Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Unpopular Opinions

Stuff that people refuse to hear/accept.

Survivor UI changes was pointless, most of the time it doesn't even do anything and the issue was never survivor or solo Q being a problem it was just players being bad and refusing to learn and instead relied on highly unfair perk combos to win.

There are only 3 problematic killers currently in the game Nurse and Blight for obvious reasons and Hag (shocking to most of you i'm sure) but her ability to trap an area and teleport immediately locks her from basically any buffs. The good thing about Trapper is that his traps had to be collected so he couldn't just immediately set up a web and sit in it, hag can do so and while NOW she is fine (mostly) she is pretty much stuck where she is and any meaningful buffs will push her over the edge (I didn't include Twins since they're not too strong or too weak they're just boring which is subjective as some people may find Twins fun)

Killer-only players have insanely fragile minds and Survivor-only players are huge babies. Killers constantly complain about survivors being too strong or that they don't get matched properly yet will camp(old) and tunnel and play as unfun as possible to ensure a 4k which will just get them better players instead of taking the 0k-1k and using that as a learning experience then they go vs good survivors or a swf and say they were treated unfairly. Survivors have basically everything handed to them in game and still complain when the game isn't easy but when the game is easy they get mad that it wasn't fun quite literally nothing appeases survivors, nothing will satisfy their ego. If you're playing killer ignore the salt and move on to the next game nothing you say will stick if you try to reason/explain yourself.

DBD is a casual game not an Esport. I know the hardcore DBD players (not you casuals you guys are awesome) HATE to hear this but it is, the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be actually happy playing a game you hate yet refuse to stop playing. There is no victory or defeat screen there is nothing to gain except bloodpoints. Other than MMR (which is hidden and barely even matters) there is absolutely nothing in this game to separate you (a sweat) from them (casuals) to show you are better. These are things that are included in competitive games and DBD lacks them. If you get 4 kills or 4 people out but I did my archive or whatever else I planned to do when I queued up you didn't win as far as me and the game are concerned you just finished the match that's all

UW is fine, MFT is not. I'm not gonna elaborate on this because of how many threads there are on these two perks.

There are more I have but I am honestly typing this while being tired so I won't bother and i'll just see what happens with this when I wake up.

P.S: IF this blows up for w/e reason try not to get rude/hateful these are OPINIONS


  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    There is nothing wrong with Hug. Even now, she is the leading killer who is not very strong.

    Hag may be a threat to unskilled survivors who don't know her properties, but her basic tactic of spreading wounds doesn't really work in this age of selfcare botany. Hag should not chase survivors, you will lose. This phrase is often said, but that's why survivors who know that they won't be chased heal in a safe area and recover. And since you have to chase somewhere, Hag is basically a killer that takes too long to hang one person and often loses without being able to stop the generation repaired.

    If you are referring to the speed booster hag, then the survivors are simply letting their guard down. For those who are used to it, the crown is scarier.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,081
    edited October 2023

    Not gonna go into huge depth here as I have contributed to many of these "unpopular opinion" threads, but basically (and this is OPINION):

    DBD is not meant to be a comp game, and isn't great at skill expression. Nor is there anything that's particularly "high skill" in the game at all. It's a party game. People will lose their minds over this, and people try like hell to make it a comp game (including BHVR themselves on occasion, but that is cash grab isht), but any game that needs weird, arcane external rulesets to make it "fair" in comp isn't really fit for an esport/comp scene. Comp DBD just seems absurd to me; it's an unbalanced mess at its very core and always will be.

    Solo queue isn't really that bad, a lot of people just too used to relying on comms/team coordination to deal with the game in its "natural" state. Or they're just bad. Losing is okay sometimes, sample sizes are a thing.

    While being in a SWF makes surv play easier by default, not every four person squad that hands you your ass is a comp SWF or bully squad. And not every four person SWF is even decent. Once in a while you will run into a death squad as killer, and that can be humbling, but it's only on occasion. Consider that maybe you're just not as good a killer as you think you are rather than that the game is loaded with bad ass SWFs "at your MMR".

    Related: "top tier" MMR where everyone is amazing isn't a thing. SBMM in DBD is far too ineffective/loose for that. This has been gone over in detail a lot, and and the myth of "TOP MMR" just copium for people who aren't as good as they think they are. Whatever you think your MMR is, adjust down a little for accuracy.

    Here's one that some folks will love: If you don't play something approximating an even split between both roles, you have half an opinion and should just recuse yourself from game balance debates. Seriously. I am sick of hearing whinging and wailing about how busted/easy killer or surv is from people who only stick their toes in the other end of the pool occasionally (for a daily/tome challenge, or just so they can say they played the other side), if ever.

