Distortion really does more harm than good to survivors

I'm more and more often noticing bad impact on my matches of stealth players on both sides.
In my killer games i usually bring one aura perk. It's BBQ, Nowhere to Hide or Gearhead. Rarely i run UW instead. And it's almost impossible to go through all these tokens, unless you are stealth killer. Thing is, i constantly chase same people over and over again. 2 distortions in lobby pretty often will end up in 6 hooks on 2 people without distortion. I'm tunneling simply because I have no other choice.
If i didn't see anyone on my BBQ or Gearhead and gens are on the other side of the map, most often I'll just check the nearest ones and return to proxy camping, since all other decisions could cost me a lot of time. Unless i play Blight, Dredge, Artist or Alien, of course.
And I was even more convinced of what was written above after watching these players in my survivor games. I noticed that distortion users act literally like bots.
Barely heard terror radius? Walk slowly beside the rock.
Killer somewhere in my way to hooked survivor? You know what, i will just seat here and watch you go to second stage. God forbid killer will know i exist in this match.
He heals me after unhook and hears TR? Well, stay here injured and i will be ride beside this rock if anything.
Whole team died because Distortion player did nothing but crouching whole game? HE WILL TEABAG THE HELL OUT OF THIS HATCH!!! SEE THIS, KILLER??? IM WINNER HERE!!! YOU ARE LOSER, HATCH IS MINE!! OH GOD IM SO GOOD AT THIS GAME
Yeah, i got it, most Distortion users are awful in chase and maybe it's right to help yourself not to be founded. But i don't understand the point of this game for you, guys. How you want to be good at this game without being good in chase? Like, you will have 3k hours in this game and all this time it's just m1+crouch simulator for you?
I think Distortion should gain stacks MUCH harder, it's stupid how many boring and unhealthy gameplay produce unlimited of this perk.
Are you that helpless without your aura perks? Can you not find them on your own?
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Are you that helpless without chewing on what's written?
Did i say i can't find survivors without perks? This post is not about finding survivors at all, at least try to read it before leaving silly comments.
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Thats not the point of the post. Its the lack of macro (in this situation just having free stealth) from the survivors that end up leading to situations where the killer tunnels or camps. Same could be said for people who exhaustion to main buildings or just going to some super safe part of the map.
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"aura perks" are so good and varied (some require very simple actions to activate like kicking a generator or opening a locker), I think it's only fair that there is a good perk to counter them.
the mere existence of "distortion" pushes killers not to focus too much on aura perks.
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Its up to the users, they can recognize teammates get 1-2 hooks and start to take chase. Or not. Selfish perks exist, so does play style.
They only need to make the perks gain token through chase, thats all.
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Can you explain how aura perks worse than slowdown or chase perks? For example, i will be happy if killer brings 4 aura perks, because it's easy escape. Unless it's Nurse or good Huntress on open map.
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Yeah, it will be good change imo.
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Take a step back and examine yourself a bit.
This person made a thread, talking about how when survivors run distortion, it usually backfires in their games because it causes them to get tunneled out. And your FIRST instinct is to say: "why do you suck so bad you can't win without using a perk"
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Except in that case, why is Distortion being singled out as the problem?
If the survivor they're looking for is participating normally in the game flow, why can't the killer find them? And if they're not participating in the game flow, what's to stop that survivor from just sitting in a locker all game?
Why is it distortion that creates this issue, and not the aura reading removing all effort on the part of the killer?
Is it that the killer couldn't find them, or couldn't be bothered to?
Remember back in the day when BBQ & Chili was an extremely common pick and everyone learned to hop in a locker when a survivor was about to be hooked? What happened to that? Why is that now suddenly a bad thing?
Or is the bad thing actually that these survivors are just playing an incredibly poor macro-game, and Distortion is just a symptom, not the cause?
Right in the wake of the MFT nerfs, the crosshairs immediately shifted onto Distortion to be the next survivor perk that should be put to the grave. Repackaging the same deal but with a 'how do you do, fellow survivors?' spiel doesn't impress me.
Why's Distortion being singled out as the problem, as opposed to the power creep of information perks on the killer side?
Most of my matches, if survivors were on a gen, I would find them. If they weren't, they were not my problem. But apparently this gameplay element got switched to auto-pilot somewhere along the way where the killer just triggers an info perk and clicks the red blot instead.
And now this thread's here to try and pass the bill to the survivors.
Distortion is not the problem here. If you don't want to tunnel, you don't tunnel. If you can't find someone because they're using distortion, then you can't find them without your perks finding them for you.
