Not rewarding when hooking

Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108
edited December 2018 in General Discussions


When you hook someone you don't get rewarded for it at all because someone else can help and pick them off the hook and they run away like they didnt even get hooked, Its stupid...

People who abuse jumping over windows and planks is annoying so i get them back by camping the hook, Them kind of players are not fun to play against at all, I was in a game were i was chasing someone for most of the game because they were abusing jumping into windows and over planks, ITS SO ANNOYING and then they get mad for me camping the hook.. (Meaning looping the same window or plank)

Devs.. When a killer hooks someone why not put a debuff on that Survivors like 10% or 15% or choose what to debuff like running or gen repairing ect... It will make it fair.. It makes it rewarding.

Why not reward players for not abusing windows and planks?, Give them more blood points for not doing so.

Some of the maps are not balanced at all, Its a Survivors play room, People are not even scared of the killer.. Makes me laugh.


  • Stubbsyefc1
    Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108
    edited December 2018

    @Gay Myers (Luzi) said:
    You gotta work for the kill.

    The hooking is not rewarding, Why not put a debuff on the person who got hooked then its rewarding...

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    Yikes.  I want to assume this is bait, but I also believe people 100% have this mentality.  

    They weren’t abusing anything, they were better than you.  

    Give Survivors blood points for running into nothing?  This is either a brand new player, or top quality bait.  I’m honestly not sure.  

  • Stubbsyefc1
    Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108

    How is this a bait?, The rank 1 Survivor and killer who is a twitch streamers quit because the Survivors was too good and they have to much survivability...

  • adalesmo
    adalesmo Member Posts: 164

    The hooking system mechanic seem to be based upon a three lives sort of system. Your job as killer isn't necessarily to prevent unhooks, but moreso to intercept them. I'm not sure how debuffing someone who's already closer to death is exactly reasonable.

    The point of pallets and windows is to extend a chase, those are the only concrete defense that a survivor has.

    If you're getting looped for five generators, I'd recommend looking up some youtube videos for tips, or changing your loadout to something that fits your play style better.

    Maps are really all RNG/luck. You may wind up with one that has a lot of pallets, which is very favorable for survivors, or one with a lot of L-walls and T-walls, which is very favorable for killers.

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301


    Your post is everything but a bait.
    You perfectly point out the "Priority Effect". This is the effect where the power of a group is determined by individual members of that group and where killing 1 member will disable a part of their overall power.

    Similar to League of Legends, you kill the ADC before attacking someone else. This is simply called "Focussing down", because there's really no point at leaving them at 1% health, since that team will still have all the ADC's damage and abilities available to them.

    Thus you should focus them down since that's how you disable power. You don't gain much from bringing them down to 1%, while you gain everything from bringing them from 1% to 0%.

    As for your post, a new status effect should be added that temporarily debuffs a survivor who has recently been unhooked. Call this status effect "Pierced" and attach to it what you believe is right.

    It would be a better incentive to leave hooks and search for fresh survivors who still have all of their efficiency available, unlike he/she who gets unhooked.

    You brought to light an important issue.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Please read a dictionary. Please. In fact you’ll need more than that

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    the reward for hooking is the pressure and risk it provides against the survivors
    sadly the devs seem intent on continuing to reverse this by making the hook safer every patch

  • Dokta_Carter
    Dokta_Carter Member Posts: 614
    edited January 2019


    When you hook someone you don't get rewarded for it at all because someone else can help and pick them off the hook and they run away like they didnt even get hooked, Its stupid...

    People who abuse jumping over windows and planks is annoying so i get them back by camping the hook, Them kind of players are not fun to play against at all, I was in a game were i was chasing someone for most of the game because they were abusing jumping into windows and over planks, ITS SO ANNOYING and then they get mad for me camping the hook.. (Meaning looping the same window or plank)

    Devs.. When a killer hooks someone why not put a debuff on that Survivors like 10% or 15% or choose what to debuff like running or gen repairing ect... It will make it fair.. It makes it rewarding.

    Why not reward players for not abusing windows and planks?, Give them more blood points for not doing so.

    Some of the maps are not balanced at all, Its a Survivors play room, People are not even scared of the killer.. Makes me laugh.

    Buddy, i can understand its annoying when people do so, but its litterally one of the only ways they can survive against you.
    The pallets and windows are to put more distance between you and them. 
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Hook is probably the least satisfying aspect of killing survivors. It feels like 3x the chore, has a long wait for results, and kind of boring to watch as a primary kill method. It works for what it is, but doesn't exactly portray a position of power. 
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i actually share that opinion.
    however, what @Gay Myers (Luzi) said isnt wrong neigther.
    however, and i have already talked about this exact same topic in an anti tunneling threat, i think a overall action speed debuff for each hook you got should be applied. it doesnt have to be a lot, ust enough to slow the game down enough, to encourage the killer to go for a different target instead of the already hooked Survivor, as he could apply the same debuff on another survivor aswell.
    and im gonna be honest here, what OP said is true. it doesnt really feel rewarding to hook a survivor.
    nothing changes.
    the survivor does not feel any consequences for him screwing up, unless he gets camped. there is literally no difference between a survivor who has not been caught and a survivor who has been hooked once by now.
    and i dont think it should be that way.
    however, im kinda tired now (as you could probaply recognize due to my bad english xD), so i wont be talking about this anymore in this post.
    have good day / night!

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    TL, DR