Huntresses are ruining games?

Why did I just get 3 back to back games in which all 3 were Huntresses with iridescent hatchets and some had red mori's? I even had one huntress roleplay in post chat as some dominatrix chick. Like #########? Did I miss a event announcement? Hell, I don't even blame the survivors who literally dced after they saw the mori or when they saw the instant down hatchet.
Bad luck. I've only seen one of those last year. Also the dominatrix roleplay sounds pretty hilarious if you ask me.
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Lol how are they ruining the game with Mori's and insta down hatchets? Just learn to look behind you and avoid straights, hide behind gens, generally become emersed, play against them sorta like you would Billy if he was ranged4
Dominatrix huntress sounds like net gain. Down me mistress!7
Because Huntress is one of those killers that is complete feast or famine, depending on the map, addons, and what survivors are doing.
I just got out of a Rank 1 game against a Huntress that ran no addons, and on Torment Creek it's laughable how easy it is to loop her and lose her in all the ######### her hatchets can hit.
Huntress's base power needs a buff, and her addons need a nerf. It's really not fun that I had to basically sideline my Huntress after using up all of her addons (literally all of them) because I want to level up other killers and survivors.
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@βLAKE said:
I even had one huntress roleplay in post chat as some dominatrix chick.Please tell me you got pictures of this. This sounds like it would be hilarious to read.
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@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
Lol how are they ruining the game with Mori's and insta down hatchets? Just learn to look behind you and avoid straights, hide behind gens, generally become emersed, play against them sorta like you would Billy if he was rangedI never said in my original post that I was bad at handling instant down huntresses. But cmon, you gotta admit that it's unfun to play against a Huntress who has a red mori, with instant down hatchets and your teammates get downed quick to the point you can't do gens because they are getting hooked left and right and the added bonus of having your teammates disconnecting at the beginning of the game once they realize they are playing a unfun game with a stacked huntress.
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@SnakeSound222 said:
@βLAKE said:
I even had one huntress roleplay in post chat as some dominatrix chick.Please tell me you got pictures of this. This sounds like it would be hilarious to read.
Unfortunately I don't sorry. But yeah she was babbling about her being a dominatrix of evil coming to instill punishment on puny survivors who run in her land or some sht like that.
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βLAKE said:
@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
Lol how are they ruining the game with Mori's and insta down hatchets? Just learn to look behind you and avoid straights, hide behind gens, generally become emersed, play against them sorta like you would Billy if he was rangedI never said in my original post that I was bad at handling instant down huntresses. But cmon, you gotta admit that it's unfun to play against a Huntress who has a red mori, with instant down hatchets and your teammates get downed quick to the point you can't do gens because they are getting hooked left and right and the added bonus of having your teammates disconnecting at the beginning of the game once they realize they are playing a unfun game with a stacked huntress.
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Welcome to dealing with 85%-90% of Leatherface mains done in Huntress form. You get hooked, and are either camped, tunneled and hooked again immediately after hooking, or remove option two's immediate hooking and replace it with a Mori.
The fix to this? Make Ebony Moris only work on death hook.0 -
@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
βLAKE said:@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
Lol how are they ruining the game with Mori's and insta down hatchets? Just learn to look behind you and avoid straights, hide behind gens, generally become emersed, play against them sorta like you would Billy if he was ranged
I never said in my original post that I was bad at handling instant down huntresses. But cmon, you gotta admit that it's unfun to play against a Huntress who has a red mori, with instant down hatchets and your teammates get downed quick to the point you can't do gens because they are getting hooked left and right and the added bonus of having your teammates disconnecting at the beginning of the game once they realize they are playing a unfun game with a stacked huntress.
Lol If I play surv I play meg, thought about switching to Claudette for emersion, but im still pretty emersed with my meg (she is p2 cause I haven't been able to get on since Michael hit here back in October). But I mostly play killer freddy or hag
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@Khroalthemadbomber said:
Welcome to dealing with 85%-90% of Leatherface mains done in Huntress form. You get hooked, and are either camped, tunneled and hooked again immediately after hooking, or remove option two's immediate hooking and replace it with a Mori.The fix to this? Make Ebony Moris only work on death hook.
