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Are you guys still having fun in DBD?

Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,268
edited December 2023 in General Discussions

Im a former killer main, as many people have heard me say in debates here, i might not be the most experienced killer but on my peak i think i played around 6 hours a day, ending up with 800-900 hours as killer main.

I ended up leaving the killer side becuase the game became too unfun and stressing unless you played a fast moving killer, moving from A to B simply took too much time, loops also took too much time and you could easy loose 2-3 gens just before you got the first hook.

I have still been advocating a lot for killers, but also survivors on the forums.

Now i play as survivor main, and im not playing as much as i did before, perhaps 3-5 hours a week.

Im getting tunneled and camped on 5 gens, i get why some slow moving killers do that for the reasons i described above, but even blight and nurses use this tactic now.

Im reaching a point where im seriously thinking about quitting dbd, i dont have much fun on any side anymore.

What side do you play?

and are you currently having fun in DBD?

- if no, what do you think BHVR could do to improve the game?


  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,858

    You come first, if your not having fun, take a break and do something you enjoy. Don't make yourself suffer...unless you enjoy that or somethin.

    To the question(s):

    We play both, which side more depends on dailies, rift, and achievements. Though we favor killer more.

    We still have fun, though playing as survivor thats entirely dependent on how the killer plays. As you've said, people are going tunnel happy lately, even if we try and take aggro.

    Not a clue, defiantly to tired atm to think of things (and 1 of us is asleep anyway).

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650

    I play both sides but I tend to play survivor more(solo only). And I am still having fun from this game.

    If you are tired, maybe you can consider taking a break.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,845
    edited December 2023

    I'm still having fun playing dbd on both sides, although i don't purely play dbd as i'm typically switching between playing other games alongside dbd since that's the best way to not get bored in the long run.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,522

    I play both sides, but always have been slightly more inclined towards killer.

    And no, I am not having fun with DBD. I'll say here what I said on another thread a while ago.

    I first started playing DBD during the Winter Solstice Event in 2018. And let me tell ya: I fell in love with this game. With the sole exception of Old Legion, the game was perfect. I loved everything about it: the maps, the perks, the killers (especially my precious and beloved Old Freddy), the fog, literally every single thing you can think of.

    But the game keeps changing, and slowly every single thing that I loved got altered in some way. Some of those changes were completely unnecessary, others could have been made optional, but either way they all happened.

    And now here I am, with a game that I used to love. I only started playing again somewhat recently, after a hell of a long break, but things aren't better.

    Sure, some people might make their own points about recent changes they liked, but things aren't better for me.

    I have a very negative opinion of the current game, and when you mix that with memories from better days it is hard to have fun.

    As for what could be done to improve my experience, I just want the game that I loved to come back. Sometimes I wonder if I am asking for too much.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,009

    of course dbd goateed

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I have good times and bad times how this game is.

  • Wexton
    Wexton Member Posts: 496

    Yeah I'm still having plenty of fun, sometimes it gets boring to me but I just take a break for a couple of days and when I come back I'm having just as much fun as I was originally. Sure, sometimes I have a bad game where I get genrushed and teabagged at the gates, those games don't tend to feel very good. But, you're always gonna have bad games every now and then so I don't mind.

    If you aren't having fun, I suggest taking a small break. Then come back and see how you feel about playing the game.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,967

    On survivor yes

    On killer no

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,426

    I play mostly solo survivor. I play killer every now and then because my kids request it so I just play for hooks, and also for tome challenges. If I play to win, in either role, then I definitely don't have fun. The 'open an exit gate' or 'escape a trial as (x)' survivor challenges are frustrating asf and just solidify my decision not to play to win. Messing around with different builds, playing during events, and tome challenges in general are what I play for. Basically I have to make my own fun.

    I don't know what they could do to make it more fun tbh. I used to have some ideas but I've become quite apathetic to it all now I think.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    2yrs ago, I quit DBD. Killer was too stressful, and survivor just didn't appeal to me with how boring the role is.

    Started playing again 3 weeks ago and.., Let's just say when Tekken 8 comes out, I won't be frustrated about how DBD hasn't changed one bit.

  • KeiOrtem
    KeiOrtem Member Posts: 252

    I recently came back from a hiatus, I think I ended up missing the launch of Xeno and Chucky. However I came back from the holiday event as Jeff finally got some attention with a skin. I knew I probably wasnt going to have as much fun by normally playing the game so once I unlocked the Santa Jeff skin I've been running a meme build that let me get a lot of items and put under the tree in basement. It gave a lot of points and it was a nice change of pace until I get back to wanting to play DBD normally again.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I still have fun as both killer and survivor.

    Do keep in mind I don't "main" the game like some or maybe even many do. I play a few different games at a time and rotate one after the other out as I take a break from it, keeps a burnout-prone person like me sane 😄

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,453

    Yeah, my games have been fun for a while now as killer. I've been playing Trickster, he feels pretty good to play now. A couple disgusting players here and there, a few disgusting teams. But you learn how to handle that too.

    Gens fly, but I can usually secure a kill or two even in tougher matches, despite bringing no slowdown.

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 378

    We're stuck in the DBD matrix, halp!

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,221

    I play both. I don't play as much as I used to. Still have fun, but I usually play killer to Iri 1, then just play survivor here and there until the 13th rolls around again. Rinse repeat.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    DbD has reached the point for me where I'm nearly completely apathetic towards it.

    I play it because it's something to do when nothing else sounds fun at the moment, but I wouldn't really call it fun. Just something familiar and easy.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,064

    Killer side is awful. I'd like to have and do challenges (next part of the event tome will be available in 2 days) but I find it difficult to engage.

    Survivors never heal just do gens and gens and gens.

    I lost 2 matches with Freddy then used common add-ins and won the next easily. SBMM is super crazy and there is no way of knowing if I do anything right.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Killer yes.

    Survivor ######### no

  • AnxiousGummy
    AnxiousGummy Member Posts: 123

    I've been a survivor main ever since I started playing back in 2020, with the occasional dabble in killer. I recently started playing killer more and have been enjoying it. I played exclusively killer for about a week and then decided to play as survivor - got tunneled out on my first match. I switched back to killer and have been playing that role ever since.

  • pale_hispanic
    pale_hispanic Member Posts: 149

    If the game is getting boring just drop it for a while. I used to play religiously until I got bored and took a year long break. I still have fun with mixing up my gameplay and running different builds, but every now and then I’ll take a break for a week.