Perk to counter camping please

Why_Are_You_Salty Member Posts: 138
edited June 2018 in General Discussions

I've seen a lot of people on here complain about camping and I agree it's not fun especially on console a lot of people get camped on console I'm a PS4 player myself, but how about a perk that counters camping if the killer is within a 8/15/20 meter range of the hook all survivors gain 15/20/25% speed boost to repair so this punishes the killer and they can get at most 1 kill by camping because all gens will be done. I don't camp the only time I would camp is if I have no kills and there are like 2 gens left or someone's being toxic.

Post edited by Why_Are_You_Salty on


    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2018

    You have borrowed time, but I am taking into account that on console it is much harder to get lacking bill.

    Also, anything over even 20% is TOO MUCH
    Seriously, those numbers are huge in a game like this. If you're on a gen for the few seconds after the killer hooks and walks away from someone, you still get a huge boost.

    I know it sucks, but survivors will always have the upperhand on a camping killer from the start if their above average smarts (1 person to gen each, good looping knowledge, 'crutch' perks etc)

    Perks shouldn't work like that for survivors, they don't have entity-realm control, unlike the killer, which makes perks like Ruin logically plausible.

    And a note to end on: It is a fact accepted by top tier Survivors and Killers that survivors out power the killer when it comes to wasting their time. And no top-tier killers will ever camp unless it is logical to do so given the circumstances of a certain match.

  • LiveByNightTime
    LiveByNightTime Member Posts: 17

    i kind of like the idea of that but the numbers for the repair speed are way to high

  • meow
    meow Member Posts: 11

    Decisive strike and kindred is the only counter to camping

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited June 2018

    @Why_Are_You_Salty said:
    I've seen a lot of people on here complain about camping and I agree it's not fun especially on console a lot of people get camped on console I'm a PS4 player myself, but how about a perk that counters camping if the killer is within a 8/15/20 meter range of the hook all survivors gain 90/95/100% speed boost to repair so this punishes the killer and they can get at most 1 kill by camping because all gens will be done. I don't camp the only time I would camp is if I have no kills and there are like 2 gens left or someone's being toxic.

    Borrowed time and kindred ...your welcome.

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    @Why_Are_You_Salty said:
    I've seen a lot of people on here complain about camping and I agree it's not fun especially on console a lot of people get camped on console I'm a PS4 player myself, but how about a perk that counters camping if the killer is within a 8/15/20 meter range of the hook all survivors gain 90/95/100% speed boost to repair so this punishes the killer and they can get at most 1 kill by camping because all gens will be done. I don't camp the only time I would camp is if I have no kills and there are like 2 gens left or someone's being toxic.

    Or you could just not get caught in the first place. 90% repair speed increase as the lowest tier is ridiculous. There doesn't need to be a perk to combat something that was meant to be in the game since the start.

  • EpicFailTryHard
    EpicFailTryHard Member Posts: 1,316
    "don't get caught".  if a killer wants to catch you, they can.  see?  you learned something today.
  • DepravedKiller
    DepravedKiller Member Posts: 182

    New Perk - I spit on your camping (Title placeholder)

    Skill check every 10 secs while on the hook to spit on the killer making him go into a stun/wiping animation.


  • intothefray
    intothefray Member Posts: 23

    I kinda like the spit thing. Not sure on a stun but a short wipe animation time might be short enough.

  • JusticeZERO
    JusticeZERO Member Posts: 171
    edited June 2018

    @DepravedKiller said:
    New Perk - I spit on your camping (Title placeholder)

    Skill check every 10 secs while on the hook to spit on the killer making him go into a stun/wiping animation.


    I like this, but i only like it up until you get hook rushed and stunned over and over again (first from spit, next from flashlights possibly since you will be stuck in an animation and skilled survivors could line up for the flashlight stun after you recover). You might just be trying to hook and leave but that hook rush gets started and you are getting stunned and swarmed.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    You literaly can complete 3/4 gen in the time it take for a single survivor to be sacrified by camping.
    You don't need additional repair speed

  • MegChicken
    MegChicken Member Posts: 163
    I’d prefer if kindred slowed progression time for the Entity to show up. Possibly by 10-15% as it is some killers can FC and majority of the time survivors just kill them selves. It’s better than the idiots who say “Don’t get caught” like please. 
    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    @EpicFailTryHard said:
    "don't get caught".  if a killer wants to catch you, they can.  see?  you learned something today.

    Not if you actively try not to get caught. I've gone numerous games successfully evading the killer by means of hiding or running. Survivors are very capable of simply not getting caught in the first place.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    There is already a perk that reduces camping: BBQ.
    But survivors don´t seem to like this one. Maybe make up your mind.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Why_Are_You_Salty said:
    I've seen a lot of people on here complain about camping and I agree it's not fun especially on console a lot of people get camped on console I'm a PS4 player myself, but how about a perk that counters camping if the killer is within a 8/15/20 meter range of the hook all survivors gain 15/20/25% speed boost to repair so this punishes the killer and they can get at most 1 kill by camping because all gens will be done. I don't camp the only time I would camp is if I have no kills and there are like 2 gens left or someone's being toxic.

    Of course there is more camping on console. Killer is harder to play with controller, but survivor is exactly the same as on PC, even on PC some survivors use controllers. Then there is also the FPS problems (nurse, 360s, etc).

    Devs already tried such an approach and the survivors always abused it. In your example some idiot with a flashlight would click around while unhooking, so if the killer would leave, this would mean an isntant unhook. At the same time 2 survivors genrush with 25% extra speed

    oh and btw, you can punish the camper by simply leaving the game. He will only get 1 kil, a depip and very low BP

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,109

    It helps the team a lot more to stay on the hook as long as possible against a camper. This allows your teammates to complete generators and facilitate their escape. When they consistently gain only one sacrifice, they will learn that this is not a productive method of gameplay, and go on to chase other survivors instead of camping.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Tsulan said:
    There is already a perk that reduces camping: BBQ.
    But survivors don´t seem to like this one. Maybe make up your mind.

    Because it reveals your location due to others mistakes, and that’s bad. But if you hide your aura, the killer camps anyway. It solved nearly nothing.

  • Crabdawg
    Crabdawg Member Posts: 22
    Camping is a viable strategy, it's easily punishable by simply doing the gens and letting that one person die. Is it the most fun strategy? Not for most but when perks like Insidious exist it's pretty obvious it's part of the game. And as others have said BT and kindred help alot and bbq is an incentive for killers to move away.
  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    @Jack11803 said:

    @Tsulan said:
    There is already a perk that reduces camping: BBQ.
    But survivors don´t seem to like this one. Maybe make up your mind.

    Because it reveals your location due to others mistakes, and that’s bad. But if you hide your aura, the killer camps anyway. It solved nearly nothing.

    Spot the mistake:
    BBQ reveals others so the killer can leave the hook.
    Hide so the killer cant see me and leave the hook.