No news with post-PTB changes again?

I do not know, bhvr, why you refused from it, but I don't think there is at least one good reason for this.
You haven't changed much since the last PTB, and I thought that was the reason why you didn't release news. And that's why I am a little scared that it will be the same in this case, because a lot of things need to be changed in this ptb.
Doesn't it release with the event on the 18th? There is still some time till then. No need to get impatient.
Also not a lot needs to be changed, Sadako went from rivaling Trapper as the worst during the PTB to a decent spot with just a few small adjustments, just let them figure out which ones they are.
The only disappointment so far which i think won't make it in time are the bad perk changes.
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It comes out in 5 day, on 10th. And the news was always a week before that.
And they also announced that they make another changes with perks, but that's what bothers me the least on this ptb.
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We've had Dev Blogs get posted on Friday before. We've even had Dev Blogs posted the day before the patch goes live as well.
Last time we didn't get a dev blog was because there was really no changes going live. So if we don't get one by the time midchapter releases, don't expect much to have been changed.
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thank god, 5 days until im able to play female survivors again
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Yes, it was, but more like an exception to the rule, I think. In any case, I will be glad to see it even the day before the patch, even though it makes not so much sense.
I'm surprised so many people still don't know that patch always comes out in 3 weeks after PTB.
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I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the reason we're getting PTB dev updates a little later than usual is because BHVR want to cut down on the amount of time people have to hysterically scream about changes before they've even had a chance to test them.
I'm not saying they are doing that, but I'd support them doing it, even if it does suck to not get to read the changes in advance of them happening.
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I say give it to Friday. Thought its not a great sign for SM if there no dev blog since that means they didnt change next to nothing for her and if that is true she most likely be the weakest killer in the game. Congrats Trapper Mains you are no longer the weakest and worst killer.
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News is they won't change anything.
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What happened to female survivors? It's all I play :(
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I can't imagine how it must feel being one of the peopler esponsible through filtering through PTB feedback on PTB day to actually see valid posts instead of endless screaming. Not a job I'd want
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If there's one certainty I have about this playerbase in general, it's that they're crazy impatient
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It wasnt always 3 weeks after ptb.
it also used to be 2 weeks once, besides that not everyone can play ptb and dont really know much about it.
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it’s about vaults, female survivors hsve the same vault distance as a normal medium vault (even when preforming a fast vault). it feels awful to play so i’ve been playing quentin for awhile now because male survivors aren’t bugged