Does anyone have any tips on how to deal with toxic survivors?

I play mostly both sides but I don't go up against toxic killers that much. Today I went up against a toxic T-bagging Adam Francis. Now I'm a pig main. I'm a decent enough player but not a god at the game. This guy double flashlighted me not too bad I can let that go. But he T-bagged me. I tried camping him. I complain about camping but I think any killer who camps for this reason is well within their rights. He got freed the whole team T-bagged. I DC'd which I'm ashamed of but the match was miserable and toxic he followed me around flashlighting me if I tried chasing another survivor. Now I'm considering quitting or taking a break from the game I've never in any game encountered this level of toxicity. Anyone have any tips? Also I don't know how these people wake up say I'm going to ruin the game for other people. Sorry this is so lengthy.
Most toxic survivors will crumble when the killer can stay calm. Keep this in mind. They will do everything in their power to make you miserable but they will also make themselves vulnerable. Ignore their antics and focus on using it against them.
If you are like me and you are a bit more susceptible to noise spamming, then turn on some music or if nothing else helps turn off the sound completely (had to do that once when macros were still a thing). As soon as that becomes a non factor you can focus on having fun again.
Having fun can mean different things. Sometimes it's about winning and sometimes it's about achieving something. Almost every killer has something that you can get good with. If you know you aren't going to win and the survivors are jerks about it, then focus on learning something new. Pig for example can do some unexpected things with her ambush, which will result in hits in some loops that other killers can only dream of (like the car tile in the corner of GoJ).
The most important thing to remember when you play against people like this is, that it's just a game. You are not losing your job if you lose and your family most definitely won't get facecamped by a Bubba either. Sometimes you will face a group, that you just can't beat yet. Take it as a learning opportunity. Ask yourself what they did that had you struggle and why you couldn't win. Once you find out, you can focus on improving on these things. Keep that up and you will improve to a point where bullying you results in an almost guaranteed loss.
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Best strategy is ignore players like that. They want your attention badly and get very angry when they don't get it.
Kill weak link in his team and make sure he will get enough attention when you will have enough time for it and map will be half empty.
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In game terms: Mostly ignore them, wait for an opportunity, or make one, and for us we start playing "mean". A person following you with a flashlight is 1 less on a gen which gives you a bit more time. Keep the weakest link down then go after the flashlight boy or someone else whos actually working and reduce their resources as fast as possible so when you need to chase someone they have a dead-zone. Trick them by acting like your gona pick up and turn back and twack their head or face walls if possible.
In practical terms: As the above said, remember its a game online. Don't let others get to you, especially people you don't know and ultimately don't mater. We know its harder doing that than saying it, but once they stop mattering then a lot of stressors disappear. (Though maybe try and reserve some empathy for obviously nice ppl please)
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I don't pay toxic people any mind. I am mostly relaxed and whatever people do is their problem.
I find they crave attention, they never get it from me or any rise out of me whatsoever. I'm pretty happy with myslef and my life ,and they seem so miserable they probably need a hug.
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I try to consciously remind myself of what the intention of a survivor or a killer likely is. Survivors go for over the top plays for fun, not so much to make the killer angry. If a killer is tunneling at mid to late game, I remind myself that there are trying to reverse the momentum of the match, not getting angry and wanting to grief someone.
You will never know the intentions of the players you meet, so the best you can do is try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Assuming the worst of their intentions doesn't harm them, but it does harm you.
Edit: I forgot to 👉️🐽
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Most of the time these survivors are carried by their perks or their swf on comms. The ignoring part only works if you’re not frustrated. If you are, bottling it up makes it worse, expand your frustration somewhere else. If you need to bring your most sweatiest build in the next game to relieve your frustration, do it.
Those perks and add ons are in the game for a reason so use them.
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If you are in an environment that makes you angry on a regular basis you have to either modify your way of thinking, change the environment or remove yourself from it. There's no point in soaking up the toxicity, venting it and then going back to the loop.
You can't change the enviornment. People online are always going to be the worst kind of people to interact with, the best you can do is not contribute to it. So you either adapt your thinking or remove yourself from it. Only those two are realistically achievable.
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Humans are not perfect beings, a person who has had a losing streak and a person who just started their first game and lost, which do you think will have a bigger impact mentally?
Different people have different ways of relieving stress, removing themselves from the situation may not necessarily get rid of the frustration accumulated from the loss. There is no rule against using a strong perk or addon combo, so let the player do as they see fit?
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I'm not suggesting anyone reach self-actualisation. We have a certain amount of control over how we let feelings escalate. We can't control how people behave towards us, but we have some control over how we respond.
If you allow those feelings to escalate, the only person it hurts is you. Constantly cycling through negative emotions is bad for us. It damages our mental health. A random person on the internet isn't going to care, so you should only think of yourself. Controlling how your environment shapes you is something everyone can do to varying extents. It's a piece of power that you should never just surrender to other people. For example: If the world says that I am trash, then I will be the most regal, majestic trash. I can't control what they say, but I control how it shapes me.
Post edited by EQWashu on2 -
Just be calm and completely ignore him. If he wants to click at you whilst you chase a productive survivor then that is a 2nd survivor not doing gens which is really good for you. If you just followed that principle and just ignore him that probably would have been a free win.
