Amanda Young - Thoughts?

NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

Background Information

When I started to play killer, Amanda was my favorite killer! Her play style really got me interested in the killer role and probably the reason why I shifted towards playing more killer than survivor. However, I feel like she lacks a lot with her Reverse Bear Traps and that it's too RNG dependent.


Amanda needs to be a stalling killer and give herself more time to get sacrifices. These add-ons should be baked into Amanda's power.

Rules Set NO. 2
-Jigsaw Boxes' auras are hidden until your RBT is activated by a generator.
Annotated Plan
-Adds another Jigsaw Box into the trial increasing the total count to 5.
-Moderately (+30 seconds) increases the RBT timer.
Combat Straps
-Decreases the time it takes to enter and exit a crouching position to 1 second.

Reverse Bear Trap Revamp

If a survivor has a RBT, the hatch icon in the HUD will be colored red telling the trapped survivor that attempting to jump in will be lethal. Additionally, the Reverse Bear Trap will beep as if the survivor is near the exit gate when the trapped survivor gets near the hatch further informing the survivor to not jump in.

What are your thoughts about Amanda?


  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    As a piggy main too, I can agree with having her Comabt Straps and Rule Set No.2 as base kit, however I'm not so sure about the annotated plan. I personally think, now I will say this thought only came to me recentally, but having her Last Will as base kit too would be nice. Having 5 RBT standard woukd be great, it would help to add more pressure to survivors and waste more time, and would also be a little more forgiving with RNG, having a whole RBT to remove, then adding Last Will to bump it up to 6 if you use the add-on. Just quickly in relation to the Annotated Plan, I wouldn't be too against having the 5th Jigsaw box, but adding the extra 30 seconds to her pre-existing 2:30 timer I think would be too much time.

    I just yesterday posted a thread about some other add-on ideas I had for Amanda, I'm going to hope you may have already seen it, but otherwise, like I said above. Having RS2 and CS as base would alone help to raise her competative stats if you will. I'll drop the link to the thread here real quick too

    Otherwise however, I don't think that Amanda could really be changed to buff her potency without making addons her base kit, even ecpxtending her ambush would be near in insequential to her playstyle, so would beuffing her crouch movement speed, but I digress, I'm sure I've said enough by now. And so for the most part +1 for the ideas.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    I am a Pig main, and that would simply be unfair. Heads would be popping constantly, and that is not the goal of the reverse bear traps in game.
    I only agree with combat straps being basekit.
    I could see Rule set no.2, but I don't think it is necessary.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747
    Sounds like some great buffs, what would you rework those add-ons to do?
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    edited January 2019
    Chi said:

    I am a Pig main, and that would simply be unfair. Heads would be popping constantly, and that is not the goal of the reverse bear traps in game.
    I only agree with combat straps being basekit.
    I could see Rule set no.2, but I don't think it is necessary.

    "I am a Pig main, and that would simply be unfair. Heads would be popping constantly, and that is not the goal of the reverse bear traps in game."

    What exactly did I say makes the RBT lethal?
    KingB said:
    Sounds like some great buffs, what would you rework those add-ons to do?
    Annotated Plan
    Will remain the same since if used again:
    -3:30 RBT timer and 6 Jigsaw Boxes which isn't deadly, it will stall even more.
    Rules Set NO. 2
    -RBT timer will start activated without the need of a generator. (Adds pressure faster)
    Combat Straps
    -Decreases successful attack cool downs by a %.

    As a piggy main too, I can agree with having her Comabt Straps and Rule Set No.2 as base kit, however I'm not so sure about the annotated plan. I personally think, now I will say this thought only came to me recentally, but having her Last Will as base kit too would be nice. Having 5 RBT standard woukd be great, it would help to add more pressure to survivors and waste more time, and would also be a little more forgiving with RNG, having a whole RBT to remove, then adding Last Will to bump it up to 6 if you use the add-on. Just quickly in relation to the Annotated Plan, I wouldn't be too against having the 5th Jigsaw box, but adding the extra 30 seconds to her pre-existing 2:30 timer I think would be too much time.

    I just yesterday posted a thread about some other add-on ideas I had for Amanda, I'm going to hope you may have already seen it, but otherwise, like I said above. Having RS2 and CS as base would alone help to raise her competative stats if you will. I'll drop the link to the thread here real quick too

    Otherwise however, I don't think that Amanda could really be changed to buff her potency without making addons her base kit, even ecpxtending her ambush would be near in insequential to her playstyle, so would beuffing her crouch movement speed, but I digress, I'm sure I've said enough by now. And so for the most part +1 for the ideas.

    I'll give it a good look!
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited January 2019

    I like Rules Set No. 2 and Combat Straps being base kit, but I'm not sure I'm a huge fan of making Annotated Plan base kit as well (even if I do use it myself in tandem with Last Will). Something about raising the default timer even higher just doesn't sit right with me, even if you add an extra box to compensate (not that I would suggest making Jigsaw's Sketch base kit, since that'd be dumb IMO). Plus, it means the Tampered Timer + Sketch combo would mean you have to search 6 boxes in 2:30, which could be a bit much. I think Rules Set No. 2 and Combat Straps are enough to be made into base kit, but if you had to add something else, I would personally vouch for Last Will.

    As far as the Hatch thing, I reaaaaally want the RBTs to snap on the Hatch (at least, assuming they don't end up making improvements to the Hatch gameplay or just do away with it entirely by revamping the end game), but having thought about it some, I think to do that, there should be some adjustments to help a Survivor wearing an RBT still have a fair (in my opinion) chance of making the hatch. If you're going to go that route, I'd personally suggest the following modifications to RBTs:

    1) Time to search a Jigsaw Box is reduced by half while there is only one Survivor remaining in the trial.
    2) While is only one Survivor remaining in the trial, Good skill checks count as great skill checks while searching a Jigsaw Box.
    3) Bag of Gears and Crate of Gears don't function while there is only one Survivor remaining in the trial (basically would be written as "Slightly/Considerably increases the time it takes Survivors to search a Jigsaw Box. Does not apply if there is only one Survivor remaining in the trial.").

    I have no idea if this would be balanced, but if this ends up making it too easy for someone to escape through the Exit Gates while there's only one person left, the aforementioned adjustments to the RBTs could only apply as long as there is one Survivor left and the Exit Gates aren't powered.

    Beyond that, I think the main issue of Amanda lies in too many of her add-ons being underpowered. A good number of them need some buffs/reworks so that Amanda isn't overly reliant on the same few add-ons every time.

    @Chi said:
    Heads would be popping constantly, and that is not the goal of the reverse bear traps in game.

    I understand that the RBTs are meant to be a time waster/stalling mechanic first and a way of killing people second, but it's still pretty funny knowing that the death trap was designed not to be good at killing.

    Post edited by TAG on
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Her dash needs to be faster and longer, since loops are not designed with her in mind and most of the pallets are completely safe against it

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Pig gets a buff in the midchapter, reducing her crouch time from 2s to 1,3s. Combat straps will still reduce it to 1s, basically making her addon-independant.

    Her RBTs are strong enough imo. Great timewasters and allow you to play "1vs3". It would be cool, if her uncrouch was faster though, so if survivors run away from loops when you go for crouch/ambush, you can uncrouch faster and catch them offguard before they reach the next tile.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457
    I miss where you couldn’t leave the match until all survivors had the RBT off their head. 
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    Iceman said:
    I miss where you couldn’t leave the match until all survivors had the RBT off their head. 
    When was that a thing?