So, I have noticed playing DBD lately and DBD puts killers with slow movement and not designed for "non-outside" maps, they always put them in the worst map possible. Is Behavior doing this on purpose or what??? Cause not 1 person has brought a map offering but I have been playing Nemi and every game today has been on all big outside maps. The bad part is, is that after like 4 games, the maps are recycled, and I play them over again in the same order. Is this another, "Survivors are trash" and we need to make sure they have the advantage thing or what? This is getting ridiculous very fast and the only reason why I'm on Nemi is to prestige him, cause he is the only killer not prestige. Before you go and say, "oh you need to better or w.e" I have held IR1 every season for 4 years as killer with playing all the killers. Did BHVR change anything lately I should know about? Also, when I play a fast type killer designed for bigger maps I get small indoor ones where they don't exceed good either. WHATS HAPPENING.
It's completely random. Unless there is a map offering. Outdoor maps tend to be more survivor sided, so they are more likely going to send you to an outdoor map. Also, there are only 5 indoor realms. The other 15 are all outoors. So you naturally have a 75% chance to get to an outdoors map even with no map offerings. They haven't changed this and they likely never will. Every one of the 20 realms has 5% chance to get picked as long as no map offerings are used, no matter how many maps it may contain.
It's likely you either have a streak of bad luck or your bias influences what you do and don't actively remember. This is completely normal behavior, nothing to be ashamed of. But if you were to record the maps you get over a course of a great number of matches (excluding the ones with map offerings) you'd get pretty close to 5% on all the different realms.
Iri 1 means very little. It hasn't meant much with the old emblem system either but now even a complete beginner that has no idea what they do can reach iri 1 (which isn't a bad thing for the 1 million BP). Because it doesn't have any effect on the matchmaking. So this doesn't speak for your experience or skill in the slightest. I have trouble reaching iri 1 with my main killer (Hillbilly) but I can easily do it on other killers that I'm way worse with because they just pip more easily.
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I will never forgive BHVR
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If you have a win streak you will get survivor sided maps