Leverage needs some tweaks tbh

Leverage, as of its current version, is pretty bad- It activates when you hook someone and only lasts for 30 seconds when most survivors aren't gonna be healing much unless it's under the hook they got pulled off of which usually leaves Leverage with only like 5-10 seconds(maybe 15 if you're lucky enough) left on the timer. Due to this the only real killer who can capitalize from the perk is Legion and survivors commonly don't even bother healing against a Legion to even begin with.

What I feel like should be the main thing to change with Leverage is make it behave like We'll Make It where the timer only activates upon unhooks. This wouldn't even be that bad imo since the perk only becomes a real problem at like 7-8 hooks and at that point most survivors will commonly just stay injured at that point to try and rush the remaining gens.

Other people in the community could have different takes on this perk, but this is just what I think needs to be fixed for it.