Lights out is definitely ghost face's gameplay

It's funny because when I started the Match as survivor I thought man this would be nuts to be ghostface people couldn't even see you to run and hide and you still get your stalking power so you can see the survivors when you're stalking! Unbelievable that anybody would play any killer other than ghost face or maybe Myers in this lights out. I see a lot of Chucky but I think it's because people think he's small and he can use his power to make his red stain disappear but but whatever. No warning and then bang ghost face got you. I think the player realized just how powerful ghostface is in this darkness because they were doing the hook everybody once and then repeat spread the hooks out thing and still destroyed us.


  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,930
    edited February 2024

    Why would you play a stealth killer when the event give you the ability of a stealth killer? You are definitely far more lethal as a leatherface or a skull merchant who makes 0 noises than a ghostface.

    Ghostface has that massively loud "woosh" sound effect when he is nearby that you can't get rid of this event, so it is obvious when he is near you.

  • About8Genjis
    About8Genjis Member Posts: 136

    The woosh sound effect feels off in this mode tbh. I can only hear it once he is in the vision range.

    His undetectable may be useless, but his exposed power is definitely more powerful in this mode.

    Ghostface's stalking range is still the same, so you are able to stalk people without even seeing them, meaning they cannot see you and are having a tough time revealing you. This means you don't have activate your power early to avoid detection by terror radius and just use it when you can hear a gen being worked on like 12 meters away from you or when you are trying to find survs that are hiding, making his power more consistent.

    The only thing you have to do is find a gen that is being worked on, stalk from a save distance where they cannot see you and get often times free easy downs

    Played him for like 12 matches already and it works wonders (although some of the survs were... below par when it comes to chase skills, since they do not have exhausts or WOO, so those I probably would have won regardless which killer I was playing)