Tired of Meta. What meme builds do you run?

TheSingularity Member Posts: 1,684
edited January 22 in General Discussions

Been running Chucky and due to his small stature I'm using Oblivious builds on him.

They're more effective indoor rather than outdoor, though you can't expect success everytime. Fun when it works though.

Currently using Hex: Two Can Play, Trail of Torment, Nemesis and Dark Devotion.

What're some killer meme builds you run to stray away from the normal crap?


  • Deathslinger1of2
    Deathslinger1of2 Member Posts: 81

    I call this the “Blocky-Blocky Build”.

    Dead Man’s Switch

    Thrilling Tremors


    Merciless Storm

    Actually got some good value with Clown.

  • Deathslinger1of2
    Deathslinger1of2 Member Posts: 81

    ”Vault Assault”.

    Cruel Limits

    Hex: Crowd Control


    Superior Anatomy


    Swap one with Fire Up

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,734

    Not a super specific meme build but brutal strength fire up Frank’s mixtape legion

    instant break dem walls

  • BigJ
    BigJ Member Posts: 2

    Run any perks you want, play Clown, but play the whole game with Yellow bottles.

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501

    Oh, when i play singularity (i can't play knight, you know the vibes), i use

    dark devotion


    mad grit

    third seal (underrated on the killer, biopods last a lot longer)

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,023
    edited January 22

    Doctor long heals

    Double Calm Add ons


    Unnerving Presence/Distressing


    Thanatophobia/Blood Echo

    Use blast sparingly to benefit from the extended terror radius.

    The idea is play hit and run. While Sloppy/Gift of Pain seem like really good picks to discourage healing, good Survivors may opt to ignore healing and do gens because of how easily healing can be interrupted with Hemorrhage in play.

    With Thanatophobia or Blood Echo, Survivors are incentivized to heal which leads to more time spent on healing and less time on gens. The failed skill check notifications and Doctor Illusions provide free information on where to go.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,194
    edited January 22

    Try both of my Alien Lore builds if you don't care about kills:

    • Alien Queen with Agitation, Iron Grasp, Mad Grid, Awakened Awereness (or switch to Lightborn)
    • Xenomorph with Insidious, Enduring, Rancor, No Way out
  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,238

    Biopods lasting a lot longer due to Third Seal is a placebo since Blindness doesnt prevent you from seeing killer white auras.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 22

    I like doing a stupid screaming build. Something like Ultimate Weapon, Hex: Face The Darkness, Infectious Fright and Make Your Choice. The Survivors never stop screaming all game. It's very, very funny.

    Or you could become a human rock concert with two Legion mixtape add-ons with Distressing to make your terror radius bigger. Bring an offering for a small map and the Survivors will never be able to get out of your terror radius.

    Those two are my favourite fun builds.

  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 1,684

    Just don't run that scream build on Pig with increase search time addons 🤬

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,055

    When I got tired of the monotony of playing killer, I switched to SM Myers with PWYF, Undying, Haunted Grounds and NOED. The goal was to scare, not kill.

    You’ll just need to have indoor map offerings because it sucked to play outside.

    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501
  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,238
  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,902

    Don't know if you'd consider it "meme" but my go to has and, unless they change it, always will be jumpscare Myers.

    Scratched mirror, Boyfriend's memo and sometime a mori

    STBFL, ruin, Devour, NOED - sometimes switch out STBFL for Lightborn

    Snatch people off gens, stealth around the map tracking players through walls. When all works get insta downs and kills from Devour, when it fails get insta downs and kills from NOED/Mori.

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 312

    I really like running Hex roulette. Haunted Grounds, Undying, Retribution, and Devour Hope (or possibly Crowd Control, just something survivors will really want to cleanse.) I really enjoy builds that make survivors confused and panicked.

    Two Can Play with Enduring and whatever else you feel like can also be fun, especially on Chucky. Just run through pallets and scamper under them after being stunned.

    Dragon's Grip could be pretty funny to run with Trail of Torment. Bait them to remove your undetectable, only to leave them even more frightened with the exposed status.

    I'm also glad to see another person who enjoys Dark Devotion. It's fun to cause disarray with your terror radius on a survivor while you're sneaking around elsewhere.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,718

    Not meme perks, but sometimes I like running stealth perks on a stealth killer just as a gag.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,600
    edited January 23

    Blindness Trapper is one of my favorite meme builds.

    Bloody Coil addon makes the survivor get blindness due Hex: The third seal, removing a trap make Third seal get a token due being injured when removing the trap.

    When a surivivor free himself from a trap, he enter dying state due the Honling Stone addon and the rest of survivors most likely don't know where is the downed survivor due the blindness or spend a lot of time finding it.

    Knock Out is good in case you have to or want to slug someone.

    Fearmonger for extra Blindness perk as a backup if Third Seal is destroyed and for a little counter against exhaustion perks.

    Undying for protecting The third seal and can help a bit with the aura reading.

    You can switch Undying with Ultimate Weapon, however The third seal is the core perk for this build and without Undying protection, The third seal can be destroyed too quickly.

    However this build have two main problems, no gen regression perks means that the gens will fly, specially against trapper due the time spent putting traps and against SWFs is more or less useless, but when the build works is very fun though.