Not to totally derail the topic here, but I guess I have to. Ebony mori's only working on death hook would make no sense since a mori takes slightly longer to kill a survivor than just hooking them (depending on your map position) also you gain more points if you sacrifice a survivor rather than just outright killing them. Lastly, mori's are used to get survivors taken out more quickly than hooking them 2 or 3 times. Killing off survivors with a mori makes it beneficial for killers because it tips their momentum and pressure in their favor and you can't simply do that if you have to wait for the survivor to be hooked and saved at least twice. Therefore in my opinion, I think there should be a better solution than having mori's work on death hook.
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Well you wanted the one-hook moris to stop. That's how.0
insta down hatchet huntress is annoying since she doesn't have to be next to you but hatchets can be somewhat easy to dodge as long as you're not in the open. But i think tombstone myers is far more annoying. The only good thing about it is the fact that you can make them rage just by going into a locker so they can't mori you. Just don't be the first to get killed lol.
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βLAKE said:
@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
Lol how are they ruining the game with Mori's and insta down hatchets? Just learn to look behind you and avoid straights, hide behind gens, generally become emersed, play against them sorta like you would Billy if he was rangedI never said in my original post that I was bad at handling instant down huntresses. But cmon, you gotta admit that it's unfun to play against a Huntress who has a red mori, with instant down hatchets and your teammates get downed quick to the point you can't do gens because they are getting hooked left and right and the added bonus of having your teammates disconnecting at the beginning of the game once they realize they are playing a unfun game with a stacked huntress.
Iridescent heads is strong vs players who are inexpierenced in dodging hatchets and players who have an itchy dc finger. Dont ever make excuses for dcing players btw they fk up games for their team and should never ever be given a pass because the killers rocking some scary add ons.
I dont dc as killer when i have a survivour insta or ds me into adrenaline they should have the cope on to play the game. Do you feel cheated welcome to dbd. Killer get this all the time if you dc becaue the game is hard or you feel cheated take a breath and remeber this game is a team game. I'm sick of losing games as survivour because someone wouldnt hold on and give the rest of us a chance.0 -
Anna giving some RP after the game?
Helloooo count me in ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
In all seriousness 1 shot hatchets are not all that bad. They can carry only 3 max.
If they end up on Coldwind, Lerys, The Game there are so many issues with hitting random objects with massive invisible hitboxes it won't be an issue. Not to mention even in the open they have to hit a target trying to juke.
Also she's a huge Amazonian she's slow AF and if she's running 1 shot and infantry her wind up is also really slow.
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I played Huntress throughout the winter event and it left me with 12 Iridescent Heads and 8 Ebony Moris. I’ll admit it was toxic to run that build over and over again. It is OP, but I’m planning on prestiging Huntress so I want to use all the add-ons
It’s not that hard to dodge a hatchet especially if the Huntress player isn’t good at their aim. I see a lot of potatoes who drop pallets during a chase and it is a free shot with a hatchet. I’m in red ranks too.
A lot of killers are left with a bunch of Ebony’s and their best add-ons due to the winter event. So if you see OP Huntress builds and Tombstone Myers, you know why.
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@Khroalthemadbomber said:
Well you wanted the one-hook moris to stop. That's how.Yes but that defeats the purpose of a mori
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@MegMain98 said:
I played Huntress throughout the winter event and it left me with 12 Iridescent Heads and 8 Ebony Moris. I’ll admit it was toxic to run that build over and over again. It is OP, but I’m planning on prestiging Huntress so I want to use all the add-onsIt’s not that hard to dodge a hatchet especially if the Huntress player isn’t good at their aim. I see a lot of potatoes who drop pallets during a chase and it is a free shot with a hatchet. I’m in red ranks too.
A lot of killers are left with a bunch of Ebony’s and their best add-ons due to the winter event. So if you see OP Huntress builds and Tombstone Myers, you know why.
Ah yeah, I forgot about the easy to get christmas boxes. Makes sense how I keep seeing killers with ultra rare addons. Usually I see a few use them from time to time, but I completely forgot that the boxes give you ultra rares for 3k bp.
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@βLAKE said:
Why did I just get 3 back to back games in which all 3 were Huntresses with iridescent hatchets and some had red mori's? I even had one huntress roleplay in post chat as some dominatrix chick. Like #########? Did I miss a event announcement? Hell, I don't even blame the survivors who literally dced after they saw the mori or when they saw the instant down hatchet.The Winter event gave out ultra rare offerings to both survivors and killers in spades. For this reason you will see loads of games over the next few weeks where both sides are using them. The biggest downside is that survivors often get to enjoy their ultra rare offerings during a match and killers have to deal with instant disconnects.