'But what if they're over in a random empty corner where they have no reason to go?'
Then they don't need Distortion, they just need a locker. Nerfing Distortion won't make a lick of difference. And yes, that kind of playstyle also existed long before Distortion was buffed into viability, and it'll continue long after Distortion gets crippled.
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Like i posted earlier today i had a mindgame clown build using both the aura read addons and im-all-ears. Not a sweaty build just going for some fun mindgames with invigoration and bottles. Chased a kate. Never saw her aura the whole game because clown has a 32 meter tr and both addons cap out at 16 meters for 6 seconds at most. Meanwhile her perk would be constantly activating nullifying 3 of my things. Then proceeds to remove her scratch marks as well allowing her to instead mindgame me continously. If stakeout and pebble cant charge in chase because "they are stealth perks" what makes distortion different? So then the counterplay becomes "run stealth and even more aura reveal so you can shred the stacks" maybe i just wanna run a minor aura reveal combo and get value out of it? But i guess i could just play wraith and use his purple addon so their perk never gets any true value. Sorry clown. The perk distinguishes you from wraith.
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You do get value out of it.
Just not against a character that dropped a perk slot to specifically counteract that thing. There'll be three other survivors it'll still work on just fine.
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Please, take a step back, and examine yourself.
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Meanwhile wraiths over here. "What you got wraith? I had to run 2 addons and a aura reveal perk and still couldnt see kate"
Wraith:"foolish clown. For i have all seeing blood. She never replenishes her stacks Because im always cloaked and ill shred them in the first 2 chases against her. Distortion? HA"
I mean i guess its a way to tell survivors their distortion isnt infallible against all killers i guess. Just sucks normal m1 killers get punished so much more than others when it comes to just running a simple aura reveal combo.
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Yep, different perks have different interactions with different killers.
If you think that's bad, try Autodidact against a Plague.
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Distortion could be the pure cause or a symptom. Either way usually people with distortion can and will usually hide when they hear a TR making the killer have to spend even more time to find them. That time WILL add up leading to some to tunnel or camp.
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Distortion is one of the most awfull perks of the game imo, I hate it and it is becoming more and more popular since the buff.
It can potentially counter several killer perks at once with just one perk slot.
Builds with Nowhere to hide + Lethal pursuer are quite frequent, or Nowhere to hide + BBQ. Also some killer addons.
"But killers have perks which can counter several survivor perks at once" and it is not bad, because is just 1 person against 4.
If Distortion become popular to a point of seeing it equiped by 2-3 persons per match, killers will stop to equip aura reading perks and will equip even more gen regression/protection perks and will end up being worse for survivors, because the meta builds for killers are usually gen perks + information perks and the information perks are frequently aura reading.
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Stealth Player here, and I did read your whole post. And, yes, one reason I play from stealth is that chases are not a strength of mine, although I'm getting better as time goes on. Full Disclosure: My usual build is Distortion, Iron Will, Premonition, Urban Evasion.
And while I'm not without sympathy, I have to say 'So what?' to at least some degree. And even if I agree with you(and I do)about what some Survivors consider 'Stealth'(LOL!!), I can't control what the other three Survivors do in a match, I can only control how I do things...including letting that guy who spends the match hiding behind a tree hang when the Killer finally sniffs him out :)
For whatever it's worth from a Stealth Survivor:
"Barely heard terror radius? Walk slowly beside the rock."
Oh, you'd best believe it! And it won't be slow, because I'm running Urban. Those of us who truly play Stealth have mastered the art of using every rock, tree, wall, building, nook and cranny on the map to break line of sight and keep it that way. I even forego all the foofy cosmetics and select outfits that give me a better chance to blend into scenery. And before I even heard your TR, I had at least 2 possibilities in mind as to where to go. Every time I stop to work a gen, I am using my camera to decide what my best routes of egress will be, depending on which direction(s)the Killer is approaching from. It actually PAYS for me to stay in your TR as much/as long as possible too, as it makes Distortion nearly unlimited. I routinely have Killers walk right past me who would see me hiding in plain sight, if they were actually being just slightly observant. Stuff like this is a Stealth Survivor's bread and butter. Beyond that, if I'm not seeing much of you, and I'm down to 1 charge, I'm going to do the old Hop In The Locker trick to conserve....so I hope you're at least running Iron Maiden too. :)
"Killer somewhere in my way to hooked survivor? You know what, i will just seat here and watch you go to second stage. God forbid killer will know i exist in this match."
