It is impossible to not tunnel in lights out.

The gamemode is literally designed to remove info from both sides, however recently unhooked survivors are the most reliable way of info in the mode. Let me explain:
The unhook notification is the only reliable location reveal of survivors's position.
If you go to the unhook notification, you won't find any scrath marks to follow a healthy survivor, but you will find pools of blood to find the injured survivor.
Injured survivors make sound. Healthy survivors don't.
Complain about the mode incentivizing tunneling, not killers tunneling.
It really is not.
Have hours of footage that say otherwise.
Not tunneling, not camping the hook, not going after hook saves, not using an information killer
Every single match was a 3/4k but I let many of them go.
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Or you can go to the gens? Where you have a massive advantage on catching survivors outpositioned.
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Yeah, I played only about 10 lights out killer games, but I didn't tunnel anyone, and won most of them.
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I didn't have to tunnel at all.
Hell, I even got some hits off just because survivors expected me to tunnel, and ran straight into me.
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Have you ever tried to move away from a hooked survivor? Once i hook them, i patrol gens. Especially in Lights Out, there is a very high chance you find one survivor on a near very quickly.
I agree tho that the Lights Out design is actually encouraging Tunneling. But it is also extremly easy to find survivors, since they are less aware when the killer is coming, therefore hiding or prerunning is not often if even the case.
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i go back to the hook and just go after the unhooker lol. it's really not that hard to not go after the same person again. and killers win 9/10 matches anyways in this gamemode. if you just find the injured survivor again just go patrol gens and find someone else. no one is forcing your hand to tunnel. if you're going back to hook and your first instinct is going after the injured survivor you may be part of the problem of why tunneling is so prevalent in this gamemode.
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Impossible is a pretty strong word.
I had a couple of accidental "tunnels" in my games as killer but mostly against teams with multiple instances of the same survivor.
Other matches? No tunnel.
It's thus not impossible.
Next time say "more difficult".
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YoYou know, survs have to repair Gens, so you probably find them there. And you can see all those fance red auras of those gens. So if you hook someone, you can already check those gens. And surprise, the survs dont even see you coming soon enough to hide. This mode is so freaking easy for killers that tunneling anyone is just showing off how bad the state of the game actually is.