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@βLAKE said:
Why did I just get 3 back to back games in which all 3 were Huntresses with iridescent hatchets and some had red mori's? I even had one huntress roleplay in post chat as some dominatrix chick. Like #########? Did I miss a event announcement? Hell, I don't even blame the survivors who literally dced after they saw the mori or when they saw the instant down hatchet.Just loop them, iri hatchets mean that they dont have windup addons..... lul
And yeah survivors being survivors..... that really wont change until they (hopefully) punish DCs1 -
@Master said:
@βLAKE said:
Why did I just get 3 back to back games in which all 3 were Huntresses with iridescent hatchets and some had red mori's? I even had one huntress roleplay in post chat as some dominatrix chick. Like #########? Did I miss a event announcement? Hell, I don't even blame the survivors who literally dced after they saw the mori or when they saw the instant down hatchet.Just loop them, iri hatchets mean that they dont have windup addons..... lul
And yeah survivors being survivors..... that really wont change until they (hopefully) punish DCsYes I know how to loop huntresses, but even then I do eventually get hit with ridiculous shots because the devs gave survivors a hitbox as large as the map itself. However, that's not my main concern, the problem is that many people are dcing early or getting hit by these hatchets almost immediately during the chase which creates a loop of problems because games end quick or the game is strainious because I have to either make the choice of constantly saving teammates off the hook and take the safe pip or ignore them long enough to do two gens and get the hatch. This makes it a fun and easy game for the huntress, but for me its very hard and unfun because I have to carry the load of a team that is suppose to be compromised of 4 people sharing the work instead I have 1 or 2 teammates at the start or I have all 3 teammates but they get downed fairly quickly like domino's
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@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
Lol how are they ruining the game with Mori's and insta down hatchets? Just learn to look behind you and avoid straights, hide behind gens, generally become emersed, play against them sorta like you would Billy if he was rangedThe principal problem are the BIG hitboxes
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Really? Because ive played huntress before the hit box isn't that ridiculously big it's just ppl get really good throwing the hachets without a cross hair1
βLAKE said:
@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
Lol how are they ruining the game with Mori's and insta down hatchets? Just learn to look behind you and avoid straights, hide behind gens, generally become emersed, play against them sorta like you would Billy if he was rangedI never said in my original post that I was bad at handling instant down huntresses. But cmon, you gotta admit that it's unfun to play against a Huntress who has a red mori, with instant down hatchets and your teammates get downed quick to the point you can't do gens because they are getting hooked left and right and the added bonus of having your teammates disconnecting at the beginning of the game once they realize they are playing a unfun game with a stacked huntress.
Or, all four survivors with toolboxes and running leader or any other repair speed perk zooming through gens before you get a single hook.
Sorry my friend, you come here to complain about “stacked killers”, yet survivors are “allowed” to run anything they want and we are expected to follow some survivor implied code of conduct for OUR addons and actions?
Well, actually, not sorry. Go run to the survivor forums and spread your sadness there.0 -
@Divinitye9 said:
βLAKE said:@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
Lol how are they ruining the game with Mori's and insta down hatchets? Just learn to look behind you and avoid straights, hide behind gens, generally become emersed, play against them sorta like you would Billy if he was ranged
I never said in my original post that I was bad at handling instant down huntresses. But cmon, you gotta admit that it's unfun to play against a Huntress who has a red mori, with instant down hatchets and your teammates get downed quick to the point you can't do gens because they are getting hooked left and right and the added bonus of having your teammates disconnecting at the beginning of the game once they realize they are playing a unfun game with a stacked huntress.
I raise you a SWF group stalking you, flashlight saving, flashlight clicking, infinite looping, tea bagging, all running adrenaline and decisive strike.
Or, all four survivors with toolboxes and running leader or any other repair speed perk zooming through gens before you get a single hook.
Sorry my friend, you come here to complain about “stacked killers”, yet survivors are “allowed” to run anything they want and we are expected to follow some survivor implied code of conduct for OUR addons and actions?
Well, actually, not sorry. Go run to the survivor forums and spread your sadness there.
