No agency. No balanced matchmaking.

Why would anyone play killer?
Unless there's a Rift Challenge that says hook only 1 survivor before gens are done and get teabagged by 4 survivors in the exit.
Or a Daily Ritual that says Leave 1 Match.
There is no point in playing the killer role.
If survivors want to run 3% faster, they only need to use 1 perk slot and be injured.
If the killer wants to move 2.5% faster, they have to play Hag, spend 10's of thousands of bloodpoints to get Waterlogged Shoe, use 1 addon slot, and give up half their killer power.
I have 3 chase perks equipped (Enduring, Brutal, and Bamboozle) and STILL have to spend MINUTES getting a down. Meanwhile, it's all undone in SECONDS by a survivor with For the People and Buckle Up. TWO survivor perks are 20x stronger than THREE killer perks, in regards to time. No agency for killer, at all.
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Uhm. I often play killer for challenges and daily’s and while I am pretty bad, i still get decent and fun matches. Even against MfT players (and the perk will even get a change soon..)
and looking at statistics and content creators etc, it also seems like many people don’t have that much trouble playing the killer role…
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Unless you have some galaxy brain build based around it don't run waterlogged shoe on hag. She's not a chase killer.
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NOED gives you 4%, Bloodlust and a bunch of other add-ons exist. Also, MFT is getting nerfed in the same chapter killers will get a new haste perk in.
Finally, killer is in a really good spot right now and if you only get 1 hook before gens get done it's probably because you're trying to play Hag as chase killer.
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You could try Skull Merchant.
Or if you don't mind some aiming and tactical thinking, Clown gets 10% haste while applying 15% hinder without any perks or addons.
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I dunno I feel the fun I'm having playing both killer and survivor is a reason to keep playing both actually.
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Play for fun and hooks not the win you'll enjoy it more.
Just about every single game I'm seeing deja vu and brand new part so gens are flying.
So if I win great and if I don't who cares?
Play fun killers and don't go near the exit gate at end game.
It's hilarious when they do fast vaults or jump in and out lockers in a desperate pathetic attempt to get you to chase them so they can t-bag and run out.
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I play killer, because I can play as Amanda Young from saw 🐽
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Okay? And? So?
I could play ANY 115% movespeed as an M1 killer. The Hag's addon makes her FASTER than an M1 killer, by 2.5%, which is STILL 0.5% slower than the survivor who doesn't have to pay lots and lots of Bloopoints EVERY time they want to use Made For This.
All I play is M1 killers. My SBMMR should be balanced around that playstyle. It's not!
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I am playing for fun and hooks, but "hooks" implies more than ONE, and only getting 2 chases before gens are done is NOT fun!
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Life of a killer main is miserable, perks/killers get nerfed sometimes a few weeks after being released, playing against SWF is not fun, the meta is so inflexible that half the killer roster is almost unplayable, you have to resort to picking a strong killer like blight/nurse.
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SBMM is different for every killer you play, so yes your MMR for every M1 killer is balanced around each M1 killer, especially if they're the only killers you play.
Then again, if you can't play Hag properly or aren't lying about not getting over 1 hook before all gens are done I'm sorry to sound rude but it's most definitely a skill issue. In any case, if all your problems are acutally MFT's fault you just have to be patient a teensy bit longer or you can take a break from playing killer until the nerf comes live.
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No offense, but it sounds like the game is getting to you. When that happens, you might want to consider taking a little break. Just for a few days. See how you feel then and come back when you can enjoy the game again. But getting worked up over a game doesn't help. In fact, we tend to play worse when that happens, which only amplifies the issue.
This happens to most of us and there is no shame in it. See you in the fog.
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Idk, I like to play both sides, if I get sick of one I can go to the other. There are frustrations about each side, but such is life with an asymmetrical multiplayer.
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That's a very one sided perspective.
Haven't played soloq recently?
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I switch to play more killer now. Compared to solo survivor, playing even the most basic M1 killer is Kindergarden.
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Because I enjoy playing killer. The role is fun; the trials can be challenging, but that's what's so enjoyable because it makes me a better player.
I especially love playing with randomized perks, add-ons and offerings, and I still do pretty well! It makes me believe - for the most part - the majority of the problem is in the mind of the player. Sure, some balancing issues can be problematic and a swf which knows what it's doing can be tough, but killer is nowhere near as bad as some make it out to be.
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Are you genuinely asking? Or are you just trying to bait people on "Us vs. Them" argument? Because to me, this sounds a lot like baiting
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Because it's fun?
Stop playing if you hate the game so much. It's not healthy
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I have 800 hours as survivor and less than 100 as killer, I used to think survivors had it hard until I decided to start playing mostly killer. For a survivor main like me with 800 hours played as survivor and less than 100 hours as killer, I quickly felt how much worse playing killer is. And yes I played mostly solo, you could probably dig up my posts from years ago and find most of my posts were very survivor sided. There goes your ''one sided perspective'' argument down the drain, buddy!
Post edited by Ink_Eyes on1 -
first, you can wait until the chucky release (mft nerf). and second, you gotta realize you are most likely going to lose against a FULL team of good and efficient survivors unless you are also gaming (top tier killer with full slowdown). ftp buckle is literally broken so there is nothing to say there, at least it is rare. just tunnel the user. and yes a little break from the game might help you seem burnt out.
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I play Killer and Solo Q.
If you don´t really care if your winning, it is completely ok.