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Huge spike of "subtle" cheaters recently



  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    Unfortunately the number of cheaters will become more and more over time

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Another problem is, that players are getting paranoic. Accusing normal players of hacking.

    Had someone report me, because i could find them without tracking perks...

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    THIS. I get reported actually quite often for simple game knowledge.

    Or even worse, just yesterday a streamer reported me for exploits because I “charged Oni’s strike too fast”. They were devotion 17 so they should know by now…..

  • Senaxu
    Senaxu Member Posts: 200

    I agree with that. There are times when this is definitely the case.

    However, there are certainly cases where players who use hacks/cheats insist that everything was normal. All the recently added things like MFT, Rapid Brutality, Speed ​​serum,... don't contribute positively either, they blur the line even more.

    It would be appropriate to significantly revise the EAC and NOT announce this.

    Would be interesting to see the guilty players (could be a higher number) were then removed from the game and many moan threads would arise on Reddit where exactly these scum would then complain that the system doesn't work and that they were falsely banned fit the stereotype perfectly.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    That's me being paranoic i won't deny it and that's ruining my fun and gameplay too.

    But then since no one cares, my reports never got an answer i decided to ignore the problem, if i think someone is cheating i tunnel him the entire game, don't care aanymore if i win or lose, that's all. I'm not wasting time doing video or reports to bhvr anymore they are useless

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    This is also something that is probably clogging the report queue, which leads to slower reaction on real issues.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Of course, everyone is going to claim they are innocent and perks like MfT don´t really make spotting a speedhacker easier. As during the match it could be just that perk and you don´t see the perk until the match is over. By then its usually to late to start recording. Which makes the whole process useless.

    I still think the best approach would be for BHVR to implement something that scans the dedicated servers and automatically sends reports to the support team, whenever something doesn´t look right on the server side. I mean, they could measure everything during a match.

    The whole report system is kinda outdated tbh.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,323

    We have people literally streaming with cheats in a daily basis, and believe or not, making giveaways of the paid cheat in their friking Youtube channel. Someone supposedly permanently banned from the game, by the way.

    This isn't a "users not reporting correctly or enough" problem anymore. It isn't a few people using an obscure invitation-only hack that is hard to track. This has become a serious problem that BHVR should deal with as soon as possible by forgetting about the CU index and start having an iron fist against any cheater or exploiter (no one was banned when the locker bug exploiting happened afaik, and I know this because I crossed paths with two people that I reported with video evidence in the game since then).

    BHVR should change their ban politic (HWID ban only on the third offense from the same system? Really?), upgrade their anti-cheat system so it detects the disgustingly public hacks used, make sure that every single person that has or is using it are permanently ban from the game (and that they stay banned), and make it public so everybody knows that they take cheating seriously and if you do it you won't be able to play the game anymore.

    That's the only way this problem is going to be really solved.

  • Blinckx
    Blinckx Member Posts: 426

    That's so strange you know ? I mean this policy of "ignore" the problem, don't perma ban, refuse to impement a better anti cheat software and so on. OR the number of cheater is so high they may risk to lose a huge part of the playerbase or it's too much effort required that they prefer to avoid the topic

  • motiRobot
    motiRobot Member Posts: 20

    It is the time when a hamadryad and the one that I strolled in are significant if I play it with the cheater