Is anti-camping disabled during the event?

I've had SO many games just today with killers blatantly camping and the anti-camping mechanic not working whatsoever. Did it get disabled or was it all talk and no show?
Best Answers
Nah, it is working. It is just useless.
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So BHVR just made something to be able to point at and shush everyone about the matter regardless of its effectivity, got it.
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I was able to pull myself off with a camping Wesker. Not that it did jack #########, but it seems to be working as intended.
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I wasn't being camped, but I did have a killer patrol past me while on hook and I noticed after he'd left that the timer didn't move at all. So it's possibly a bit glitchy.
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Anti-camping has always been met with 'fine, so long as it doesn't interfere with camping'.
But yeah, there'll probably be half-a-dozen replies soon, telling you off for talking about anti-camp when it's anti-FACEcamp. In other words, the system isn't made to resolve any issues people were complaining about.
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There is no anti-camping mechanic. In this other thread we have the direct response about it.
Yeah it definetly does not seem to be working.
Had it not work on various different occasions. A Huntress was even able to basement camp and then told me it was a skill issue on our part.
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A killer facecamped my friend and he was able to yeet himself off the hook. Seems to be working just fine, killer just has to be near with no survivors crouching around pointlessly screwing it up.
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Okay, that's odd.. I've had killers proxy within 8m of the hook, with no other teammates nearby and the bar not moving at all :/
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Make no mistake, there's nothing 'quiet' here.
Now we're just gonna hear about 'the free AFC feature, OMG BHVR gives survivors everything!' forever, even though we're likely going to be talking about fighting camping again in another year or so.
This base kit crap is always going to be useless. They should've just given us PTB reassurance perk with the change that the hooked survivor can 'press or hold e to cancel Reassurance'. Solves every valid complaint and gives survivors an opt in solution that might actually be effective.
The only downside is having yet another anti camping perk that becomes basically mandatory. But having a truly effective option is better than 10 totally useless measures instead. And let's be honest, the only way you could make this feature weaker would be to literally show the killer the activation radius so they can stand just outside it.
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Anti-FACE Camping mechanic seems to work perfectly fine.
We don´t have a anti camping mechanic (yet) as the devs say, camping isn´t against the rules. So what seems to be the issue?
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AFC seems to be working AND camping and tunnelling have never been more fun or engaging. /s
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This is correct, it's only designed to stop actual face camping, and even then it takes a while to fill the bar. If the killer is proxy camping, even if they're constantly running past you, it's not gonna do much.
Yes, proxy-camping is also pretty unpopular but I doubt BHVR is gonna ever add anything to actually combat it since it's at least counterable.
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That's what I'm talking about? Maybe calm down a sec and read the post.
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I see, thanks! I was also hoping to get some info on how far (in meters) that would mean e.g. within 0,5 to 3 meters, or within 6/8. Something like that, but maybe that's too specific lol.