
Gamzello Member Posts: 828
edited January 2019 in General Discussions
Is there a reason why there isn’t 2 separate game modes? Like a causal or competitive kind of game mode because ranked at the moment is pretty much garbage and some people don’t even like to rank up.

What about a game mode where you play with all sorts of random ranks; for both killer and survivors. (causal mode)

Same everything basically expect for ranking up. You still get BPs and such.

Or is the reason why DBD doesn’t get such an option because it’s a causal game overall?

edit: adding some words


  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 1,960

    What would be the point?
    Let's say there were two separate modes. Everyone would still play exactly the same way: there's still only one objective no matter which side you're on. To play against different people? The point of the ranking is so that people with less skill don't have to put up with being steamrolled and abused by people with more experience. If you try to fix that by still matching people based on rank in either queue, well, then there's not really any difference between the two modes at all.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    I agree that swf should not be allowed in ranked mode but then agaun, casual mode would have 0 killers queuing.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    What would be the point?
    Let's say there were two separate modes. Everyone would still play exactly the same way: there's still only one objective no matter which side you're on. To play against different people? The point of the ranking is so that people with less skill don't have to put up with being steamrolled and abused by people with more experience. If you try to fix that by still matching people based on rank in either queue, well, then there's not really any difference between the two modes at all.

    Exactly expect causal wouldn’t rank you up or include a ranking system overall. It’s just for fun and how DBD should be and there are multiple games out there with this system of causal only along with competitive only.

    There are many people who don’t like the ranking system. While there are others who only care about their rank/how the game goes.

    It won’t exactly eliminate toxicity but it would just make the game a lot less stressful plus less disconnects would not occur as much if there was a causal mode.

    In a game like Overwatch there is quick play where you basically play with any ranks, but does it matter if you win or lose? Not exactly. Because it wasn’t anything serious to begin with. Plus its more likely to see less SWF on causal play since they usually like to rank up pretty quickly but in the end it depends on everyone’s opinion.

    If people care about ranking or not is what I mean by that.
  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    I agree that swf should not be allowed in ranked mode but then agaun, casual mode would have 0 killers queuing.

    Possibly but I get what you mean. I’ve seen killers on this forum not really favor with the ranking system. Not all but some or a few.