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Anyone else scared about the huntress change?

After what BHV did to trickster is anyone else getting scared about the upcoming huntress changes?

Imagine giving her base movement speed but only giving her one hatchet until she has to reload or some ridicolous waiting time until she can throw again.

Would basically just be another m1 killer with a tweak


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Really unnecessary change in my opinion. They should devote more time focusing on killers actually needing tweaks instead of wasting it on a somewhat perfectly fine killer.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,470

    "Not really, who's Huntress?"

    I'm guessing it's gonna be a small twicks. I can't find any reason to see something more.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    If you main Huntress, I would be quite worried.

    In regards to upcoming reworks I now ask, “what about this Killer would Survivors consider problematic?”

    My guess is her being able to camp with hatchets outside of the unhook radius, especially with her already being a dangerous camper. I expect her to be ruined to make these adjustments.

    Perhaps they give her normal speed but obliterate her hatchets. Could lower their range, number carried, locker availability (maybe lockers have to recharge their hatchets), or even their damage. Maybe reduce their damage so it requires 2 hatchets to remove a health state.

  • UnusedAccount
    UnusedAccount Member Posts: 130

    They might do something about Catapult huntress sadly.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Probably making her and hag 115% or something crazy like that

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,501

    Except for billy because the problem is survivors love facing him but hes never played lol. So his will probably be mainlg a buff. Not complainin i enjoy him a lot. He's who i started the game with late 2016.

  • Bloodwebs
    Bloodwebs Member Posts: 273

    Huntress is perfectly fine. No idea why they are changing her. Saddening

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    These killers will receive a small tweaks - not a big changes / reworks. They will change a few addons a little bit and maybe one change in power. I suppose that they will give her 115% while she has no hatchets. That's my prediction.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Welcome to Core DBD where they don't bother making a new game mode but love to change random stuff.

  • That_One_Friend
    That_One_Friend Member Posts: 277

    I just want part of manna-grass bracelet basekit. Not the whole addon, just a small percent. Kind of like what they did to chucky.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    I am worried both Hafts will be removed.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,894

    It baffles me that she of all killers was on their radar for any kind of changes when there are plenty of killers crying out for changes and they're not on the road map.

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,674

    Get ready for 115% movement speed, and smaller hatchet hitboxes.

    And then we’ll be told it’s a buff, because Huntress has a faster movement speed!

  • BooperDooper
    BooperDooper Member Posts: 267

    Hopefully just making her a little faster at the most. She's perfect otherwise the way she is! I would be very disappointed if they ended up messing with her too much.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,167

    I personally hope they just make the fast reload from Iron Maiden basekit and then remove perk interactions with affected Reload Speeds (same with Trickster).

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    A ridiculous mechanic added that won’t be removed because that would be admitting it was a failure. Def see something like this added to Huntress.

  • SimpleSage
    SimpleSage Member Posts: 96

    They did say that these changes are slight number tweaks to base kit, and potentially some add-on changes. But that was a blanket statement for all the killers listed under that section of the road map so it doesn't necessarily mean she's getting base kit changes, it could be as minor as updating her mangled add-ons since they're tweaking that status effect. So I don't think anyone really needs to get super worried about any major changes like her becoming 4.6 movement speed and losing all her hatches. I also don't think they're removing the ability to orbital because they've said in previous patches (with Huntress changes) that they WANT people to be able to go for super cool shots and snipes with her. And lets be real, Orbitals are not something any huntress can do casually and the ones who can have spent months training for the skill to do so.

    As for what changes could or should be made, I have several ideas and let's start with the more obvious changes:

    Soldier's Puttee: Her most useless add-on, and a decent contender for worst Iridescent in the game. Increases her base movement speed to 4.6 m/s when out of hatchets. Throw away your map wide pressure and anti-loop abilities to become a slightly taller female trapper, Fun. I've seen people suggest making this base-kit and creating a new add-on. Definitely needs a new effect and it doesn't hurt to make it base-kit but we aren't missing out if it isn't.

    Iridescent Head: Definitely in a better spot than when it stacked with belt add-ons that's for sure, but its kind of just frustrating to go against as survivor (mostly because when its used you just get run down and cracked by a hatchet point blank), and as Huntress she has so many other add-ons that are just more worth it. And I don't know about anyone else, but I honestly can't remember the last time I've seen someone using this add-on.