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Just quit.
Like seriously.
Survivors advocate all the time, that they should have the right to quit whenever they don't enjoy the match. Killers have the same right to enjoy the game.
If the game makes you feel miserable, the best thing is to quit.
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Stay calm and destroy them.
Remember your strengths. Pig has many. Your strength is not in chase but in making their head explode.
Use that and make us fellow pig mains proud 🐽
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The reason why they do that is because they don't want to suffer the timer
They would absolutely want you to suffer the penalty timer
Don't give them that bleed them out if they're not going to progress the trial and just troll the killer
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(If she's one of your three favorite killers, does that count as a pig main?)
For Pig mains, her strength is making the survivors spread themselves thin with too much to do, so they aren't doing gens so much anymore.
Rather than just putting a trap on everyone as soon as you get them, it can sometimes be good to wait until the time is right, and then put several bear traps on survivors at once.
Once one or more survivors have traps on their heads, don't just keep patrolling gens and ignore them. Patrol puzzle boxes too and harass them off of the boxes. Don't be afraid of how counter-productive it feels to stop their death timer. If you get a hook, they still have to go find a box again after the unhook. If you get enough hooks to kill them off and waste the trap, oh well, they're still dead.
Some tryhard sweat squads will even completely stop doing gens for the rest of the game because they're all buddies together and they want to let each other get their traps off. If you do a rotation and find that they aren't even touching gens anymore, then you can just patrol boxes for the rest of the game and lol when they rage about it.
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Play normally and don't let it get to you.
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I have around 2k hours on her. I normally try to put 3 traps as soon as possible and decide on the fourth. I dont normally patrol boxes because i know where they need to go. Most survivors take the most optimal route possible so their movement is very predictable.
I basicly know where they are.
Pig is a comeback killer. I often lose 2 - 3 gens for my first down and then get 8 - 12 hooks.
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Get rid of the other 3 and he will eventually go down. You can't finish a game if you're the last man standing.
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my biggest advice is to not rise to their level. not even hitting them on hook when you've got a guaranteed win at the end. most of the time people are toxic because they want you to get upset so don't give them that. even if you lose and they're ggez'ing you in end game chat. just hit them with a 'gg wp gl next <3' and go back to lobby without seeing their response. i know it's not always easy but letting them rile you up is just giving them what they want. (also try not to take the energy from that game into the next one)
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Tunnel them out
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Be patient.
Don't get tilted and tunnel visioned. If you play the game like that, you might get your prize at the end.
And then you can do whatever you want to them.
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You're getting rattled, that's what they want, everyone gets all jittery and clumsy when the emotions kick in. You have to take a second and settle yourself. Bullies aren't as good as they seem, by the time they're looping you, they've already made you mad, so you're just playing badly. Remind yourself that you're the killer, and just play.
Put Lightbourne in your build, it's a wonderful anti-bully tool. Negates their item, messes up their plan, now they can only interfere at the hook, that's a good place to fight about things. LB is one of the best aura perks in the game, if I'm in a chase with someone who has a light, I'll get an aura over and over because they just won't stop trying.
If you had LB in that trial, that player was giving you a long aura and 75 points every time he flashed you. Chase is really easy when you have an aura.
But you have to not care. When you don't care about the outcome, you can do whatever you want. That's how a killer should feel.
Don't quit, join in my attitude and watch how much fun this game becomes. Also watch how much better you play when you can be cool during the exciting parts.
Also never DC. Another reason bullies seem to be good is they're not playing typically, typical playing doesn't work against them. Can't get stacks on CdG if no one does any gens. Patrolling gens doesn't find them because, again, not doing gens.
The only way you get practice against toxic players and bullies is when you get matched up. Don't spend any time caring about their opinions, just practice playing ugly. They came to make you quit, you can make them quit. Bullies quit a lot.
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Honestly? Be pleasant. Breathe, and let it flow off you like water off a duck's back. Because their motive in behaving like that is to tilt you. People advising you to bleed them out, etc, don't understand that trolls *want* you to do that. They know they've succeeded in tilting you. Playing like normal, leaving pleasant messages in endgame chat (even if you really, really don't want to) will annoy them. They'll probably call you boring. You've won if they do.
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It's already been said, but it bears repeating: tbagging survivors are trying to tilt you. Don't let them. He probably brought a lot of chase perks or anti-tunnel perks to make things harder for you. If you don't tunnel vision on him, he doesn't get to use them. If he's following you around clicking at you then ignore him; it means he's not doing gens and being productive.
The best time to get hits on him is once you've downed one of his teammates. Bait the pickup and he'll run out of cover to try and get the flashy save. Smack him and leave him. Don't commit to a chase with him until he gets frustrated enough to run somewhere unsafe where you can down him easily.
Above all, maintain your composure and be nice to him in the post-game chat. He might also be polite, which will make you feel better. He might also be a salty ass, which is fun in its own way.
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Oh. I have like 200 hours in the whole game, but I thoroughly enjoyed prestiging her once I figured her out. :P
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She's a fun killer although not very strong.
Keep it up, the Boop enjoyers welcome you with open arms 🐽
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Yes... arms wide open.
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just play like normal they want you to get mad