Explain to me the counterplay to Ultimate Weapon

cos theres zero.
The killer performs the arduous task of... opening a locker, and gains info on where everyone is inside his or her terror radius. Incredible hard work by the killer player. How is this inbred disgusting perk allowed to exist at all and hasn't been killswitched yet
Calm spirit and hiding in lockers. There is also the fact that the killer still has to actually get you.
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you cannot be serious
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What? You don't know the extremely easy and convenient counters to UW? You just need to use your sixth sense to predict the exact moment the killer is going to open a locker, which is when you need to hide in a locker and stay there for 30 seconds. Alternatives are the very useful perk calm spirit and just not going down in chase, 4head.
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There is no counter.
You have to use Calm Spirit which is pretty bad perk and nerfed by BHVR long time ago.
And that's it. There is no other counter.
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Locker dodging Ultimate Weapon isn't as good as locker dodging other auras such as BBQ&Chili since you don't know if they have opened a locker unless you had direct line of sight. BBQ you know that once they pick up a survivor that you can jump in a locker since you know it is about to activate. Ultimate Weapon is also active for 30 whole seconds, so to dodge it you have to sit in a locker for 30 secs to guarantee that it doesn't find you. It outclasses other info perks because it's activation condition doesn't require progression of the game and it bypasses aura blocking. Calm spirit is the only way to consistently play around it and that is not a perk folks should have to run.
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For every 1min, you spend 30sec in lockers. That's how you counter UW.
They didnt tell you would be able to do Gen and escape though.
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What is the counterplay to every aura perk?
You just hate Ultimate Weapon because you're aware of it's existence when you scream.
Why is UW a problem but Darkness Revealed isn't?
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As I know, you don't need to spend 30 seconds. Just avoiding one time will make you not scream for left seconds.
I might be wrong though.
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I think you are right.
However, this only applies to the initial prog of Ultimate Weapon. If the Killer approaches you while it lingers, you will scream anyway and there is not really anything you can do, except hiding in a locker for 30 seconds. Let alone that you somehow need to know that the Killer has the Perk (which is difficult at the start) and you need to know that they just used it.
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...What is the problem of Ultimate Weapon it does nothing if you're tunneling camping or 3 genning and it encourages the best part of this game chasing I seriously don't understand what the problem of UW is
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I mean, that kinda depends on what you're asking.
If you're asking how to stop Ultimate Weapon from revealing you, there isn't one outside of Calm Spirit. That's not a problem, though, most aura perks don't give you a tell that they're even revealing you at all, those aren't counterable either in the strict sense we're talking about here.
If you're asking how to respond to Ultimate Weapon after it's revealed you, that'll depend on context, but generally you're probably just gonna be chased. You can fool it by walking and not leaving scratch marks if you're on the edge of the terror radius, since the killer only gets a static indication of where you were when you screamed, but that's situational.
Generally, I've come to think that the reason people think UW being "uncounterable" is a problem is because they're actually told when it's revealing them, when other info perks are the exact same way and just don't give a tell like that. Other info perks are much stronger and don't get this kind of flak.
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I don't think UW is a top-tier source of information - screaming tells the survivor when it's active, so they can run or hide as soon as their location is revealed, making the killer waste a lot of time on top of the activation cost of locating and opening a locker. But it's pretty great for tunneling if you can identify your tunnel-target by the scream.
On the other hand, 30 seconds Blindness on top of a not half-bad info perk feels disgusting to me, even though I only play killer. It's like budget Third Seal with ranged activation, and no way to disable. Sure it's not permanent, but it'll be there when it matters.
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Explain to me the counterplay to Sprint Burst. Cos there's zero.
Both perks will activate. Are either of them problematic because of that? No.
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I love that kind of answer.
First line: "there are no counters".
Second line: "there is a counter".
People ... make an effort, please ...
Ever since the ultimate weapon became fashionable, I've been a regular user of calm spirit.
If you only knew the number of times I've been able to brain the killer by being right next to him because I wasn't screaming 😂
The funniest was the time I played against a doctor who was using ultimate weapon ... it was soooooo fun 😂😂
So let's be honest, guys: YES, there's a counter to Ultimate Weapon, and what's more, it counters other elements of the game.