    Each role as a curve, and you have to put serious time in each to really see them as they are. If you play like 100 hours in one role for every 5 hours in the other, I'm not really interested in what you have to say. Sorry not sorry.

    In the well "beaten dead horse" category: Not everything is tunneling. If the killer goes after anyone else for any amount of time after you've been unhooked, you're not being tunneled. Have some awareness about what is going on in the same that doesn't involve you directly. Sometimes a killer is good enough that it feels like they are on you constantly, even though everyone else is getting it as well. You are not entitled to being left alone for minutes after being unhooked just because.

    And sometimes, you go out before everyone else simply because you were the weakest link. Tough pill, I know.

    Post edited by Thusly_Boned on
  • Sandt1985
    Sandt1985 Member Posts: 420

    The people who want a FNAF chapter in DBD outnumber those who don't by leaps and bounds

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Self unhook bad!

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,632

    A lot of killer complaints on the forums are myopic, and fail to account for a lot of the game's functions and structure. CoH, 'first hook at two gens', 'pausing the hook timer when the killer camps will be exploited', etc.

  • daddyo
    daddyo Member Posts: 48

    Re: Survivor UI.

    These things aren't mutually exclusive. Most survivors are bad and rely on strong perks to make up for their shortcomings, but you also reach a point where you hit a ceiling as a solo queue player. No matter how good a player gets, they will never be able to communicate what they're doing to the 3 randoms on their team the way a SWF easily can. Same thing with the "show survivor perks" idea that's been floating around for a while: no amount of improving is going to tell a solo queue survivor that random Claudette #626 has Deliverance.

    We should be able to tell players in this game that most of their losses come down to skill issue while also acknowledging that bridging the gap between solo queue and SWF is in everybody's best interest.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,947

    The updated UI is far from useless. It's a little bit of extra information to help survivors make better informed decisions. That is definitely helpful, if you know how to use it.

    I wouldn't call a good chunk of DBD's players fragile minded or babies. Players will always play how they want to play and so far DBD is the only game where I've seen people complain about that. Just let players play how like to play. It's not their fault that certain unfun things work better than other more fun play styles. That's for us to find out and notify the devs and for them to evaluate and fix / change, if necessary.

    I also have more fun playing this game casually but there will always be players, who want to be the best. And as long as that keeps them playing, that is good for the game.

    How would you know that?

    I personally am impartial towards FNAF in DBD.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    Who said hag needed any buffs? And how can you expect killers to take a 1-0k instead of a 4k?

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Unpopular Opinion: I always find it amusing, when people complain how killer perks are not restrictive enough, don´t have enough pre-requisites to trigger. Meanwhile the top survivor perks pre-requisite to trigger is to be just injured.

    The game will never be fairly balanced, as long as SWF exists. I´m not saying that people shouldn´t be allowed to play with their friends, but the game was never designed around it. SWF players have a lot of "inbuild" information perks and no amount of HUD elements or status icons will ever make up for the high information level that voice chat provides. A thing that mose people don´t want to be in the game.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    Survivor UI: It mid seem pointless, but its rlly not. The UI gives constandly information what you need to do. I think why you could think its pointless is because not many survivors look at it. My frinds who I play Survivor with messing up constandly, cause they dont look at it and go unhook or something. So I think if used right the UI is rlly helpful and was a very good change.

    3 Problematic Killers: Nurse for sure she was allways strong and I dont think, that will ever changes. because she is free to play and she is the strongest. The Nurse is the answer for the devs, that dbd isnt pay to win. Blight baiskit is fine only the addons need changes. Hag is fine I would say strong, but not to strong.

    Killer/Survivor only Players: True I would say.

    DBD is casual: Hard to say I wish it would be, but you cant say this to every player. Some want to sweat and you need to include them, even if dbd is so freaking borring if you play as best as posable.

    UW and MFT: I think both are problematic even MFT is mutch more of a problem, than UW.

    And now go sleep again. :D

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,081
    edited October 2023

    If we're being totally honest, I'd bet the two camps are about even, but that most of the player base doesn't give a crap either way.

    I actually find the surv UI changes to be of great benefit. Solo will never be SWF, but having some idea what my teammates are up to is a huge improvement over the absolutely nothing we knew before.

    Hell, just being able to see other's gen progress alone was huge. And whether someone else is in chase. Or if someone is even recovering before I go for a pickup. If the info given by the UI update doesn't seem at all valuable to someone, I'm not sure what (if anything) they think about while playing.

    People get stuck in this binary "if it's not everything we need/want, it might as well be nothing" mindset, and it's absurd. The UI changes were enormous for people who play exclusively in solo queue and at non-potato MMR.