With ST back, are the perks no longer default?
And if so, would that mean all my killers would get those perks if I already had Demo prestiged?
From what i understood:
If you don't have ST characters but unlocked their perks on some characters while free, you will keep perks on these characters but you won't get them on your new characters.
If you have ST characters, you can prestige them and their perks will unlock on all characters. If you already prestiged them, their perks should be unlocked on everyone.
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That's what I would have hoped, but unfortunately, I don't have them on some characters.
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Currently, the perks are still general perks. Though they want to change it back to character specific perks soon. And yeah, once they reverted it, if you have prestiged the character already, the perks should be available on everyone else.
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i cant wait to get all these adepts and demo achievement oh and the main gen ofc -achievement hunter
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I recently 100%'d the game... and it's now I realise that all future content is going to keep snatching that victory off me xD
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that is a good thing bc if it didn't that would mean the game died and that would k1ll me
p.s. not actually gonna die but it would make me sad
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Indeed, to be fair, I'm not a trophy hunter, but DBD for the most part (side eyes to Skilled Huntress and Evil Incarnate)... are actually quite fun to go for.
I always approve of trophies/achievements that I can get by playing relatively normally. Yeah the adepts and things like Power Moves can be tough without meta perks, but at the core, you're still playing DBD normally, just handicapped.
I hate when trophies that rely on completely lucky circumstances beyond your control, and force you to play in a completely illogical way, e.g. get an overkill (4 kills each within 3 seconds) in a 6 man FFA (Halo 3), or deliberately throw a level 1 team into a end game area to die (Darkest Dungeon). Also I'd rather not have to grind for half a year to unlock either (Gears of War).
DBD for the most part has trophies that you can get with normal play, or slight tweaks to your play style. There are some obnoxious ones, but they are the exception rather than the rule.
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im at like 198 achvs
when i have been paying for a total of 28 days