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Doing gens.
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All of the counter play is in the lobby.
Don't like to be found? Guess it's your fault you didn't bring calm spirit and distortion.
Don't like being tunneled? You should've brought OTR and DS.
Don't like being slugged? Should've brought Unbreakable.
Don't like camping? Should bring Reassurance.
Don't like to escape or anything that resembles fun gameplay? Run any four of those every game.
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You simply asked to explain the counterplay. You didn't say it had to be good. And like I said in the previous post, they still have to actually get you.
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So I don't really go against killers that run ultimate weapon that often so this could just be luck, but from my experience, some killers will not go to the gen but rather close enough for the gen to be in their terror radius. So if someone gets hooked then wait a few seconds doing a gen or whatever your doing, go into locker, wait for terror radius to come and go, then go back to the gen or whatever. Chances are that they aren't gonna come back for the remainder of ultimate weapon. And as I said before, they still have to actually get you. I can't count how many times a survivor was able to loop and play well but still chose to hide and waste time and potentially getting the weak link killed.
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UW lasts for 30 seconds, Darkness Revealed lasts for 5.
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So the community has a problem with UW..,
But when I say Dr. Carter and Darkness Revealed have similar effects(sorta kinda) and are countered by the same perks/gameplay everybody is fine with that?
The complaints about UW is starting to sound like complaining just to complain.
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UW is like having Doctor play as your wingman. I used it over Christmas for the first time ever (Oni) and felt that it was pretty unfair on survivors, especially during ECG or when there are only 1 or 2 survivors left. Atleast with 4 survivors who have a 75% chance of the killing ignoring you so to speak.
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Darkness revealed is incredibly map dependent and can be blocked by distortion and OTR. Darkness suffers from being incredibly inconsistent.
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Ultimate weapon is incredibly useful for tunneling. You can tell which survivor is where because of the screams. You want to kill the two hook feng min? Then just pay attention to who screams.
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You scream for 30 seconds?
A scream, with a bubble notification that snapshots a survivors location in a single moment, is actually far less useful info than an aura that lasts for 5 seconds (7 with LP) that the survivor is unaware of.
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And UW can be blocked by Calm Spirit, as well as being proximity dependant (inside ther terror radius) and map dependent) killer has to find a locker to activate it.
Also, DR's "6m around every locker on the map" is greater coverage than UW's "32m around me", and can be situationally more useful, as lockers are often close to gens.
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No, you don't scream for 30 seconds, I think you know exactly what I mean. The uptime is far too long, which is what makes it obnoxious. Darkness Revealed only has a moment to reveal Survivors, as opposed to the 30 seconds that UW has.
I don't think the scream is far less useful considering they'll always be near you. Darkness Revealed won't necessarily provide good info if the survivor is too far, there's a lot of time to move and make the information outdated in that time. UW's reveals will almost always be useful due to their proximity.
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What? Why do you need to find the person you're tunneling you're tunneling them off hook aren't you? Or whats your definition of tunneling? Not hooking everyone else before the last person you've hooked?
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If survivors always knew when aura perks were being used on them, there'd be constant demands to remove them from the game. UW makes itself obvious so it's easy to point a finger at when it works.
Having said that, I do think its active duration should be reduced, to limit its utility to finding survivors in a specific area as needed rather than traversing the whole map and finding everyone like a radar.
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yeah man it isn't top tier information just press space bar on a locker then waddle 10 metres in any direction and odds are you'll get 2 loud noise notifications telling you exactly where people are and interrupt actions proccing stuff like dead man's on gens, not top tier info in the slightest right?
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Also yeah run calm spirit that gutted borderline detrimental perk JUST IN CASE the killer has his press space bar for wall hacks perk on, how didn't I think of that
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Or maybe they're complaing about high mobility killers light blight having doctor's power.
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Calm spirit is the counter. 🤷🏼♂️
You said and I quote “cos theres zero.”
You're already incorrect on your first statement. It’s an obnoxious perk though. I don’t disagree there. The Developers mentioned they will address it in the very near future.
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If Distortion is a valid counter to aura perks, then why is Calm Spirit not a valid counter to UW?
Can you explain that double standard?
There are multiple aura perks, but there are also mtiple perks/powers that make survivors scream.
