Cross-progresion Nintendo switch

Sady Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

Cross-progression with Nintendo switch is urgently requested since they announced it two years ago and only added Playstation and Xbox consoles and there are people who have spent a lot of money on DLC that they will have to buy again because there is no Cross-progression on switch and all the prestige progress that they will have to start from scratch and the exclusive items they obtained at the time will not be able to be recovered without Cross-progression


  • LadyFiora
    LadyFiora Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    i spend a lot of money too. And there is no answers for the cross-progress for us. I played a lot of hours and spend a lot of $ on switch, but now i am playing on Steam, because of lag and others issues. But it still don't have answers for that...