Some, but not all of us. I'm going to give it roughly 30 seconds from hook(because a good amount of the time, I'm hiding somewhere close to the hook as you hang them up), and if the Killer is going to hang around just out of camp radius, I'll go pluck them right out from under the Killer's nose, taking a hook myself if that's what has to happen. But I have to pose the question, is that more on the Survivor looking to make a safe unhook, or on the proxy camping turd of a Killer?
"He heals me after unhook and hears TR? Well, stay here injured and i will be ride beside this rock if anything."
In this scenario, I'm going to stop the heal, point the other Survivor in a direction away from the Killer(Premo, remember), and then I'm going to follow them, take a protection hit if I need to, and peel off. If the Killer then continues chasing the Survivor that was being healed instead of engaging me, then once again, that's less a Survivor abandoning a heal, and more a Killer choosing to tunnel the poor fool he just hooked.
"Whole team died because Distortion player did nothing but crouching whole game? HE WILL TEABAG THE HELL OUT OF THIS HATCH!!! SEE THIS, KILLER??? IM WINNER HERE!!! YOU ARE LOSER, HATCH IS MINE!! OH GOD IM SO GOOD AT THIS GAME"
You're completely right here, and it's online gaming at its finest. :)
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You know? I came here thinking "It's about to be a ######### show in here", but it actually isn't ,everyone discussing very respectfully and I found that weird in this type of post.
As for the distorsión "problem" I believe that it's an alright perk but I agree that it can be detrimental to the survivor team if only 1-3 are using it, I personally don't run it because I don't like stealth in survivors but that's just me
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
And you think they won't tunnel if the tunnel target is on a gen while another person is hiding out in the middle of nowhere?
Again, your issue is with the survivor refusing to engage with the game, not Distortion.
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BHVR said the biggest gap between solo q and SWF is the players, and the fact that solo q might not work together as much. Distortion therefore should be nerfed, because it encourages a lone wolf playstyle, where the player has already decided to play selfishly, even before the game has even started.
Does everyone remember that Eruption was nerfed, because some people were using it to make extended 3-gen games? It didn't matter that "not all killers" were doing this. Likewise, it doesn't matter if "not all survivors" are playing selfishly when they equip Distortion. BHVR should continue to close the gap between solo q and SWF, and should focus on perks that encourage anti-teamwork.
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Does everyone remember that Eruption was nerfed, because some people were using it to make extended 3-gen games?
I don't.
I remember it being nerfed because being unable to do -anything- for half a minute was a really dumb idea.
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Tbh i use distortion more for info than stealth. I lose a token and 9 time out of 10 i know exactly what triggered it and boom i can tell my team one of the killers perks/add ons.
Plus I always sit there sniggering like mutley when a killer tries to spot me with nowhere to hide, kicks a gen and does a quick 360 then wanders off 🤣
Real talk though it's such a good survivor perk. Maybe a crutch for the urban evader types but it's also mad useful for survs in chase too.
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You assume playing selfishly is wrong. You're right this does encourage a bit of selfish playstyle, but so does numerous other perks. Going to nerf those too?
Distortion is fine. It is needed in the current meta. Step back and examine yourself, please. Ty, @Reinami I really like that line lol
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It’s a soloQ killer. Played killer last night for a daily and 2 teammates had calm spirit and distortion. I legit only had 2 survivors to chase most of the time and it was clearly too much pressure for the whole team. They got 1 gen done.
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You are not a person i talked about. You are not useless while stealthy. You are really smart and use stealth as a tool, i respect it. For the same reason i always talk to my friends don't run mindlessly to gen in the start of trial, because you can do a big job for killer. Stealth is a big aspect of the game and could be really strong tool in right hands.
I talked about players who deny a whole gameplay on their part by this playstyle and perks. And cause more damage to team than help. Unfortunately, there are most of these players.
Completely agree. I rarely run Distortion (simply not my playstyle), but it's always a big info tool, even if killer have 0 aura perks.
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True, this is what my post about. I always laugh crazy hard when such players accuse me of tunneling in endgame chat. When i literally saw this player only once, when whole team was dead.
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Except that BHVR directly told us the gap between solo q and SWF is mostly due to solo q not working together as much.
Do you want BHVR to address the gap between solo q and SWF, or are you happy with solo q right now?
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Double-edged sword.
The killer cannot tunnel survivors who they cannot find, so some players will run Distortion and Calm Spirit to avoid being caught in the first place and subsequently at risk of being tunneled afterwards.
However, that leaves the survivors without those perks to be tunneled.