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It doesn't have any drawback if you don't open chests, which most never do.
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The only killer you could accurately hide in lockers consistently against is demogorgon because of his map wide ambient noises
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Also applies to totems remember
I’ve cucked my team before because oops I cleanse the Noed slower
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If you're not camping and you go back to hook and don't see them it can find that survivor. You can tunnel without camping. Dropping everything to go back for the hooked survivor is tunneling and UW can facilitate that.
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Calm spirit is realistically blocking one perk and a killer power. Distortion/OTR covers a larger range of perks and add-ons. 6m around every locker sounds great on midwich/gideon, but it doesn't do as well on maps like ormond/swamp/haddonfield. The TR being the basis of your aura reading is more than great when it is active for 30 seconds especially when most of the best killers can travel across the map rather quickly.
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Yeah. The blindness is what is annoying.
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It's literally counterplay. I know - taking off one of your many second chances to run something that COMPLETELY counters a perk you say is so frequent and such a huge problem would make too much sense.
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If blindness is too hard for you to play around, that's a skill issue.
My goodness the post-pandemic WoO training wheels crutching crowd is mind boggling in their inability, or rather, refusal to do anything but what they saw their favorite content creator do.
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Blindness counters a lot more perks than WoO, and most of them are the fun kind survivors tend to not run.
I speak from the perspective of both roles when I say the Blindness on Ultimate Weapon should go. I don't like having my fun niche builds disabled by a perk the killer's mostly running for info anyway, and I also don't think the killer benefits much in any direct way from the Blindness on Ultimate Weapon, it's just a potential upside you'll not be able to tell is doing anything.
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What fun builds do you run that are shut down by Blindness?
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Totem builds using boons and Overzealous (granted, that one's more because I don't have the totem spots memorised), altruistic builds that use Empathy or Bond, gimmick chest builds, and Blood Amber key builds.
Hypothetically Saboteur ends up slightly weaker too, but I don't personally run that one and to be fair it does still function.
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Why wouldn't this be serious? Countering any aura reading perk is distortion or hiding in lockers. The counters to scream perks are calm spirit or hiding in lockers.
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There is none. I feel like it was a perk designed without taking the survivor experience into consideration. It gives the killer way too much power and control. These kind of perks serve as an extra power for the killer basically. The game is bloated with perks and RNG at this point. Its really becoming a tiresome and boring experience.
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I play solo and run Empathy, Detective's Hunch, and Counterforce.
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I don't run windows though.
I'm guessing you do though, since that's apparently the only perk you think is affected by blindness.
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Used to be quite vocal on this perk, kinda chilled out about it now, but the primary issue I see with it is purely its availability:
It is a Swiss army knife that allows the killer to find a particular target when they need them... it's not so much that the perk itself is the problem, it's nore the nasty play styles it helps support that I think is where it takes the flack, especially on the strongest killers.
- Tunneling is easy because you can always find your target you want to tunnel, and can combine UW with Sloppy Butcher to really make it hard for that person to hide from you and heal. It also bypasses OTR and other methods of blocking aura reading.
- Camping is easier because it reveals anyone coming in to save from afar to help you stall the stage, and blocks survivor aura reading near, so it it makes it hard to coordinate saves without voice comms.
- 3 genning (the normal kind of 3 genning) becomes really strong, because you patrol with significantly less effort, and can make it really rough with perks like Dead Man's Switch.
- Slugging for hatch is basically a guaranteed kill that the survivors cannot prevent in any reasonable fashion (and its already nearly impossible to escape if the killer slugs, UW makes it no point of even trying).
- Other nasty strategies like Head Pop Pig and Devour Hope Demogorgon.
I have over time come to think, the issue isn't so much UW is overpowered... It's more the fact it is especially irritating to play against, as a result of:
- It is more effective vs. Solo players compared to SWF.
- It helps facilitate some particularly nasty methods of play (see above
- It's disproportionately strong on mobile chase killers compared to less mobile killers, which exacerbates all the above issues even further.
It being very unfun and annoying may not be enough to nerf it... but I don't think its unreasonable to rework it.
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All these people constantly parroting that UW is perfectly fine are the same ones crying non stop about how broke and op MFT was before it got nerfed.