How many killers do you guys play as regularly?

I'm curious about this. Does everyone have a killer main that they strictly play?
For me over the years I've noticed I don't main anyone in particular. I enjoy playing most of the killers, and I'm not particularly better with any one killer over the other. I'm average with all with the exception of ranged killers and nurse but that's just because I never sank the needed time to really practice with them.
When I log in to play I have a hard time o ly playing 1 killer all day. After 2 or 3 matches I get bored of that killer and swap to someone else. That's why I could never get really good with 1 particular killer. I guess it'd ADD but It just gets stale fast and I swap around.
Does anyone else have a similar playstyle?
I play many different killers but my mains are Billy, Bubba and Freddy.
I can play a couple games of Billy back to back but eventually I will switch to a different killer just so I don't have to concentrate quite as hard. Bubba is a bit more relaxing to me. And if I absolutely can't be bothered, I play Freddy. I'm gonna lose anyway, so why not commit to the pain-train?
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Nemesis, Wesker, Singularity and Xeno takes my most times lately.
But i play most of killers time to time exception of Blight, Billy and Oni. I am not good with them. And i just hate Trickster, Hag and Twins. So i don't play them as well.
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Amanda Panda by far, and I mean by far. Myers is a distant second place, and most likely Bubba after that.
I do not know of a way to see actual time with a particular character on my Xbox, for surv or killer.
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billy singu are the only ones i repeatably come back to but i'll randomly play a few matches of other killers.
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9 consistently on rotation (if/when I play DBD regularly)
Onryo, Nurse, Clown, Doc,
Myers, Spirit, GF, Trickster, Dredge
…in no particular order
Nurse is by far my overall fav, but Sadako is right up there now, as well… stoked for the Blighted Skin this mth, and always hoping for more new cosmetics for her.
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I play whichever killers I have dailies for or tome challenges for first, and then cycle through most of them. There's a few I just don't play at all, but I do play the greater majority. It's what makes picking a killer to P100 so much harder than survivor.
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Blight is my main, but I usually do a killer roulette any given day, so I play all of them.
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All of them but mainly because i feel it mandatory to know every killer inside and out. I try to play every killer at least once a week so i don't get to rusty with them. My main slinger, pig, nessmiss and trapper.
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I mainly only play Killers for dailies these days.
When I do play Killer for more than one match, it’s usually Freddy/Sadako and Wraith.
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I can play every killer at a decent to high level except Huntress and Deathslinger. I'm terrible at those two. Don't have a strict main, but I play some more than others. M1s are kind of interchangeable.
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I play all of them with the exception of a couple. Blight has never seen a public match, and Artist has only had a handful. Everyone else I play to some degree, whether it is a few I only play when I have a specific daily or tome challenge, or someone that I currently am enjoying a specific build on. Plague has most of my time, but lately I only play her when I want to stay sharp on her or for a challenge.
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Ghostface p100
Otherwise, I play a mix of Myers, pig, deathslinger, and the Dredge.
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Mikey is my main so he is my most played.
I occasionally dabble in some Wraith, Doctor, and Plague.
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I play all killers (including Mr. Trapper), but i find Oni the most fun for me
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As of late: Artist Larry Xeno Wesker Wraith
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Myers, Wraith, Spirit, mostly.
I used to like playing a lot more, but with the current MFT/WoO/Resilience/BU/FtP meta if you won't have speed or an insta-down you either have to sweat or deal with mass bulls**t. Neither option is fun.
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I play some of them mostly wraith, bubba and oni currently. Occasionally I play demogorgon, nurse, dredge, trapper, myers, legion and wesker. Others I rarely play and almost never play trickster, hillbilly, deathslinger, clown, plague, blight and twins.
I have tried to find killer to main but I have not succeed so no-one is going to be P100 for me. Everyone has at least some cons. If I ever main someone it has to be S tier and not difficult to use on controller like nurse and I want normal 115% speed. So what I could hope is that Oni gets buffed to get his power much easier that would make him S tier well A tier on console.
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I play all the ones I own often(Barring Huntress) but I do have 3-4(Clown,Trapper,Myers,Pig) I default too if I want a more fun and or chill game. If for some reason I really want to win I'll break out Wesker.
