Is it like some challenge or smth?

Why is all my teammates just purposely ruining the game like someone will be healing they'll just bring the killer there and run away or someone will be 90% done with a Gen and someone will purposely get the killers attention and then bring them to the gen and when they get hooked they immediately kill themselves, they don't help with gens or actually try to distract the killer.
Like maybe one of ny games will have a normal playing survivor and if im really lucky then two.
Also I don't want to make another whole forum post about it but ever since that billy rework update anyone else experiencing this glitch when anytime you log into the game it automatically changes your perks to the ones you used before the update like my character was Leon and I had adrenaline, Distortion, stake out and calm spirit and I can leave the game playing as Feng but when I log back in its Leon with those perks, and I've even tried to change the perks and come back but it's the same every time.