The real problem is that the killer can and will tunnel someone either way.
Post edited by Nos37 on9 -
If killer want to tunnel hard, Distortion does nothing, because it's happening right off hook. How do you imagine "Oh, i will use my BBQ/NTH to tunnel this person out" situation? It's true in UW-CS situation, but not in Distortion.
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Distortion does not stop you from getting tunneled once caught. It helps prevent you from being caught in the first place.
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The first thing I would say is there are two types of stealth players. There are those that play selfish and those that don't. It has been my experience I am much more likely to escape as a survivor if I get paired with teammates with different styles of play unless one of those is the selfish stealth player that is just waiting for everyone else to die.
While the survivor side of DBD is designed to be a team game it would be a misnomer to say it is not also an individual game. Nearly everyone plays with a certain degree of selfishness. I won't even attempt to say I don't play with a certain degree of selfishness, and anyone that has played this game for any length of time as a survivor knows if you don't come in with a 4 man SWF team the chances of getting paired with survivors that will either intentionally sandbag the rest of their team the whole game or just play horrible are greater than the chances of getting paired with a truly good team. In other words I'm not going to play a completely selfish loadout, but I'm also not going to play a 100% team based loadout when I know the other people on my team are more likely to screw me over than they are to work as a team to try to escape.
I play distortion nearly every match as a survivor not because I want to see others tunneled out, but because I know I am going to have more games where it's beneficial than not due to the fact that my chances of getting paired with a bad team are much greater than getting paired with a good team.
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Thats just the same wrong conclusion like saying killer only camp because they need to in order to 4k, because that means the killer would only stop camping when he gets a 4k without it.
This is the same logic. The survivors you cant find are at fault that you camp or tunnel, because they dont give themself up easily.
The truth is, the killer is the only one who decides if he tunnels or camps. You could go out searching the survivors without your perk.
You could patrol those gens instead of proxycamping. You decide not to, but that is not on the survivors, its your decision.
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Wouldn't it be better to improve the tools solo queue survivors have to coordinate instead of just taking stuff away?
How does removing Distortion help solo survivors coordinate to beat a 3 gen strat? 8 regression events per gen is way more than enough to wipe out most solo teams. Most players are not high MMR and go down in chase like stack of bricks being dropped from a skyscraper. Git Gud is a bad answer when that requires playing for hundreds of hours. It's just unrealistic.
Distortion can help you get to gens unnoticed. It can also be great for getting survivors off the hook and getting them reset to avoid the tunnel. Combine Distortion with CS, WMI and Botany and you can get past a killer and reset a vulnerable survivor fast and give them a chance ready for when the killer returns to the hook.
I get some players suck (I'm looking at you, every anonymous Jill player I encounter), but people should acknowledge the positives effects of stealth builds and not only the negatives. Stealth players may not run the killer very often, but they can be incredibly effective support for their team.
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I tend to use aura perks more than anything else.
As far as I'm concerned, "Distortion" is the best perk any survivor can take to go against me as killer.
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No. When I'm survivor, I'd never ever want teammates that want to excessively hide, instead of helping with their share of the chases. Pretty much every survivor can hold M1 on a generator. There's nothing special or supportive of teammates that are excessively hiding.
And those survivors are double bad for their team, because 1) they don't want to help with chases, and 2) they're usually really bad at chases, and their stealth build is artificially inflating their MMR, which means that if the killer does find them, it's usually a quick trip to a hook.
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You only acknowledge the worst possible outcomes and disregard any ways that someone can run Distortion and be an asset to their team. Not all Distortion users don't loop, not every user hides in a bush and waits for their team to die. You are purposely referencing the worst case scenario and downplaying any of the positives. Worse than downplaying, you are completely disregarding them.
Not to be rude but that just seems dishonest.
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The reason that killers cant find Distortion survivors are:
- Mostly the inability to find survivors without aura perks.
- And because using aura perks, Distortion activated making their scratch marks removed, which make it even harder for them to be found.
Is really that, dont use aura perks and Distortion will be useless.
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Well its a pattern with survivors. They immerse so when you go out to patrol the person gets insta saved and usually the unhooker hides. Why should I go to find the unhooker rather than just tunneling the other person out for the unhookers inability to take pressure? The killer does decide to tunnel and camp yes but survivors own choices also play a factor into that.
There's also the fact that some maps are just SO easy to hide on to the point where its just not worth it to try and look for the person.
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It's not a rare "worst possible outcome". It's literally what I see the majority of the time with Distortion users.
