General Discussions

General Discussions

Guys, what did you expect for the next PTB ?

Alright, you know, i know, there was the roadmap, but is there everything ?

  • Hillbilly changes (please no more overheating, addons changes)
  • What the hell is gonna be the 3Gens changes

Finally Blight nerfs :)

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  • Member Posts: 1,990

    The Blight Nerfs will be addon's only, so its not what I'd call a 'nerf', but rather balance tweak? I dunno lol. He's still upper mid tier imo.

    Regardless of whsat they do to billy, he's still my favorite killer to go against.

    Three gen change will likely be some cooldown on gen kicking (with or without specific things happening in the trial.) Not sure though tbh. But I'm uneasy about BHVR not talking to us about it. Most of their decisions make little sense to most of us.

    As three gen is something usually survivor's do to themselves, I wish they would hit the tunnel issue before 3gen. But Eh.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2024

    I still hope Onryo gets her revert of her rework this month and afterwards some buffs.

    A feature, that makes 99 gates regress or the killer can reset the progress somehow.

    COH buff back to it‘s former 50% self heal speed and hex buffs. To balance COH, I would let killers damage boons, which survivors have to repair and bless again. I would make the boon repair time the same as it needs to bless them.

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    I think the easiest solution against tunneling would be to make DS and DH good again.

  • Member Posts: 1,990

    I think restoring DS would be a great start. But DH? I've used it through every iteration and it has yet to leave my builds as the Exhaust perk. DH is plenty strong right now.

    Ofc I wouldn't be MAD if they restored Dh to any prior iteration :P

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2024

    DH is just so difficult to use right now. I didn‘t play in the past, where you had infinite uses to practice, so it‘s really difficult for me to hit it in the right moment. Also a lot of times I panic and then it‘s just gone with no use at all.

    I want the sprint/ jump version back, because it had the most potential to trick the killer and I really like the concept of it.

    For DS the only thing that would attract me using it if I have it in end game and it don‘t deactivates, after repairing a gen healing etc. DS is just a stupid concept right now. For it to work you have to piss of the killer or throw yourself into him.

  • Member Posts: 5,949
    edited January 2024

    I expect a lackluster Billy update that will still leave him in the same spot as before. They don't know what to do with this killer (3 1/2 years since his nerf and very few changes since). The overheat will stay (not that it really matters for his base kit) and all the addons that work around it will be completely useless. Just as they are now. His QoL issues probably won't be fixed and when it comes to his collisions, I have zero faith, that they will work on that part.

    The 3 gen solution will probably be abusable and punish either survivors (still) or killers for poor map design.

    For Blight I see only 2 options. Either

    1) they Billy him


    2) he gets away with a slap on the wrist.

    Yes, I am pretty pessimistic about this update but with 2 things that are long overdue (which makes me think, they have no idea how to tackle these issues) and a base mechanic to nerf killers in some way, can you blame me? I am not against a solution for 3 gens but I am not looking forward to the update itself.

  • Member Posts: 1,990

    I wholly agree with ya. This update will likely bring people down more than up. And now is when I usually say "But we'll see! It could happen!"

    But, Kind of tired of saying that when it doesn't happen. Ever. The 3 gen thing bothers me on all kinds of levels since it's literally a survivor made problem, and I play mostly Solo'Q Survivor. 3 gen is a problem mostly for Solo'q. I just dont understand BHVR atm. There's much more pressing matters than trying to make that crap killer SM workable. Thats all I see with this 3gen crap.

    I hope Blight gets that slap only. I dont want them to move him from his mid tier spot. Hes fun!

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    Dash DH will probably never come back. It would need some sort of change, it was way too strong, at least in my opinion.

    Current DH is really heavy on the risk/rward factor - A third healthstate is extremely strong. That being said, maybe it doesn't have to be as risky.

  • Member Posts: 1,990

    tbh the biggest hurdle for DH is knowing the ping for you and the killer. If its 100+ difference... be ready to his that E early lol

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    Thats not my complain. I have a problem with it deactivating when ever I do something. Shure it is an anti tunnel perk, but most times I heal under the hook and get healed, then it‘s deactivated.

    I mean besides of getting hard tunneled this perk is useless. Why do I have to run into the killer and piss him off with the stun, instead of having it active and ran out, while I sit on a gen?

  • Member Posts: 1,437

    I would just give the old DH a 60-80s cooldown and then I think it would be fine. It was such a cool perk. It‘s sad that we don‘t get cool ability perks for survivors. Just strong perks with a new chapter, that get nerfed and everybody returns to Sprint burst etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2024

    60s immunity is fine in my opinion. The thing is 3s stun doesn‘t help and is literally not much distance.

    How often does it happen, that you heal each other under the hook and the killer returns just a second, before your heal is finished? For me that happens regularly and that is in my opinion tunneling. Only because you healed the other and got healed for 2s that doesn‘t mean you are safe.

    I think many players don‘t like to bring a perk that hinders their gameplay. Current DS only encourages to run into the killer and then DS is obvious. When you go heal or do the objective it deactivates and it doesn‘t matter, whether the killer is slowly coming to tunnel you or even undetectable.

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    Trust me, I sincerely hope to be proven wrong about this but the last time I got my hopes up, I was disappointed.

    The whole 3gen solution is a double edged blade. There is no way they'll come up with a system that works sufficiently but isn't abusable and if recent bugs have shown us anything it's that people will abuse everything they can, if it gives them even a slight advantage.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Nerfing Blight add-ons will be good enough for me but i am hoping they don't replace his busted add-ons with new busted add-ons. Happened with Nurse.

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