The Journey to P100.

Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

Yesterday I finally joined the ranks of P100s. It took me more than a year and gave me more than a few rage induced headaches but I'm finally done with this particular grind.

But I'm not here to brag about it. Reaching P100 is something we can all do simply by spending our hard earned BP on one character. I'm here to talk about our journeys to reach this goal.

For me it all began about 2 years ago, when I was introduced to "Crack Billy montages" on YouTube by a friend. This got me very intrigued by a character I had never before put any effort into learning. I knew little about his abilities and the complexity that this killer has to offer, I only knew that I wanted to learn these things.

It took me several months to get a feeling for his power and build up the tolerance to play him for more than 5 games in a row without wanting to shove my hands through the monitor, grab that damn Meg and hold her still so I could finally introduce her to the chainsaw that has already given her a few hair cuts that match.

I continued to play him until BHVR dropped the famous patch 6.1.0 and the prestige rework that came with it. I knew that this would be the first character I'd level to P100 and I knew it would take forever. I just didn't know what lessons this would teach me.

Obviously, from playing one character for hundreds of hours, you'll learn quite a bit about their mechanics, strengths and weaknesses. In my case this meant building muscle memory, feathering the chainsaw, learning common mind games, memorising map layouts and paths to take for mobility, dealing with survivors moving so meticulously, they might as well be part of a stage play of Swan Lake, memorising hitboxes and most importantly learning about the ways of single button counters and how to avoid them.

About 900 hours later on this killer, I dare call myself decent and have learned to do many of these things without thinking about them. Besides that nothing much has actually changed for me personally. I still fail the most basic of back revs and hit the most impossible curves and I still speak in tongues, cursing that Nea, that spun me for the 11th time in a row. The biggest difference to before is probably the Milkman appearing on my shoulder and singing: whenever I land a curve.

Jokes aside, thank you BHVR for the prestige rework. This is a way of showing dedication to a character, that many of us are happy to indulge in. Now, I am interested in hearing more about your journeys to P100.

What character did you decide to prestige first and why? What have you learned from the countless hours you put into them, what memories would you like to share and what has changed since you ascended?


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,161

    Welcome to the P100 club 😊

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,978

    OMG there's a club?! Why wasn't I told :'(

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 374

    Hell yeah bro!!!!! Congrats I just joined two days ago. Nurse no perks or addons the entire way took me the exact same amount of time. Felt good now I'm doing iron maiden only huntress p100 run

  • ember__lol
    ember__lol Member Posts: 68

    i want to p100 one of my killers but what do you get after u hit p100? do u get a cosmetic or something and can i still get more addons? bc if i dont then im not gonna p100 him until i run out of all my addons

  • TSQuint
    TSQuint Member Posts: 88
    edited November 2023

    You get to make a post about it or if you're on Steam you make it your personality on your profile.

  • ember__lol
    ember__lol Member Posts: 68

    so other than that is there really any real reason to p100 or should i j get all my killers to like p50

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    P100 pig.


    Because she's the best killer in the game.

    She wasnt my first killer but my second or third at most.

    I think the journey for us pig mains is mostly the same. A journey of joy and sadness. Of boops and nerfs. Of headpops, God-ambushes and moon dashes.

    I could talk about what improvements I have done over the years of playing her but that's not what this is about.

    My road to p100 was actually not that different from before. I haven't learned that much new stuff that I didn't know before the prestige rework. The biggest change I would say are map reworks and what little tricks are possible on these maps.

    Due to the overtuned amount of addons I grinded, I can now use almost all of them every match. This made me create my favourite pig build so I guess that's my biggest achievement on the road to p100.

    I haven't finished learning though. There's always new stuff on the horizon.

    P100 is only the beginning.

    Pig mains rise!!!! 🐽

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,418

    Sweeet! Welcome to P100 club, lounge, realm whatever you wanna call it… 

    You made it! Awesome dedication!

    Nothing wrong w a li’l humble boasting in good efforts. I remember back when I had gotten my Nea to 50 after deciding to main Survivor (SoloQ, at that!) for a full year, on the way to P100ing her w/o Killer BP’s.

    Yeah, that sucked😄 A lot of deflating sub-10K matches that made me rethink the strat.

    Regardless, P100 always feels like a Super W, so congrats n thanks for sharing! Good motivation for me to get back to fully Prestiging my Sadako🥳

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    You get the p100 icon and a lot of happiness that you got this far. (Maybe you will also cry a bit because you realize that you put that much time into dbd)

    P100 means that you stay at level 50 bloodweb permanently. That means, you get lvl 50 bloodweb, finish it and get level 50 bloodweb again. This gives you the opportunity to grind higher level addons or offerings more quickly.

    Other than that.... No reward as of now.

    Yesterday I got flamed for having invested this much BP into a "low tier character".

    I responded: "they are not low tier in my heart" 🐽

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 374

    My brother in Christ how in the world did you p100 in 1 two months, did you no life that #########?

  • ember__lol
    ember__lol Member Posts: 68

    thank you for explaining it to me:) im newish to the game i only have 300 hours on it and have most killers p1. im working on getting pig and pinhead to p1 now:)

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Yes I did lmao. 2-3 prestiges a day.

    My job allows me a TON of time off.

    I p100’d Nea even faster during the anniversary event. Went from like p15 to p100 during the time of the event with a couple days to spare. This was of course due to 5 terrormisu’s every match. I was hitting probably 4-6 prestiges a day.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    As a P100 Spirit, I welcome you to the club! :D

  • TSQuint
    TSQuint Member Posts: 88

    You do what you think is the most fun. I personally think it's odd to brag about p100 since it's just an indication that you use the same character.