Yikes dude why are you on the offense here? I get it that you got spanked by SWF survivors but I didn't do anything to warrant this. This is simply a discussion and I hope that next time you get spanked you direct your negative feelings elsewhere (preferably to someone who deserves it)
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@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
Really? Because ive played huntress before the hit box isn't that ridiculously big it's just ppl get really good throwing the hachets without a cross hairI don't have any video editing software or the tools to record long games, but I recommend Noob3's videos where he shows the ludicrous hits that he gets from killers.
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βLAKE said:
@TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
Really? Because ive played huntress before the hit box isn't that ridiculously big it's just ppl get really good throwing the hachets without a cross hairI don't have any video editing software or the tools to record long games, but I recommend Noob3's videos where he shows the ludicrous hits that he gets from killers.
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@Demoth said:
Because Huntress is one of those killers that is complete feast or famine, depending on the map, addons, and what survivors are doing.I just got out of a Rank 1 game against a Huntress that ran no addons, and on Torment Creek it's laughable how easy it is to loop her and lose her in all the ######### her hatchets can hit.
Huntress's base power needs a buff, and her addons need a nerf. It's really not fun that I had to basically sideline my Huntress after using up all of her addons (literally all of them) because I want to level up other killers and survivors.
Iridescent head is definitely one of the most powerful add-ons in the game right now. I feel like it should either do slightly less, or it shouldn't be so easy to fix the downside with Infantry Belt. Like, what if an Iridescent Head applied Broken for 2 minutes instead of an instant down? Still feels like an iridescent to me. Just spitballing.
As for base power buffs, hatchets not getting blocked by random junk they clearly aren't touching would be nice. But apparently, that was tried before I started playing. Everyone raged at that, from what I hear. Something about a dramatic drop in survival rates vs good ol' Anna.
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@That_One_Scrub said:
As for base power buffs, hatchets not getting blocked by random junk they clearly aren't touching would be nice. But apparently, that was tried before I started playing. Everyone raged at that, from what I hear. Something about a dramatic drop in survival rates vs good ol' Anna.
I play a lot of survivor right now, and I can definitely tell you that a bunch of people who play survivor are absolutely ######### at this game, even at red ranks, and can't handle dying. Notice I didn't say "losing", but "dying". You can still win despite dying, but a lot of survivors don't care, and flip the ######### out when they aren't able to escape most of their games.
It's becoming laughable how many 4 man escapes I've become a part of at red ranks as survivor. I honestly don't know if they'll ever make any killer Nurse or Billy levels of strong, because survivors simply can't handle being actually afraid of the killers.
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The latest Christmas event had ebony moris and red ad ons dropping like crazy.0
With all the leather and straps addons, and her being among the tallest killers I can see why some would see her as a dom. Haha1
@βLAKE said:
@Khroalthemadbomber said:
Welcome to dealing with 85%-90% of Leatherface mains done in Huntress form. You get hooked, and are either camped, tunneled and hooked again immediately after hooking, or remove option two's immediate hooking and replace it with a Mori.The fix to this? Make Ebony Moris only work on death hook.
Not to totally derail the topic here, but I guess I have to. Ebony mori's only working on death hook would make no sense since a mori takes slightly longer to kill a survivor than just hooking them (depending on your map position) also you gain more points if you sacrifice a survivor rather than just outright killing them. Lastly, mori's are used to get survivors taken out more quickly than hooking them 2 or 3 times. Killing off survivors with a mori makes it beneficial for killers because it tips their momentum and pressure in their favor and you can't simply do that if you have to wait for the survivor to be hooked and saved at least twice. Therefore in my opinion, I think there should be a better solution than having mori's work on death hook.
Technically, you get the most points from hooking someone twice then a mori.
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Christmas event is over, these Huntresses will run out of pink items soon enough.
The real problem is that Killer pink items tend to be really over the top powerful and really change the game in huge ways. Survivor legendary items are almost laughable in comparison.
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This looks more like a "survivors crying corner" than a discussion of the pros and cons of the huntress. LOL.1
huntress with iridescent hatchets are cancer same with the clown i dont know why devs want to put this type of addon its just ruins the game for survivors i got tunnel with this huntress also he was a streamer he use hatchets everytime trying to catch me and with the other purple addon that you get more hatchets its just stupid also i died cuz he was camping me.