Uninstalled this game, BHVR don't know how to balance this game

Having swf's who then use comms whilst balancing the game around solo survivors makes this game especially unfun, now add snowballs being constantly being thrown at you has made me uninstall this game.
I already know which games I will be playing and until they actually try to balance this game with comms in game, after years it is something so obvious but resisted by those who use comms that there will be another one less playing this game.
The game has to be fun for both sides BHVR and being solo killer or solo survivor sucks
People get upset over snowballs being thrown at them?
I cant take it seriously honestly, half of my matches just end up in a massive snowball fight because it's just way too goofy for me to handle any other way.
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I understand 80% of the player base mostly play survivor
Also there are those that do not wish to play or meme around
I wish to have fun experience and expect a level fair playing field... shouldn't be too much to ask after these years.
Watched the Otz video and hearing about obvious solo vs swf balance issues, simple things like knowing each others load out made me realise they know what people want, in my opinion they just don't agree/know or care.
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- The playerbase isnt 80% Survivor, a lot of people play both sides. If it was an exact 80% to 20% ratio, then we wouldnt have things like queue incentives in the game to begin with.
- Ive mostly played Killer for the event, I know some people dont want to meme around but lighten up a bit the event does not change anything about the normal gameplay flow. Snowballs are merely cosmetic and Snowmen accomplish the same thing as a Locker.
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u know how players are especially in this game. of course players are getting mad over a tiny snow ball
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Wait the event started? Gosh I’ve been so busy with other things I haven’t been keeping up as much.
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Getting a snowball thrown at you might be the funniest reason I've seen yet for one of these "I'm leaving" threads and that's saying something.
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~Gains 200 Bloodpoints through an event interaction
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Ah nice to see Otz is feeling the same way
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Because misery loves company?
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You draw the line at... snowballs being thrown at you?
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Meanwhile last night in EU. 4 P100s vs. my Xbox Pyramid Head on Groaning Storehouse. No offerings, no addons.
The David just memed around with snowballs and died very early for that. And still the 3 Aces looped me and the gens into oblivion, didn't even got a hit i think. But i still got 1 with stratetic caging at the very end (no NOED, he just got cocky). They still rescuted him, but he died to EGC. 2 kills, nice stats... everything is OKAY!
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Are you having 11-12K like him?
I have 2.5K. I'm not going to quit because a guy having played five times as much decides to do so.