    As for what both of these Iridescent Add-ons could be changed to, I have some ideas I'd personally love to see.

    • An add-on similar to Slinger's Iridescent Coin. Hatchets only become insta-down when hitting a far away survivor. Slinger's add-only exposes survivors if they are grabbed from 20m away, but he still has to reel them in and m1 them to actually get the insta-down. Obviously Huntress doesn't have this requirement so I would say increase the distance to 32m (average killer terror radius for reference), this would increase the difficulty of the shot required to reflect the effect of the add-on. As the difficulty of the shot has been significantly increased from the current Iridescent Head, I would reverse the effect of being limited to 1 hatchet to allow the full base-kit 5 BUT keep the effect that it cannot be modified by the belt add-ons and also add the requirement of being a fully charged Hatchet.

    Iridescent Head: A heavy glass-like Hatchet head moulded from The Fog itself. The blade looks like it was designed to slice through air at a speed that would be exceptionally lethal if it were to strike someone. Survivors hit by a fully charged hatchet from 32m away are automatically put into the dying state. Any add-ons that modify the number of hatchets available are disabled when this add-on is equipped.

    • The next idea is a combination of Wraith's Bone Clapper and Wooden Fox. Personally I find it a criminal act that our favorite Russian Mother doesn't have any real stealth abilities, she's a hunter and her lore if full of examples of her using stealth to ambush her prey. So while she does have Wooden Fox that makes her undetectable for 30s, her lullaby still gives her away with more experienced survivors being able to use it to accurately gauge her distance from them. Rather than making her lullaby silent, this add-on would make it a universal sound, all survivors would hear her lullaby softly in the background as though she was far away regardless of actual distance from her. As for the other effect, it would grant a permanent undetectable status effect outside of chase.

    Soft-Soled Boots: Leather boots with a soft flexible sole that silences one's footsteps while walking through the undergrowth. She moves through the forest softly humming to herself, the melody floats through the trees and it sounds as though the forest sings with her. The Huntress's Lullaby becomes a universal sound that is unable to be used to distinguish distance or direction. At the start of a match The Huntress becomes undetectable while not in chase. Upon entering chase this effect ends and will reactivate upon the chases end.

    The rest of her add-ons aren't in any real need of major changes, there are definitely some that see a lot more use than others, but none of them are problematic or completely useless like the Iridescent ones.

    As for base-kit changes there really isn't anything that is obvious or desperately needed, but there a minor QOL change that could be made that wouldn't be detrimental or for the most part noticed by survivors but would definitely be a nice polish noticed by Huntress mains.

    • Shiny Pin is an add-on that you might not see often, although it does seem to be gaining some popularity recently, most who run it would probably agree it feels really nice. This add-on increases Huntress's movement speed by 5% while winding hatchets. As a lot of people know, her movement speed drops when she pulls up a hatchet. This can actually be quite punishing to huntress players who don't have perfect timing on when to pull up hatchets in chase and is why other add-ons like Flower Babushka and Mana Grass Braid are so popular. These 2 add-ons compensate the opposite side of the issue that Shiny Pin does but leads to the same result in the end, all 3 lessen the punishment of her really slow movement speed when winding up hatchets. Pin just directly buffs her speed while Babushka and Braid mean you can wait a little longer to raise a hatchet so you don't lose so much distance that you miss the window of opportunity for your shot.

    So, what would I change? I would add Shiny Pin to base-kit. Current base movement speed while winding up a hatchet is 3.08m/s or 77% movement speed, this buff would make it 3.28m/s or 82%. This reduces the movement speed penalty from 33% to 28%. For anyone who might have trouble relating these numbers into the game, purple clown bottle makes you run at 85% speed and 81% with the bleach add-on. As for the add-on itself, keeping the buff at 5% probably wouldn't be too crazy, this would make the new add-on speed 87% or 3.48 m/s. This speed is still slower than throw cool down movement speed which is 3.74 m/s or 93.5% which lasts for 2 seconds without add-ons. This would still punish a Huntress player who poorly times when to pull up hatchets at loops and missed shots by allowing survivors to make good distance and seek cover without feeling too punishing for Huntress or making the survivor feel like they have no options to avoid the hit. And of course if the new add-on was too much for the buffed speed it could be reduced to 3% making the new speeds 85% or 3.4 m/s.

  • Cyber686
    Cyber686 Member Posts: 64

    i hope they will fix hitboxes