Blood point incentives

Ever since the introduction of blood point incentives, I've been confused as to how it's calculated. I get that it's to even out survivors and killers in case there is more of one than the other.

Someone I play with can have killers getting 100%, but then for me, survivors are getting 100%. We're on the same server from the same place. So, my question is, how exactly is the blood point incentive calculated?

Also, yes, I am aware that there was an AMA recently, but I don't have Reddit.


  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,073

    Its all based on MMR. The other person could of been in a MMR range that needed more killers while yours needed more Survivors.

  • ResidentLeaf182
    ResidentLeaf182 Member Posts: 21

    Ah. Thank you so much! I had a sneaky suspicion that it dealt with MMR, but I figured I would ask just in case.