
    WeaponXMetsu Member Posts: 81

    Just as toxic if not worse? Nah, survivors are far worse than killers. A lot of the time you don't see killers trash talk. In all my time when I had messages on killers never trash talked me or told me I'm trash. On the other hand my brother was playing a round with random survivors. The survivor was being camped and I believe the killer had noed. He sent my brother a message saying that he was garbage for not saving him O.o

    It just goes to show you that survivors are far worse. Both as teammates and as an oppenent.

    DS is toxic, but you have to live with it. If you know time is against your side as killer and someone lands a decisive strike then that creates more time loss for the killer. From the start of the game you have 3-5 minutes to down and hook a survivor 12 times if they don't manage to die sooner. Estimate it takes 20 seconds to find a survivor at the start, 20 seconds to hit a survivor and another 10 seconds to down the survivor. That's 50 seconds used up on a single survivor. DS is used and it takes another 15 seconds to down that survivor. 1 minute 5 seconds lost give or take with looping. 1/3 of the game was taken out by the survivor and almost 3 gens are up.

    Imagine that with a team of DS users and the only counter you have is a dribble which survivors hate. That or you bring enduring and down them 2 seconds after it's used.

    Sorry to go off topic, but the point is survivors will complain about anything.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @WeaponXMetsu said:
    Just as toxic if not worse? Nah, survivors are far worse than killers. A lot of the time you don't see killers trash talk. In all my time when I had messages on killers never trash talked me or told me I'm trash. On the other hand my brother was playing a round with random survivors. The survivor was being camped and I believe the killer had noed. He sent my brother a message saying that he was garbage for not saving him O.o

    It just goes to show you that survivors are far worse. Both as teammates and as an oppenent.

    DS is toxic, but you have to live with it. If you know time is against your side as killer and someone lands a decisive strike then that creates more time loss for the killer. From the start of the game you have 3-5 minutes to down and hook a survivor 12 times if they don't manage to die sooner. Estimate it takes 20 seconds to find a survivor at the start, 20 seconds to hit a survivor and another 10 seconds to down the survivor. That's 50 seconds used up on a single survivor. DS is used and it takes another 15 seconds to down that survivor. 1 minute 5 seconds lost give or take with looping. 1/3 of the game was taken out by the survivor and almost 3 gens are up.

    Imagine that with a team of DS users and the only counter you have is a dribble which survivors hate. That or you bring enduring and down them 2 seconds after it's used.

    Sorry to go off topic, but the point is survivors will complain about anything.

    I've had salt from both sides and since there's 4 survivors to 1 killer your chances of getting toxicity are higher from that side. Also if you think DS is toxic then the issue isn't the perk but you and the need to adapt and not blame a perk.

    I take on DS and don't dribble and rarely run Enduring yet on average I can still get 2-4k per game even against swf teams. You're also using worst case scenarios for hooks etc to bolster your argument which negates it since good killer don't require that all the time.

  • Ajritoka
    Ajritoka Member Posts: 594
    Those people deserve it. I don't see how someone can tbag and then cry when they got camped. Hypocrites and manchildren.

    Undeserved camping sucks though.
    Every time I ever died after tea bagging, I definitely deserved it. It’s always a risk to take when tea bagging, and I always consider myself lucky if I escaped after doing it. 
  • Grandkurama
    Grandkurama Member Posts: 320
    Aa a killer main, I cam say camping sucks a lot
  • notveryyoung
    notveryyoung Member Posts: 28

    I don't understand at all why people say that camping is bad. I am a killer please tell my why this does not make sense to survivors:

    1. find a target
    2. hit him one time
    3. chase, he sprints, loops, chase, loop chase, pallets me about 5 times, jukes, spins, hides and gets away... or
    4. hit - downs target yeah !
    5. pick him up
    6. find a hook- might not be one close by
    7. dodge firecrackers and flashlights and pallets
    8. slap anyone trying to block a hook
    9. get DS ed -- DARN !
    10. chase he sprints, loops, chase, loop chase, pallets me 3 more times, jukes, spins, hide gets away... or
    11. hit downs target yeah !
    12. pick him up
    13. find a hook - might not be one close by
    14. dodge firecrackers and flashlights and pallets
    15. slap anyone trying to block a hook might be many others - sometimes his friends follow u right behind
    16. hook - yeah ! finnaly
    17. check to see if instant unhook - ooo that chaps my hide
    18. camp - you g damn right ! all damn day and i earned it ! he is gonna die - ? (maybe)

    even then when they come for you they can still easily unhook and some people give that invulnerable thing that is just as irritating as ds, if not more, and the best anti- tunneling tech

    lastly, about tunneling which i do not understand why survivors do not understand and get so upset at a tunnel job:

    In the wild if a lion chases an antelope and manages to wound its leg - does he stop? does he chase another fully healthy antelope that is further away ? it makes no logic that he would switch to a harder target. And he spent a long time hunting this antelope, wouldn't he defend the kill after?

    So in conclusion, the survivor's argument that camping is not legit, tunneling is not legit is illogical and every time in chat, if you say that -- i just laugh at you, because chances are - if you are saying that- that you got hooked. You were not good enough to escape, and that's why I like to play killer. And if you trash talk me after a game, after me doing my best to give you (rank 3-2) my all I will eat u next time. Thank you very much !

    Cheers !

  • benrdav1
    benrdav1 Member Posts: 6

    Because its not fun to play against. Just like its not fun to get teabagged/constantly flashlighted/looped etc.

    Stop asking stupid questions.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    If you get tunneled or camp, that basically removes the hope of escaping. Period. It also makes you go down ranks, since you will likely only farm boldness, or have it in later in the game. People don’t like SWF, pallets, or other stuff. It’s a two way street, really.