Who was excited to buy these until ...

... you turned them around to see the outfit spoiled by yet another backpack.
Zarina from thee same set looks great!
Backpacks and hats should be removable...
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yes “/
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I like backpacks personally but they really need to add a variant/style feature for cosmetics. Most games that have cosmetics have this feature now.
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Not a fan of Mikaela's outfit but I love Haddies, even with the backpack, and finally a sweet one for Zarina 😍
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Yep, was disappointed with the Backpack on Mikaela. And I did not really care for the Haddie-Cosmetic (dont understand the hype around her anyway). But in general, too many Backpacks.
But I will get the Zarina-Outfit and the Headpiece for Mikaela when they are available for Shards.
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The only good thing about Haddie's outfit is the pants
- Black & white hair (again)
- The ponytail is nice, but the headphones are going to clash with a lot of her shirts
- Generic tank top
- You'll rarely see the cute ghost on the tank top because it's in front of you
- This is, what, the 6th or 7th backpack Haddie has?
At least Mikaela's backpack looks cool. All of Haddie's backpacks are colorless bricks on her back.
I still can't believe the singular hair cut Haddie has that changes her hair color is apart of a linked set.
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Mikaela's costume S tier. Not her all costumes has backpacks, so it's fine for me.
Same for Zarina. S tier costume.
Haddie... I really don't care about her. BHVR is keep giving her terrible costumes, i am feeling sorry for her mains but she is not one of the my survivors.
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I do really like that Zarina outfit. I dislike how many of her cosmetics dye her hair, I'm not a fan of dyed hair, so seeing something more natural looks great. Love the camera she's wearing too, I prefer the outfits that make her look like a journalist.
But yes, once again we get more backpacks. Someone on the art team is definitely obsessed with them.
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Zarina now has a partner look with Yoichi.
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Backpacks need to be a 4th cosmetic slot.
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I could not care less about backpack, if anything it gives me something to look at while running.
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All they have to do is make the backpacks optional! I'm not saying that's necessarily an easy thing to arrange, but DBD mobile has done something liket that with a backpack, haven't they?
I personally enjoy most of the backpacks that come out, but I know most of the people do not. Allowing us to toggle them on/off would not just alleviate the frustrations of those who hate them, but also add a lot more of variety to the cosmetics!
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Genuinely don't understand the complaint with backpacks one bit. Also Zarina's outfit is boring as usual. Haddie's is the best, followed by Mikaela.
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Haddie's backpack is awful
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The backpacks really need to stop. I don't want some extra piece of gear on my character that just takes up screen space, makes the character seems bulky & may even affect hit box size (not 100% on the last one).
They should ALWAYS be an option, not a mandatory part of a cosmetic. So many cosmetics look awesome until you turn the character around.
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Can we at least get an option to toggle the backpacks on and off?
There really are so many outfits that I avoid because of them.
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Nah that would be something the community wants and requires some kind of coding. Who knows what they would break with implementing this.
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Honestly I don’t even find this kind of thing funny anymore.
It’s just maddening how little BHVR cares for our feedback.
Unnecessary sets, backpacks, time limited cosmetics, refusing to bring back old Rift cosmetics etc. I’m over it. Not buying any more paid cosmetics 🤷
I know backpacks aren’t a big deal on their own but it’s reflective of a larger issue with developer-community relations in this game. We can ask for years, time and time again for something to change and BHVR will just do whatever they want regardless.
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There have been multiple outfits I would have purchased if they didn't have backpacks. Please let us remove them.
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At least the cosmetic descriptions are longer now. Still very blandly written though, I'm starting to wonder if they have an AI write these instead of humans.
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I really liked Yui winter skin but since they put massive ugly backpack on her, it saved me some money. Thanks BHVR, very cool
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Mikaela's looks like a recolor of another set. The hair is the only great thing about it.
Haddie's outfits are strike me as drab. This would be another. Almost like it was for a pajama set. (unless that is what they were going for)
Zarina's looks like a recolor too. Again hair is only good thing about the set.
If backpacks are becoming such a common thing I wish charms would be the location for them.
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Haddie's outfit just confuses me from top to bottom. Also, What non-student even carries a backpack? Is this a cultural thing? After a certain age if I see someone carrying a backpack here in the USA I assume it's for something other than textbooks. Like carrying Girl Scout cookies.
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Dude I LOVE backpacks on survivors idk why but it's just so... !!!!