Discussing Twins future 2024 rework

How would you think they'll go about this? Partial rework or the full works, as in new power/kit.
Myself i assume they'd want to step away from the slugging gameplay with Victor and perhaps have Charlotte more involved when it comes to power usuage. As a concept, they sound great but the execution of that concept is real clunky and it's clear to see it's not fun for both sides when it comes to her power.
What i'd like to see is a total kit revamp and have her as a true 'Tag team' killer concept, think like Ferra /Torr from mortal Kombat, two beings working as one unit. I don't want to spend majority of the game running around as Victor and only switching to Charlotte when it's necessary.
So how would you have Charlotte be more involved but also retain Victor as a part of her kit?
I think they'll postpone it for another indefinite period as newer content is released that causes more problems and pushes the Twins, Freddy, and Pyramid Head to the back burner.
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First of all, I hope I'm still alive in 2024 when this alleged update drops!
Second, they said it's not going to be a full power re-work but more like minor tweaks and add-on pass on the latest Reddit AMA. I think at this point they're too afraid to touch Twins considering how prone to bugs and glitches they are... It has been a long time since their launch and there are still many persistent bugs that keep getting reintroduced with each patch. I wish we had the opportunity to see how they perform without all this mess before a "rework" but I guess we'll never know...
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I’m really hoping they’re giving Victor a button to “recall Charlotte”, which will cause a bot to take over Charlotte, and have her walk over to where Victor is.
This would adjust the slugging meta, because it would reduce the problem of “Victor slugged a survivor, and Charlotte is so far away that it’s more valuable to just leave the survivor slugged”.
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This would be cool! Imagine if they could apply this without bot Charlotte bugging out or losing her path everytime.😭
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70% chance it keeps it weak like freddy
20% chance it makes it so powerful its ridiculous
9% chance they they make it weaker than it is now
1% chance its rework actually makes it a viable killer like blight and nurse
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lol yes! I can just imagine Charlotte getting blocked off by dropped pallets, and instead of kicking a pallet, she just walks back and forth screaming Victor’s name over and over.
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I believe I read somewhere that they only planned to make some minor changes. Or did mix this up with something else?
Regardless, Twins would already be a lot better, if there wasn't a giant 7 seconds delay before you can switch between Victor and Charlotte. Make it so that you can switch after 3 seconds and that would already be a big improvement. Second, rework their addons. Most of them are terrible.
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The words “adjust the slugging meta” were also used, but we don’t know what that actually means.
if Victor could switch to Charlotte immediately after a successful pounce, that would help adjust the slugging meta.
One of the biggest reasons for the slugging meta, is a successful pounce means Victor has a 5 second cooldown, then there’s a 3 second animation to switch to Charlotte, so it’s basically requiring the killer to do absolutely nothing useful for 8 seconds if they don’t want to slug. And this is on top of whatever travel time it would take for Charlotte to walk to the slugged survivor, then pick them up, then walk them to a hook. I would be much less likely to slug, if I knew that after a successful pounce, it would be quicker to switch to Charlotte, than it would be to stay as Victor.
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They mentioned their power will not drastically change. It’s just a lot of fixes to her power and fixing the slugging playstyle of twins
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They said it will not be a rework, but a big Bugfix and slight Addon-Adjustments.
So dont expect anything more.
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I think it's actually like:
80% they keep postponing it
15% the screw up and make them even weaker and more bugged
3% the changes are barely noticeable
1.5% The changes are acceptable and improve the playstyle in a balanced way
0.5% The changes make them actually good and ejoyable to play with and against
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Hopefully partial. Twins already both is a very strong killer as well as a unique one. They don't need any fundamental changes. Not every character in multiplayer video games is going to be popular, it can't be helped.
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Victor NEEDS the ability to hook people. Its the only way to get rid of the slugging part of her power. Even if you just have victor act as the hook himself slugging will be better because you'll be locked from your power if you hook. They also need to decrease the awful 8 seconds between downing survivors and swapping to charlotte.
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The tricky thing about Twins is that all of the clunkiness and downtime is what balances them. Victor is a near auto-hit if someone is good with him, and he has crazy snowball ability. They're already an A tier killer with all of the clunkiness, so the devs probably want to be careful here.
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The problem is this is supposed to be the “let’s make Twins more fun to play” rework.
If BHVR’s goal is to nerf Twins slugging, and give a few “tweaks” as compensation, then the “make more fun” rework will be a failure.
There’s nothing fun about getting nerfed, and this killer already struggles against coordinated SWFs. If slugging is getting nerfed, then this killer will feel even more awful and frustrating to play against coordinated SWFs, and they won’t be worth playing anymore.
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Didn't they say themselves that it wasn't gonna be a full blown rework? Just an addon pass and a few changes to base kit which I assume is reducing victors CD post down back to 3 seconds because 8 second fatigue is surely fun :)
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The words “adjust the slugging meta” were also used, but we don’t know if this is a buff or a nerf.
We also don’t know if the addon pass will be a buff or nerf.
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I remember a while back they nerfed the brown pounce addon, so anything is possible lol.
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This soon already?
I wasn't ready yet!!!
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I actually started playing Twins recently, and they are much better than I expected... actually one of the more fun killers to play IMO.
Although these forums love to rag on Otz, after I played them a while I feel like his suggestions for Twins bsck in 6.1 were absolutely on point: -
- Buff: Keep Victor's 5s recovery when downing a survivor so Victor can't easily rampage slug, but if you want to go back to Charlotte to move for the hook, let the killer switch to her immediately after downing with Victor.
- Buff: Make holding Victor hostage dangerous. Otz suggests applying the "crush Victor" add-ons when recalling Victor too and also add deep wound. I'd go harder, like permanent Victor aura read, so crush him or get focused, but this would be fine.
- Nerf: Make kicking Victor more punishing by adding an additional 5 to Victors respawn on Charlotte, so Twins can't just immediately send him out again.
- QOL: Charlotte can't send Victor out when she is next to hook... however if Victor is already next to hook, she can switch to him... Make it so hooking with Victor in range causes him to pop and return to Charlotte.
A personal opinion from me would be to make Charlotte more menacing. She's supposed to be murderous defensive of Victor, and yet for the most part seems more like she is largely disinterested.
I'd like to see Charlotte grunt and snarl when she is seperated from Victor, drop her shoulder and lumber with more determination and fury at teh Survivor that is wrestling Victor. Id also appreciate her having an angry global howl whenever Victor ia kicked, like a "Oh, you done ######### up".
I think little improvements lies this to Charlotte would make the Twins feels much cooler to play.
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I have every confidence this rework will go as well as Freddie's.