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Some people choosing to hide in a horror game is not justification for a nerf
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I just played against a Wesker that dropped every chase, even if the survivor they were chasing was injured, just to hard tunnel the person who was unhooked out of the match.
It really doesn't matter how survivors play, killers will tunnel because it's almost impossible to lose if you get someone out before two or three gens pop. Why have a competitive match when you can guarantee a win within the first few minutes of the match?
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My experience with Distortion is I hardly ever get tunnelled if I take it. If I am playing in a SWF, at least one of us takes Distortion so we know right away if the killer has Lethal Pursuer and we can quickly tell if a killer has BBQ or any other aura perks if the tokens get consumed or not. This info can greatly impact how we play out that game.
It isn't an essential perk but when taken it absolutely helps survivors no end, it maybe too good in its current form.
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Nerfing perks is not how you fix 'the gap' imo. So that I understand perspective, why does anything a perk does have anything to do with addressing the gap? Hiding and such will happen just as often, with or without any perk in the game. It's a playstyle choice, just like tunneling, for example. Come on... This can't be how the game is 'fixed', by nerfing perks constantly, one after another.
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Im sorry you having bad experience with distortion but I rarely see it on survivors.
And killers usually juggle 2 survivors until they are dead, distortion or not. Simply 2 people found first.
But I dont run the perk myself so maybe I dont really see the connection here
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Yeah instead focusing on aura perks killers will just run multiple slowdown perks instead. Here a question as a survivor what would you rather have? A killer who run 4 slowdowns or a killer who has maybe one or two slowdown, and a aura perk or two?
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Distortion hurts the survivor team because it puts potentially more pressure on your team. As the killer will focus on the other survivors and kill them more efficient because the distortion person is being stealthy.
Only time it benefits a survivor team is they either ALL run it. Or you use it in a 4 man SWF on the Deli person. Keeps him out of first chase, makes him being able to set up for the first save and he can call out aura perks to the rest of the team.
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Distortion just needs to change recharging of tokens to be within chase/altruistic/objective actions instead of just crouching within tr. This would encourage Distortion Survivors to interact with the Killer, help fellow Survivors or do Objectives in the match. For the Survivor who uses Stealth in their gameplay but isn’t afraid of going for a save or do a gen, they wouldn’t be affected. For the lone wolves who just want to crouch all game and wait for hatch, this will dissuade them from relying on said gameplay as a crutch.
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I would ask the same for killers.
Are multiple 2nd chances okay?
Are 4 Gen rush perks are okay?
Then why is Ultimate weapon being fine when denying survivors aura perks? But Distortion is not?
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Would it be a good change if Distortion didn't lose a token when another survivor's aura is shown at the same exact time your aura would be shown? I feel like it might prevent them from being 0 hooked for the entire game and have the rest of the team get killed because the killer now has the option to find you if they use BBQ for instance.
Or perhaps make it so that Distortion takes up two tokens instead of one if another survivor's aura is shown at the exact same time, that way it's more useful against Nowhere to Hide and still works against Lethal.
I think Distortion is fine but there's some instances where it gets annoying that I end up hooking everyone 3 hook states without tunneling and there's one guy left I get only one hook on and less bloodpoints off of all because the aura reading of BBQ never lead me to them. I like playing for hooks, not kills.
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I think if Distortion is going to get a nerf then Killer aura perks need to also run on a Token system.
I use Distortion on my P100 or if the lobby has at least 2 higher prestige Survivors.
I honestly don't feel that I have a choice. It never stops me from bringing 'We'll Make It' and being Altruistic. When I use Distortion it replaces Prove Thyself.
I would love to use 'No One Left Behind' but making it to endgame is rare in SoloQ these days. Very rare.
One last point, I'm not good in chases. If the killer has Lethal Presuer and targets me first, it's pretty much game over.
I don't notice any teammates acting selfish with Distortion. I only notice it if they have 'Left Behind' or that one Ada Wong perk that helps you when you are the Las Survivor standing.
Also, when I realize BBQ is in play, I still go in a locker to save my tokens. I'm guessing I'm not the only one and that's how Survivors are staying hidden. I don't waste tokens on BBQ because for all I know the Killer is also running 'No Where to Hide' and/or 'Bitter Murmur'
If the Killer spawns in with 'Lethal Presuer', I *always* jump in a locker prior to a hook. That combo (LP & BBQ) is way too common in my region, not to mention any other aura perks and add-ons that could deplete my Distortion Tokens.
Post edited by CountOfTheFog on4