Some Ideas to fix minor issues and to add new stuff to the game

Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

Greetings, people of the fog!
In this post i will be brainstorming some ideas to fix minor issues, have some QoL changes and / or add some completely new stuff.

i know this is an aknowledged "bug" by the devs and that it is okay to use. however, i always felt like its a very unskilled and cheap way to avoid an, not even that strong, perk.
my solution would be to add "forced skillchecks" to the generators.
how would that work?
i think, whenever the generator progress bar hits a certain percentage, i'd say (numbers can be altered) on 20%, 40%, 60% and 80%, the generator will be guaranteed to have a skillcheck. when you are gentapping, this will result in an failed skillcheck, taking away ~5% of your overall gen progression and forcing you to face the forced skillcheck again.

this would also be great when creating an competetive mode for DbD, which, obviously, would have to get rid of RNG events first. when there are no random skillchecks though, i'd have the forced skillchecks more often, like every 10%.

one tapping a gen:
yes, this is actually something else than gentapping.
by that i mean just going to a kicked generator, one tapping it and therefore have it stop regressing. this can be very annoying in some chases arouund a 99% gen, as the killer kicks it in a fairly long animation and the survivor just runs past it, touches it for a nanosecond and the whole degression stopped. in my eyes, thats just bad game dsign, so here's what i'd do:
when a survivor taps on a generator that has been kicked by the killer, the gen will have another "forced skillcheck".
this skillcheck however would be very easy to hit, similar to the docs madness tier 3 skillchecks (in its size). however, unlike the current overcharge skillcheck, this skillcheck wont follow the survivor when he onetaps the gen, but instead will be forced to stay at the gen, like a normal skillcheck, resulting in an gen explosion when being onetapped. after the explosion, the gen will proceede to degress like nothing happened.
you could also reward the killer 100 brutality points, as he wouldnt be able to get them anymore with kicking the gen again.

overcharge would simply make the skillcheck harder to hit.

customizable killer powers:
this is something i would really enjoy to get! by that i mean having reskins for the killer's powers.
that would obviously only work on killers with visible powers and also non licensed illers only, but it'd be a cool thing to have.
an example for that would be a birthday trap for the trapper: i looks and works exactly the same as a normal trap, BUT when a survivor gets caught a little party horn can be heard and confetti shoots out of the trap (and maybe a little firework). just like that we could have reskins of the traps, which, of course COULD have a little impact to the game, but lets be real:
the existing skins already do that. like claudettes green shirt, darkest trousers and darkest head.
this would be possible on basically every killer with an visible power. the only exceptions, beside the licensed killers of course, would be spirit and legion, as every other power has something visual, like the nurses hand when she charges up the blink. we could at least change the color of the light, the hags trap look (like, instead of a triangle she draws a circle, or a lttle human or sthg like that) or the color of the doctors electricity.
whis would work the best on trapper, wraith, billy, huntress and clown, as they literally have an item they use for their power which could be customized.

escaping a trappers beartrap is no longer bound on RNG, but is an action:
what i mean by that is simple. instead of having like 5 attempts with each one having a certain chance of getting you out of the trap, until you finally get out, lets just say getting out is an animation that takes ~20 to 25 seconds to do and guarantee an escape after these. however, i would add some skillchecks to it, like madness tier 3 skillchecks, and missing one would result in your progress being reset.
the time and skillchecks can be altered with add-ons.
this would be an straight up trapper buff, but i think trappy deserves some love.

an casual and competetive mode:
oh boy, thats a big one.
so basically, casual mode would be the same as the overall game is now, but a competetive mode would have to have the momentarely game massively reworked, to remove RNG or unfair things.
by that i mean, every map has a set amount of pallets, windows and hooks, plus the basement is always at the same spot (like the big strukture on the map).
also, certain things should be banned from competetive, like moris or certain perks / add-ons that change the whole game, namingly iridescent head, decisive strike, adrenaline, noed, instaheals, bnp, etc.
another thing that i have already mentioned above would be the removal of random skillchecks and the intorduction of set skillchecks at a certain gen percentage.

basically, the casual mode would be for goofying around and just playing the game (no more ranks, so everyone can face everyone) while competetive would be about ranked matches and maybe an reward for hitting a certain rank?

a reward for hitting a certain rank at rank reset:
basically, combine this with competetive mode and the next thing on my list and i think it'll be great.
give players a reward for the rank they have achieved in the last season.
you could have them decide between 3 different rewards (the amount depends on your rank):
-Iridescent Shards
-Killer / Survivor Tokens

the tokens themselves would be another idea ive had. give the player, deoending on the role they played, some tokens, which can be used to buy unique outfits for a character of their choice.
the most basic idea would be golden weapons for killers (like, one weapon is 10k tokens and a rank 1 person gets 1k tokens every season he gets to rank 1)
or a little golden crown for the survivore (same price as killer weapon)

the removal of savepips:
we've all heard them.
the people complaining that it is way too easy to rank up in this game, so lets make this a win or lose game. eigther you win the round with a pip or two, or you lose the round with a depip or two. nothing inbetween. this would also work together beautifully with the whole competetive idea.
also i think every day you should by default lose a pip (you can get up to 2 pips saved up at rank 1, so you wont drop out immediately), so there wont be any players pushing to rank 1 and then dont play the whole season in order to keep their rank and be rewarded with the rank rewards i mentioned earlier.

(and just in case you didnt notice: this is all stuff that would be added within the whole competetive idea. i told you it'd be a big one xD)

PS: i might update this list from time to time, so dont be surprised when this post pops back up ^^

please leave you thoughts on this in the comments!
what would you like to see getting added, what wouldnt you like?

also, please do your best to ignore my, at some points probaply pretty bad english, im pretty tired while writing this, plus some of the ideas just popped up in my head and i had to write them down too...
anyways, have a wonderful day / night everyone!
i will see you in the fog!


  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    Nearly everything was suggested hundred times already, some points even 2 years ago. Nothing has changed so far.