Anyone notice the exception to map offerings?
Typically map offerings are to a realm, rather than a specific map. Charred wedding photo for example can bring you to 2 different maps. Airlock doors and Alien flora on the other hand... are for specific maps within the same realm, Dvarka Deepwood. What's up with that?
To be fair I don't think those two maps should be from the same realm anyhow, they're nothing alike aside from "sci-fi map".
Why is a completely barren wasteland like Nostromo Wreckage in a 'Deepwood'?
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Different times? Different parts of the world of Dvarka? Maybe the crashing of Ripley's ship killed all nearby plantlife.
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Maybe, but I'm firmly of the opinion it was a mistake but the devs just kinda went along with it.
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They probably forgot about that and gave each of the chapters their own offering. Though is Dvarka a planet made by the entity? I'm not caught up with the lore.
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It's not. The entity recreates places from memories.
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Yea, it's due to them for some reason deciding to put the Alien map in the same realm, but as it's a licensed map it gets its' own offering. If they ever added a future sci-fi killer that was original and included a map, odds are it would share the Singularity's map offering.
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Bhvr obviously just made a mistake in naming the realms correctly. Licenced maps always had their own realm due to obvious reasons, and nostromo wont be any exception from that.
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nostromo and flora are two different maps,the lay out aren't even the same.
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Yeah this has annoyed me ever since it released.
It's not a huge deal, but the lack of consistency bothers me.
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It's the same realm though, just like mothers dwelling and temple of purgation aren't even the same time frames but use the same map offering.
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I don't know why Nostromo is considered a part of Dvarka's realm but it may have something to do with wanting to re-use assets, or lumping the two extraterrestial sci-fi realms together. But it's a big license with its own map and the two Dvarka maps have so little in common with each other despite technically being the same that they warranted giving Nostromo its own offering.
What bothers me is its offering is a pair of blast doors, which is incredibly silly. Most offerings are objects you can hold in your hand that represent the realm, this one is a pair of solid steel doors the size of a car. I'd have used something smaller like Dallas's coffee cup, or a piece of the Nostromo wreckage itself, or a Weyland-Yutani employee ID... anything else. I hope they change it in the future.
I'm also hoping for a Hadley's Hope map in the future, and if that happens, it will probably also be dropped into the Dvarka realm with its own offering.
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I think the same. Why MacMillan and AutoHeaven take place in the same planet Earth being different realms.
But 2 alien maps that must be different planets being the same realm
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They're the same planet. Just different biomes.