How to block people so you don't get matched with them anymore?

 Basically title I had a game of survivor where aPRIDEduck ran object of obsession and bond to farm everyone for the killer HaHa. Reported them both and moved into the next game once again the killer was HaHa who went hillbilly and bbq my ass into the ground within 5 secs. I don't want to be forced to play with people like this. If the im game report system isn't working like it should I get that, but i shouldn't be forced to play games that are literally rigged for me to fail. I'd rather go play civ5 then waste time and money to be farmed. 


  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    edited June 2018
    Dr_merci said:
     Basically title I had a game of survivor where aPRIDEduck ran object of obsession and bond to farm everyone for the killer HaHa. Reported them both and moved into the next game once again the killer was HaHa who went hillbilly and bbq my ass into the ground within 5 secs. I don't want to be forced to play with people like this. If the im game report system isn't working like it should I get that, but i shouldn't be forced to play games that are literally rigged for me to fail. I'd rather go play civ5 then waste time and money to be farmed. 
    yes. haha has been seen working with the killer on multiple occasions, and reported with video in the past. the devs literally dont care anymore.

    i had a game with them earlier where i died and still outscored both of them and they started raging at me about pallet looping
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Dr_merci said:
    Dude it's so bad they don't even care they actually laughed at me for reporting them. I hope a dev sees this because when known exploiters are actively laughing knowing that nothing will be done it's a complete and total failure. 
    i wouldnt hold your breath. your best bet is to simply outplay them because they are really really bad. the killer gets hit by nearly every pallet, and the dwight barely makes 10k even with 7k hatch escapes. bring wglf and farm them.
  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Amanda55 said:

    @Dr_merci said:
     Basically title I had a game of survivor where aPRIDEduck ran object of obsession and bond to farm everyone for the killer HaHa. Reported them both and moved into the next game once again the killer was HaHa who went hillbilly and bbq my ass into the ground within 5 secs. I don't want to be forced to play with people like this. If the im game report system isn't working like it should I get that, but i shouldn't be forced to play games that are literally rigged for me to fail. I'd rather go play civ5 then waste time and money to be farmed. 

    Please don't Name and shame it is reportable btw

    linking their profile would be reportable. simply discussing someone using an exploit isnt.

    like, i could say that my friend jimmy pallet looped a killer last game. thats not naming and shaming, its simply discussing a thing that happened. Im not saying that Jimmy was in the wrong for pallet looping.

    on the same note, the player HaHa, works with the killer to farm. Its a thing that happened. Im not saying that HaHa was in the wrong for it. thats not up for me to decide :) 

  • Dr_merci
    Dr_merci Member Posts: 3
    So you're telling me abusing in game mechanics and ruining everyone's game is not a bannable offence.... but calling them out on it and expecting them to be punished is.... yah no that's not okay bye dbd enjoy being a meme. 
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    relax guys. we dont need the devs. we can police it ourselves. simply laugh at haha when you see him in the lobby and leave. or bring wglf and farm them to see them rage in chat afterwards. i would post a screenshot of their salt for your entertainment, but that would be naming and shaming :)