A possible nerf for the Huntress

With the nerfs that Alien and CHhucky receive on cooldown after missing a hit, I strongly believe that this will be an aspect that will be nerfed in the Huntress. I'm not saying this change is necessary (I don't believe it is), but it's more likely to leave all killers underleveled and punished for missing a hit with M2.
When they nerf chucky?
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Chucky did not nerfed.
Xeno's missing m2 was so forgiving, survivor was not even making distance. I am sure it was so enjoyable for killer players but balance is not working with this way.
Huntress has limited hatches, she is 110% and she is losing speed when holding hatchet. So the nerf you mentioned is not gonna happen.
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Funny how we are thinking of all these bizarre potential Huntress changes because there are not clear things about her that should be nerfed or buffed. You can talk about add-ons but her core power is balanced in a way that most Killers dream of. Yet here we are. She doesn’t need a buff and BHVR has been nerf happy with Killers. Writing is clear.
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Deathslinger got clapped despite being a 110 and lost speed while holding the harpoon, that did not stop bhvr into making him easy af to dodge.
However as a slinger main, people are so bad they still get sniped (idk why its literally piss easy to dodge), so maybe even if they nerf huntress people are so bad at the game it wont make a difference in pubs.
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Slinger nerf was something i did not agree but he is still doing fine. And people was complaining about Slinger, so maybe they took this feedbacks who knows.
But there is not single complaining about Huntress. I don't know why she is getting changes.
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I have read a lot of survivors complaining about huntress hitboxes and capabilities to tunnel/camp.
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Yes, he was nerfed from PTB to launch, call it what you want, it was a nerf. Both Chucky and Alien were nerfed for missing hits in the open field and the survivor barely losing any distance. The same goes for Huntress. And I didn't know you were part of the development team to claim what will or won't be nerfed.
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So what was wrong with these nerf? You are really not defending pre-nerf Xeno, do you? Where survivor was getting hit no matter what. Chucky also had similar issue in PTB. But both killers are doing fine in live servers. So what's the problem?
I am not part of dev team but i am playing this game pretty often. And i just don't see any issue with Huntress. Maybe they will tweak her add-ons. There is zero reason to complaining about something did not happen yet. Let's wait and see what they are planning. After that we can give our feedbacks. It pointless for now.
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If anything I would expect a nerf to her camping and/or nerfing the cooldown addons which enable that even further.
I can’t really see her being buffed tbh.
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Not sure why they're touching Huntress at all, tbh. She's fine, and has been since the Iri Head nerf, imo. Seems like a waste of resources with others actually in need of fixing.
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There is zero reason to complaining about something did not happen yet.
I gotta disagree with this one.
The fact that Huntress, a killer that no one has any problems with, was chosen for "tweaks" is extremely concerning. What BHVR did to Freddy, Hillbilly and Deathslinger is completely unforgivable and people need to be very vocal right now.
It sends a message: do NOT touch Huntress.
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Dude, before you come with “us versus them” read the OP again. I'm not passing judgment on any nerf, I'm just predicting that the Huntress will probably get the same treatment. Just like Xeno or Chucky, it is impossible to escape her in the open field if she misses M2. There are literally hundreds of posts predicting possible nerfs or buffs. If you don't like posts like this, why did you come to comment?
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And i am telling you, it's not gonna happen because Huntress is not like Chucky and Xeno. Both killers have long cooldown because both killers have stronger powers than Huntress.
If devs are really gonna nerf her like that, then i will lose my last hopes on this game. Huntress is just fine. I don't mind some add-on changes but any nerf to her base-kit will be insanely bad.
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I don't think she needs it.
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Chucky literally becomes an M1 killer with 4.4.m/s for 18 seconds after using Slice and Dice and do you really think his anti-loop is stronger than Huntress's? If she loses a M2 hit, she still has 4 attempts.
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Yes, Chucky is also very short. This is also good power for looping. And he can hug walls like survivor which makes him so much better than other 4.4m killers. He is my new main, i could not win 80+% games with weak killer.
Chucky is easily in top 5 right now, at least for me.
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But neither did Billy, nor Freddy a full rework. We can all agree with that.
But when it comes down to it, I don't think they care. They will drop the change regardless of what we think.
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I do think Freddy needed a rework, just not the one he got.
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I could even explain how quickly Huntress can take down a survivor and how she has more potential to slug/tunnel/camp compared to Chucky, but that's a silly discussion and I'm not going to waste any more of my time with you. Be happy playing Chucky.
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So you won't waste your time with me anymore.
I think i can live with that.
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Well, I don't.
But the point is... feedback is useless if it is going to be ignored.
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They wanted make Freddy stronger tho ( we never needed that btw, old Freddy was strong enough ) but Billy rework was just wanted kill him. Like his add-ons nuked, his base-kit butchered. There is nothing left for him. Even after years, they still tried nerf him but they got so much negative feedbacks and they reverted it. They are not letting Billy rest for a bit... I am really hoping upcoming rework makes him good like old times, he was good boy.
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They also wanted "to make Trickster more fun to play", and we all saw how that turned out.
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In the end, neither Freddy nor Billy deserved the chopping block, and that is what they got. Huntress could get the same treatment, and that has to be avoided.
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I really don't wanna believe they are gonna gut Huntress too. Like she is one of the most balanced killers. Don't fix it if it is not broken...
But i would not surprise
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I'm hoping the mention of huntress in the road map was a typo and what they actually meant is that all of her perks are getting reworked to yeah know.....actually do something.
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I don't think so, as she already has a wind up slowdown. So missing is already punishing.
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Maybe - and I hope - it's just about her Add-On "Rusty Head" which inflicts "Mangeld".. Both are in the same time to get changes. Everything else would be beyond my understanding since she's perfectly balanced the way she is
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Hmm.. i think you can only count as "nerf" if they change it from live version but these change are from PTB.
Just my opinion tho
Look at Alien, when they nerf his tail attack? After official release, right?
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All improvements that killers generally receive from the PTB for the live version I see people callling as a buff (which is consistent), so I don't see any point in not calling the opposite as a nerf. But it's a matter of point of view.
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yeah, alright