Not wanting more RE-Content is Strange

Bobitslapis Member Posts: 86

Ever since the release of Project W's Chapter, people have been complaining about RE-Content in DBD being pushed over the top and were getting tired of it.

Saying that the Developers should stop on adding any new content for it.

To which, for a point, i agree if it would come to a new Chapter, but that's not what people are targeting. What they ARE targeting is ENTIRE RE related content, which in all honesty, Are you okay?

Over the years we had some critical License holders that have not allowed us to have ANY cosmetics which everyone disliked and now, when we DO get new ones, it's an issue?

Also, this "Feedback" that definelty reached the Devs didn't have a great effect either:

As of now, Rebecca Chambers only has ONE cosmetic out of the many ones she had in RE0, inlcuding a Sweater. That's even LOWER than what Laurie has.

Ada Wong only has 2 Cosmetics which one is from the same game as her Basekit one, which is just a tragedy because she has many more Iconic Outfits.

Yet it seems like this won't get greenlighted again anytime soon after the many complaints for "Too Much RE Content"

Very Strange...

If somehow, another Soul should have layed their eyes upon this Post. Just know that i won't have forgotten the "This is Dead by Daylight, Not Resident Evil: Dead by Daylight." Comment and have memed the hell out of it with my inner Circle. (In a Positive manner, not an insulting one.)

As said, its been over 8 Months, now and i do wish that we get at least 1 or 2 Collections so that everyone has their peace. Though a User here might disagree...For some reason.

Anyway, i wish everyone here a great day.

Post edited by Bobitslapis on


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,855

    There will be people that will complain about anything. I really doubt a handful of whiners on the forums are causing BHVR to change course on whether they include new cosmetics. If BHVR and the license holders come to an agreement for more cosmetics then we'll get more cosmetics.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,581

    They could add some cosmetics based on RE4R, maybe draw from the CGI movies for more outfits, but that's all. Jill's winter uniform from Umbrella Chronicles? Leon's Operation Javier uniform from Darkside Chronicles? I'd be fine with it, but it is starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel. Claire has a lot of different outfit options but she's only a skin, same for Chris. It's an unfortunate lack of hindsight they made the Redfields skins instead of full characters.

  • arcaneGospel
    arcaneGospel Member Posts: 236

    I don't think I've seen any complaints about getting RE cosmetics and stuff myself. As for the matter of chapters, I honestly do want a third RE chapter, but more because we should have gotten a different chapter than Project W than because I want more or all of RE in DbD.

    As well-executed as Project W is, I can't help but feel like Wesker doesn't belong in this game. Not in his RE5 incarnation, anyway. He's far too much a Matrix action character to not totally sunder my immersion, and a version of Wesker from RE1 where he would play more strategically around setting zombies and traps--not unlike REsistance--would have been an amazing fit. DbD's issue with RE is that they just aren't made to be DbD characters, they're too much of loud chase machines. None of the horror elements of the series are well implemented outside of Nemesis' TR and the RPD's aesthetics.

    And when Resident Evil 7 was right there? With Jack goddamn Baker? He's gotta get in, he's perfect for this game, and you could make him so incredibly terrifying and complex. The other RE killers are as strategically deep as a kiddie pool, but Baker's use of the mold would make him a weird, omnipresent terror that just belongs in DbD.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,290
    edited December 2023

    I'm okay with more content but at a certain point I'd prefer certain things be legendary skins for existing characters. The best example is The Hillbilly is a prime candidate for two Resident Evil skins being Jack Baker with his Chainsaw Scissors from Resident Evil 7 and Dr. Salvador (Chainsaw Man) from Resident Evil 4. Possibly even a third being The Chainsaw Sisters from Resident Evil 4.

    The only possible characters left outside of that is Mr. X and the Super Tyrant if we lean more towards iconic Resident Evil baddies. Lady D is cool but she had a minimal impact on the lore of the game and her presence was short lived.

    Overall - I just prefer to get skins and possibly update Hunk (Legion skin) to have actual voice lines and chase music. I would absolutely not complain if we got one more Resident Evil map though - Notably the mansion from Resident Evil 1.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,962

    Silent hill should get another chapter though

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,269

    As far as chapters go; I agree, for now enough of RE chapters. At some point, when there are more chapters overall I'm all for another RE chapter - but for now it's enough.

    As for cosmetics: I don't understand the complaints about cosmetics either. - Maybe, to some degree, the character-changing-cosmetics like Carlos and Chris for Leon; cause that's kinda a sneaky way to get more characters of a franchise into the game without having to design perks or release a whole new chapter. But people who object to giving the characters that do exist more cosmetics? Nah, dun understand that.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,138
    edited December 2023

    BHVR won't refuse to deliver cosmetics based upon a handful of complaints - there are far more RE fans who would enjoy more content than a few who don't. So BHVR not making more cosmetics is moreso down to licensing and time constraints, rather than a few people complaining about something that sounds so trivial.

    I do think it's strange to complain about cosmetics though. I can understand if people feel 3 RE chapters would be too much. It's not something that I'd object to, but can see their point of view and wouldn't be upset if a third never came. Yet cosmetics? Sounds strange.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    I haven’t even see anyone actually complain about getting more cosmetics from RE??

    like sure, many people were/are against another chapter - mainly because there are plenty of other licenses not featured yet. But no more cosmetics/content at all?? And the devs should somehow seen this and not given more because of these complaints when there are MANY people asking for skins -especially RE4R cosmetics and also others..

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,199
    edited December 2023

    By all means add cosmetics and legendary skins.

    But this is not a Resident Evil game, we don't need more killers/survivors from RE, we need more original characters or other licenses.

    It's bizarre to me that some people are obsessed with RE in this game to the point they basically want it to be an RE game.

    As far as I'm concerned, we would need to have at least 5 more original chapters and at least 2 other licenses with second chapters (e.g. Silent Hill and Stranger Things) before they should even consider adding a THIRD Resident Evil chapter.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 973

    It's kinda ironic that Capcom have flogged the online co op games for years now to no success but DBD has been quite successful in it's RE content. Bet they're kicking themselves.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,840

    I could do with more cosmetics, just not another chapter.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    I need more costumes for Jill and Rebecca.

    And i want to get Lady D as killer. She deserves to be here.

  • Bobitslapis
    Bobitslapis Member Posts: 86
    edited December 2023

    I wasn't talking about another Chapter, if you don't want to read this long then fine.

    Whilst i personally wouldn't mind another, i also would think it's overkill.

    What i was talking about was more Cosmetic sets, because as said.

    The Two Survivors from Project W barely have any from the many Iconic looks that they DO have.

    And those who have enough still have some great look to share.

    I don't know why this should be gatekept.

  • Bobitslapis
    Bobitslapis Member Posts: 86

    Definetly. I'd kill to see Harry as a Survivor and Silent Hill as an overall map would be great.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,443


    More cosmetics are okay, but we don't need another RE chapter.