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there used to be very few killers i didn't play, but i actively try to keep myself off of weaker killers lately, let's just say because of some meta perk. oni, wesker, singu (despite him still being affected by said meta perk) and nurse.
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I play a lot of Pig
I also play some Huntress, Hag, Spirit and Doctor
I also play the others
I don't play Freddie and Bubba
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I normally use Clown and Nightmare but I still have a lot of Terrormisu from the anniversary event. I used a lot of BP to level up my other killers so perhaps the cakes give me reason to pick up other killers, too.
I also return to previously used killers because of the new Rift cosmetics. I have recently used Artist several times.
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Demo nemesis and pyramid head. Thats the list
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I have two mains: The Shape and The Nightmare. I have two secondary killers that I play as rarely: The Trapper and The Ghostface.
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Knight, Dredge,Demo, Nemesis, Wesker, Alien. Those 6 are most used.
A few other here and there are Trapper, Sadako, Oni, Slinger, Clown, Plague. Those 6 are used sometimes to change.
So 12, other killers see no play or almost no play.
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Mainly the 4 I go to are legion, bubba, pig and xeno
Was a full legion main when I got into dbd until launch coh forced me to pick up another killer in which I picked up pig and bubba
Than my dream chapter happened and I'm a xeno main that occasionally plays basement bubba when I want to goof around and get blood points
Post edited by Majin151 on1 -
My top killer is Pig, followed by Legion.
I also love Huntress and Spirit.
Occasionally Artist.
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I play whatever killer i thought could have a funny meme build with
hese at totallynotamegmain inc we do not discriminate on what killers we play
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basically only sadako.
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I play basically all of them except Spirit (simply don't enjoy using her power at all, don't find it fun to use. So I don't play her) and Hag (sometimes the mood strikes but most of the time same issue as Spirit)
Huntress will forever be the closest thing to a main I have. Other than that my most played in no particular order probably looks something like Bubba, Wraith, Blight, Wesker, Legion, Trapper, and Demogorgon.
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I'd say I mostly play Legion because their power is the most fun to me (probably 70-80% of my Killer games).
The rest of the time, I split my games between Myers, Bubba, Sadako, Pig, Plague, Xeno and The Twins depending on my mood.
As a controller player, if I feel like suffering I sometimes play Trickster because I love his sound design, character and vibe or Huntress if I get a daily. I also play Trapper if I just want to chill and lay traps and not think about chasing too much.
The rest of the cast I could either take or leave, don't own, don't want to invest the time required to get good with them, or I typically hate facing them in my survivor games (Clown, Wesker, Ghost Face, Doctor, Pinhead & Wraith, I'm looking at you).
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6 Killers mostly, which are Freddy, Pig, Oni, Slinger, Singularity, Xeno
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So it's a mix. Good. I thought I was a rare breed playing most of them and swapping around. I felt like most killer players had mains they mostly/only played
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In descending order of desired playtime, Ghosty, Clown, Myers, Legion, Huntress, Pig, Dredge (and more recently a lot of Singularity).
High playtime characters include Wesker and Blight, and Blight was specifically to learn (the lack of) counterplay. I played Blight so much I might even have more hours on him than Ghosty.
Some 'on a whim' fun characters include Deathslinger, Trapper, Wraith, Onion Ring, Bubba, Nemmy, Demo. Trapper will probably be promoted to the first list after I get 1.5x basekit Coffee Grounds.
The 'I don't want to play or impose the Survivors to play against' list includes Nurse, Hag, Oni, Plague, Twins, Pyramid Head, Pinhead, Spirit (hearing damage), Trickster, Artist. I either hate going against them to the extreme I don't even want to play them, or I don't like their mechanics cough Twins cough.
The rest are just kinda ehh with 2 special mentions, Knight and SM. Knight is decently fun to play, but miserable to play against, so I might sometimes throw a Knight or 2 game in if I don't care about my 'victims'. Skull Merchant I had fun with a full haste build, but too many people assume you are a Hostage Merchant so they insta DC, and I don't care to go against bots.
Even if a Killer is in a lesser category, sometimes I just feel like playing them and do so. Overall I think it is super important to play every Killer, even as a Surv main, at the very least enough to understand how to utilize the mechanics.
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I normally main Spirit but I’m taking time into playing other killers after getting her to p100, as of now I’ve been putting a ton of time into Plague and Singularity.