A Mid Killer Idea: The Gnome…

DBDnerd Member Posts: 29

The Gnome, A Sneaky Killer, with a power to trap survivors so they can feel the pain he felt. His personal perks can help sneak up to survivors, give him a lethal attack from out of nowhere, and see his pray closely.

Basic Terror Radius: 32

Height: Short

Speed: 4.4 m/s

LORE: Once upon a time, there was a little gnome, that loved standing in a yard. Though the people who owned the gnome, did nothing but fill it with hatred towards living beings. They would throw rock, make it go underground and stand there.

But one fateful day, a black fog like no other covered this house, and the gnome of hatred started to move, and will revenge everything that ever happened to him. Everyone will feel his revenge. Soon…

The End.

POWER: His power, Gnomeify makes it so survivors can’t run from you. He uses little gnomes that have also been tortured to give others a big disadvantage.

He throws Garden Gnomes that make other people garden gnomes, resulting in the following effects. * 75% Slower Vault Speed. * 75% Slower Speed. * 50% Lower FOV. * Suffer from Exposed.

Only 2 people can be gnomes, and gnomed survivors can break out of the gnome shell by holding down the action button while doing skill checks for extra progress.

You can refill gnomes at lockers. Can only hold 2 at a time.


IRIDESCENT GNOME: A gnome forged from the Fog. Makes Survivors unable to move when gnomed. Only one person can be gnomed and you can only have a maximum of 1 gnome.

Dead Grass: Some dead grass from an old home. Survivors Auras are revealed every 30 seconds while gnomed, And Survivors who are gnomed have 25% lower FOV.


A Solid Old Brick: Some old brick from a house. Vaulting speed while Gnomed is 25% less.

A Hollowed Out Old Brick: A brick that was carved to hold stuff. You can hold 1 more gnome. You start with one more gnome. 1 more person can be gnomed.

A Broken Brick: A old brick that has gotten cracks over the years. Survivors get 15% less speed while gnomed.


A Kids Eye: A small eye. You become obsessed with a survivor. The Obsession starts gnomed at the start of the match, and makes a loud noise notification at the obsessions position at the start of the match.

A Kids Hand: A small hand. You throw gnomes 15% Farther.

A Kids Nose: A small nose. Survivors who vault while gnomed have there aura revealed for 3 Seconds.


Toy Glasses: Gnomed Survivors have 7.5% less FOV.

Little Boots: Gnomed Survivors have 7.5% less speed.

Toy Claws: Gnomed Survivors have 7.5% less vaulting speed.


Shard of Glass: Survivors breathing and pain sounds are 50% louder while gnomed.

A Used Tissue: Gnomed Survivors have 2.5% slower speed and vaulting speed.

Odd Drawing: Gnomed Survivors no longer are Exposed while gnomed. Gain 100% Bonus Bloodpoints in the Gnoming Category.

Odd Crayon: Gnomed Survivors no longer have slower speed. Gain 100% Bonus Bloodpoints in the Chase Category.


Forgotten Stealth: You have been forgotten, so sneaking is no problem for you. When a survivor is outside your terror radius for 60/50/40 seconds, they are inflicted with Oblivious for 30 seconds. The Survivor cannot be inflicted by oblivious because of this perk for 30 seconds after the Oblivious Status effect is over.

Sneaky Ambush: You can surprise someone from outta nowhere. You are Undetectable at the beginning of the match, and this effect goes away after 100/110/120 seconds, or Hitting a Survivor. Hitting a Survivor while this perk is active makes them instantly go in the dying state. This perk then deactivates. This perk reactivates when the exit gates are powered.

Malicious Senses: Your senses of evil have enhanced in the fog. When a Generator is Finished, This perk activates. Any Survivor that comes within a 24/26/28 meter range has their aura revealed for 10 seconds. This perk then deactivates. (Basically Dark Sense for Killer)

If I am missing anything, please let me know, otherwise…

THE END for real this time.


  • DBDnerd
    DBDnerd Member Posts: 29

    Sneaky Ambush should be

    Purple: 120

    Green: 110

    Yellow: 100

  • DBDnerd
    DBDnerd Member Posts: 29

    Malicious Ambush should be

    Purple: 28

    Green: 26

    Yellow: 24