Who's your lucky survivor and killer

For me it's gotta be Jake and the huntress


  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    Claudette, though as i call her Clarice, i sort of did the "Hello Clarice" Hannibal voice from the Silence of the Lambs and it stuck lol. Killer, hm it has to be The Wraith, aka the ding dong man.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Mushwin said:

    Claudette, though as i call her Clarice, i sort of did the "Hello Clarice" Hannibal voice from the Silence of the Lambs and it stuck lol. Killer, hm it has to be The Wraith, aka the ding dong man.

    I thought it was Bing bong boy
    WINTERS Member Posts: 127
    I can always rely on Meg to be selfish and get the job done. 
    And The Pig or Hag. When I get upset, it's one of them that I can rely on.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Nea Karlsson to the end!!
  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850

    Lucky? Nea
    I hate playing her for the toxic stigma and her face, I will usually stick to Dwight and Jeff, but for some damn reason I'm invincible when I do play her. Idgi.

    No real lucky killer tbh.

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176
    Lucky for survivor, for me its Quentin. I always seem to do my best when playing him. For killer, either Freddy or Legion. I love playing both of em and I normally do decent with them too 
  • NightmareReborn
    NightmareReborn Member Posts: 810

    My lucky killer (believe it or not) is Freddy. I always find myself getting lucky with things like finding the survivor before they found the hatch, or even just getting a 4K!

    My lucky survivor is probably David King or Bill, I always just seem to have good luck with these two.