Solo Queue is becoming more and more unplayable
People are killing themselves on hook literally every game. Why is it that DCing is penalized (if even marginally) but this is still allowed to remain in the game?
Also please let us see teammate perks during the match, its hard to use certain perks like deliverance, and I think this helps contribute towards the high frequency of self-preservation type perks like OTR/DH.
They've answered that they don't have a problem with people killing themselves on hooks because they might be trying to legitimately unhook themselves and missing skill checks.
However, I bet you won't be able to ######### on hook sometime next year.
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I rather these people to just leave the game and the match is forced to end fast, than they remain in the game and not actually trying, giving me the false hope of a good match
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I have this wild idea that winning should be rewarded and incentivized so players wouldn't see intentionally losing a match as trivial and meaningless. Then you might have players in the teamwork role working together towards a common goal and making the experience more enjoyable for everyone. Call me crazy...
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Personally, Everytime I'm on hook, its because I'm trying to unhook myself. This usually happens when the other survivors aren't helping me (Being on the far side of the map or hiding in a locker, or just standing around like an idiot.
I have seen this when I play Killer as well. I try to be a team player and respectful to both Survivors and Killers.
I don't use flashlights due to not being good at flashlight saves and not wanting to be a toxic survivor or accused of being part of a bully squad. But, I will work on it once the nerfs are complete.
I still have a lot to learn.
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But this is becoming normalized to the point where most of my matches end up like this, what's the point of "going next" when itll be the same result each time?
And what would happen if someone stayed in the game without actually doing anything? Being AFK could be made reportable, as could intentionally helping the killer; otherwise I don't see this actually being an issue.
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It shouldn't even be penalized honestly. The problem is people don't wanna play the game. They just wanna start the game so you can play it since it requires 5 people to play. No new players actually want to get hunted down repeatedly or hunt down experienced players. New players panic. The answer is to add that perk back where you get a pay boost for hook saves and 1st hooks. If they brought that back I'd be totally okay with playing with noobs and getting tunneled or left on the hook. But they don't pay you extra to save anyone so just don't get caught is my advice
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To me, personally, the DC penalty system is just an outdated feature that is basically doing more harm than it is good now. The DC bots are very strong(especially with their wallhacks and being programmed to be as effective as the possibly can be) where they only have a relatively small handful of problems such as Tricksters with shattering blades being able to exploit a bot's coding of trying to blind him while he's aiming his power which slows them down while he just keeps throwing at their feet.
The DC penalty system was mainly added in due to how bad a DC was back then since you'd just be left with no teammate which matters greatly in DBD. However though with the fact that DCing now leaves the team with a DC bot that is decently good and efficient with loops while also being improved upon over time means that the DC penalty is pointless to have now since a DC isn't gonna completely destroy your team's chances anymore. Keeping the penalty in at this point is only encouraging players to kill themselves on hook because no one wants to be in a match that they aren't having fun in and they don't want to be penalized for DCing since the penalty is basically the same thing as just staying in the match and going AFK instead of playing(basically meaning that we are currently stuck with the same issue we had in the past because of this very feature).
Currently the DC penalty doesn't have a respectable place in DBD anymore and should just be removed entirely. Killers are on a team by themselves so they don't have to be penalized for "leaving teammates" to even begin with and survivors are given bots on DCs so there shouldn't be a penalty for them either.
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with bots in the game DC penalty should be removed I mean survivors can let go on hook go next match killers are stuck or get the DC penalty with in the end only hurts the killer who wanted out and survivors get to keep all bp from match.
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Bots still arent that great though, they can't make plays with any amount of risk and bot logic can be cheesed by a good killer, its honestly just a silver lining. Killing oneself on hook though doesnt even allow that and really does just screw over the team
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Hence why it's more preferable to remove the DC penalty and allow the bots to be used more-
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It would be more preferable to remove the easy out via self death on hook than it is to remove the DC penalty. Killers don't want to end up facing 4 bots after queueing up to face other players and survivors don't need to be rewarded with rage quitting games.
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winning as a team? nah, people will stick to sole survivor and distortion. there is nothing saying they lost the match if they escape, they get their mMr, they get their bloodpoints, hell they even get to bm the killer.