Dedicated sever hopes and dreams

Please please please devs, make cross platform saves a thing. I have this game on all 3 systems and I don't even care if if have to buy the dlc and cosmetics on all 3 but please make it where progress is stored server side and you can link your accounts. Let's get rid of the multiplat grind. I mostly play on xbox but I have friends on all 3 and going from all teachables unlocked to a bunch of level 1 potatos is horrible.
That's up to Sony and Microsoft. Sony has a stick up its ass when it comes to cross platform.
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I'm not aiming at cross platform play although that would be awesome. I just want to link my accounts for shared progress.
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The dream I dream (cause it probably will never happen) is playing on xbone with my buddies and then out of no where my pc crew sends out the text to get up and come on. I log out of xbone and the server saves my stuff much like any mmo would. I then hop on pc with the exact progress I just left from. It would also help when I hop on ps4 with my 1 friend that might play and I'm not a fake rank 20 just because I never really play on ps4.