Idea to help prevent camping

I have been thinking a lot about the serious camping problem. It gets really bad to where I don’t want to play sometimes. 
This is just an idea but maybe if a killer is camping, like within such meters of a hook, the health of the survivor shouldn’t go down.
Just an idea. 


  • [Deleted User]

    What a shy way of putting an idea forward... assuming there is a way for the game to know that the killer has been nearby for a while it could work. If all the survivors just stayed near the hooked individual it could be problematic for the killer.

    To be honest whilst no one cares about pipping since the ranking system is meaningless their nerf to the specific emblem is enough. If people want to camp they will camp. Nice idea though!

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    In other words you want free unhooks. 
    Killer has to, against all reason, not secure a kill no matter what just so you can go free.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    Camping isn't a problem.

  • Justicar
    Justicar Member Posts: 319

    @Attackfrog said:
    Camping isn't a problem.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @BurnTheDaisy said:
    I have been thinking a lot about the serious camping problem. It gets really bad to where I don’t want to play sometimes. 
    This is just an idea but maybe if a killer is camping, like within such meters of a hook, the health of the survivor shouldn’t go down.
    Just an idea. 

    Abused by survivors (anti camp mechanics were tested in the first PTB, the irony......)

    if you get bored of camping killers, just play killer and choose not to camp

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited January 2019

    @BurnTheDaisy said:
    I have been thinking a lot about the serious camping problem. It gets really bad to where I don’t want to play sometimes. 
    This is just an idea but maybe if a killer is camping, like within such meters of a hook, the health of the survivor shouldn’t go down.
    Just an idea. 

    You don't solve the camping/tunneling problem by punishing killers for doing what they (in that situation) should be doing.
    It should be done through making camping/tunneling in their strategic disinterest through giving them more value hooking different survivors and making the 1st and 2nd hook more valuable to get.

    Y = 4 survivors alive (100% efficiency) For every survivor that dies it's -25% (for simplicities sake)
    X = the amount of times you have hooked, with the different lines showing whether you either camped/tunnelled (Blue) or if you never camped/tunnelled that match. (Red)

    The Yellow area is the reason is why people camp and tunnel.
    The Green area in the second graph is why people would no longer camp/tunnel.

    The way you achieve this is by making the 1st and 2nd hook valuable as well (Blue line in the "New graph).

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @AlwaysInAGoodShape said:

    @BurnTheDaisy said:
    I have been thinking a lot about the serious camping problem. It gets really bad to where I don’t want to play sometimes. 
    This is just an idea but maybe if a killer is camping, like within such meters of a hook, the health of the survivor shouldn’t go down.
    Just an idea. 

    You don't solve the camping/tunneling problem by punishing killers for doing what they (in that situation) should be doing.
    It should be done through making camping/tunneling in their strategic disinterest through giving them more value hooking different survivors and making the 1st and 2nd hook more valuable to get.

    Y = 4 survivors alive (100% efficiency) For every survivor that dies it's -25% (for simplicities sake)
    X = the amount of times you have hooked, with the different lines showing whether you either camped/tunnelled (Blue) or if you never camped/tunnelled that match. (Red)

    The Yellow area is the reason is why people camp and tunnel.
    The Green area in the second graph is why people would no longer camp/tunnel.

    The way you achieve this is by making the 1st and 2nd hook valuable as well (Blue line in the "New graph).

    The question is how do you want to achieve this?

    It would be necessary to give an insane gameplay advantage for fresh hooks, but survivors heavily blocked ideas like this because "you only want killer buffs for ez 4k etc".

    Oh and btw, your graph explains why tunneling is a thing, but it has nothing to do with camping actually

  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
    edited January 2019


    The question is how do you want to achieve this?

    It would be necessary to give an insane gameplay advantage for fresh hooks, but survivors heavily blocked ideas like this because "you only want killer buffs for ez 4k etc".

    Oh and btw, your graph explains why tunneling is a thing, but it has nothing to do with camping actually

    I have a part about it in one of my posts: Solving the Death-Efficiency Problem
    Chapter 3 Section 3.

    We indeed start with making the game harder do to early hooks being more punishing, but simultaneously we introduce the Memoir Mechanic (tool for creating survivor buffs based on survivor deaths)

    This will mean that the base-game is harder for survivors, but the game does not become as crippling as people die, meaning less 4 man escapes and less 4k's.

    Survivor mains claiming that "we just want easy 4k's couldn't have been further from the truth, and statistics would show it (:

    Oh and btw, your graph explains why tunneling is a thing, but it has nothing to do with camping actually

    It does. Camping is the exact same as tunneling. You finish the hooking states of 1 survivor before moving on to the next. The only difference is that with tunneling the survivor may get 5 seconds to work his/her legs.

    Since a freshly unhooked survivor is now less efficient, defending them seems counter-productive. They are the least thing you should worry about, even if they escape. What you should worry about is the 3 highly effective survivors that are still free.
    In the solution, the way for killers to slow down the game is mainly achieved through kicking generators and doing instantly massive amounts of damage to it.
    In this version of the game, the killer can only slow down the game by kicking generators, where as survivors already get their bonus efficiency from survivors dying.

    If a killer thus doesn't respond to their strategical advantage and doesn't go on to kick generators and chase other survivors, then he'll not be able to win.

    Together with a functioning ranking system, higher rank players would never have to play against a camper/tunneller as such a strategy is simply no longer viable enough.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    @Justicar said:

    @Attackfrog said:
    Camping isn't a problem.

  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    @Attackfrog said:
    Camping isn't a problem.

  • gamerscrybecauseofme
    Takes 2 mins plus chase to hook a survivor, takes about 90 secs to do a gen. One camp costs upto 3 whole gens. Camping is quite undesirable for the survivor getting camped, but definitely gives the other survivors a massive advanrage for doing gens. With all that said, I still think there needs to be an actual penalty for campers, because losing a few % from a ranking criteria isnt enough. The only way camping will be abolished, is by making it hurt the killer, loss of bloodpoints or halting hook progress, under similar parameters to to the current penalty. To encourage killers to move away from hooks, maybe increasing bloodpoints for multiple hooks, increased movement speed when not chasing could really seperate the gaming killers from try hard sweaty camping killers. Before anyone thinks I am being one sided, I am currently number 1 rank survivor and killer, so am probably among the authority on knowing how to play