Funny Moment
I just got called bad by a nurse who ran all aura perks because i ran distortion and she couldnt find me. Do killers really need to see the surv aura's all game to have a chance. Distortion OP
I think its the fact you hard countered their build with one perk. As someone who's played Doctor against a 4man Calm Spirit team, I get it.
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Just salt, but yeah. A lot of killers are running aura and scream perks. Distortion/calm spirit is a must after a certain point in mmr
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Image you use Ultimate weapon and survivors use 16 aura perks.
As for OP, I feel killers are too relied on aura and totally lose the ability to learn survivors' habit and pathing. Unlike WoO that survivors have to use to learn about alot of map layout changed since last year. Learning habit & pathing doesnt affected by map layout, you should mostly be able to predict their next move.
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It's why I used to hate iron will, a single survivor perk countering a single killer perk. Distortion like that but for an entire class of killer perks.
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Yes and no?
On Nurse it's disgusting, personally I only run I'm All Ears for her information because I still have trouble learning her teleports past certain loops, but otherwise running all aura reading is insane.
On the other hand, there are survivors who hide the ENTIRE match and it feels like you need these aura reading perks to find them half the time if they're not just swapping around lockers.
That said, I haven't ran into hiders as much these days so I haven't been running a lot of aura reading outside ones that assist in loops.
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In this case: no, it's just bad gameplay by the killer putting all eggs in 1 basket.
However I get why a lot of builds hold at least 1 or 2 of these perks. Example: when I play killer I usually put in bbq&chili just to see where we're at in the game, is someone coming to the rescue, do certain gens need a quick intervention etc. Only real exception I make is with plague but you can be sure I'll be watching you whenever you vomit. Same reasons there
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This is entirely the fault of the Nurse-player. Distortion is a popular Perk, building your Build with 4 Perks which can be countered by Distortion is a really bad decision.
If they would have replaced one of them with Ultimate Weapon, they would probably have been fine.
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A well played Nurse will be efficiently accurate at guesstimating most every maneuver and route both to and of a Survivor… this is intricately built in to her Very Hard skillset difficulty leveling.
Most mediocre Nurse players would incorporate BBq into their build, since the perks release, and absolutely, solely for the Aura benefits.
Expert Nurse players won’t even bother needing any Aura crutches, and often won’t even use a full build (one or 2 perks) and you’ll understand the hard flex upon the entire team when you’re effortlessly 4K’d by one of these supreme players. Feels like playing against an extra terrestrial life form😄
Anyone using a full Aura build (on any Killer) doesn’t appear very confident in their gameplay; but especially on Nurse, is seemingly, ultimately not very skilled.
There are those instances where ppl experiment w different builds, although this doesn’t seem the case with the person who was calling you names.
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Tbf, all aura builds are typically extremely chill and she probably had a major feels bad moment that your one perk countered her entire build. Imagine a poor aura reading huntress (which is a super fun and chill build) against your 1 distortion perk.
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The odd thing is an all aura build will shred through distortion tokens assuming you are getting procs. Distortion is extremely effective if the killer just had 1-2 but 3-4 in my opinion will eventually let you see that survivor unless they've been lucky avoiding all procs of whatever flavor of aura reading you have
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Distortion doesn’t make someone automatically bad but man some people I’ve played with who use the perk…
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Feel there is more to it than a perk choice. Did you hide all match and do nothing?
Running distortion doesn't make you bad, letting teammates die while UE around the map does, for example.
Unless they called out the perk in chat as the reason.
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It's because they're salty their build got countered. And for a Nurse it's even more poopy diapers crying, imo. My response would be to ask if they're bad because they need to see everyone to play well.
Beyond this specific case, a lot of players on both sides seem to feel really entitled to get constant value from their perks, but the risk of your perks being countered by their perks has always been part of the game. And it makes it more fun, imo. There's always going to be a chance that your build is going to be partially nullified by what your opponents are running, and that's fine. That's the way the game is designed.
As far as Distortion goes, if the killer is running 2-3 aura perks, you're not getting a ton of value out of it anyway. Against an aura reading Huntress/Blight/Nurse/etc. (or a Scratched/Vanity Mirror Myers, lol), those tokens get chewed through quickly.
But what it really boils down to is that the killer player is being a big baby because they can't see everyone all the time when they felt their perks guaranteed they should be able to. As a killer, I run aura reading perks a lot. But I don't get mad when they are countered. I adjust.