Chapter Idea:Spectral Iron Bars


A chapter centered around the Vangeful Spirit of a Prison Warden resurected by the Entity and a Prison Librarian with a Keen for the supernatural.

Killer Infos:


♦️The Phantom Warden


♦️Once a feared prison warden, the Phantom Warden met a tragic end during a prison riot. Cursed by vengeful spirits, they were resurrected as a relentless killer in the realm of the Entity.


[♦️Clad in tattered prison guard attire with ethereal wisps surrounding them, the Phantom Warden carries a spectral truncheon.


♦️Ethereal Pursuit - The Phantom Warden can enter a ghostly state, becoming invisible to survivors. While in this state, they move faster but cannot interact with objects. The power has a cooldown to prevent constant use.


♦️Spirit's Grasp - A spectral truncheon that extends the Warden's reach, allowing for deadly strikes from a distance.


♦️1. Ghostly Stalker - Unlocks the potential in one's aura reading ability. When a survivor performs any action within a certain range, their aura is revealed for a brief period.

♦️2. Haunting Presence - Your malevolent presence unnerves survivors. While in a chase, survivors' repair, healing, and sabotage speeds are slightly reduced.

♦️3. Spectral Chains - Your connection with the Entity empowers your grasp. When carrying a survivor, their wiggle speed is moderately reduced. Comboed with Iron Graps, Survivors chance of escaping your grip is reduced to 20%


♦️Abandoned Penitentiary - A desolate prison with dark corridors, cells, and an eerie execution chamber, fitting the Phantom Warden's haunted theme.

🔰Additional Informations🔰

♦️The nationality and human name of the Phantom Warden are undisclosed, as their past and identity have been consumed by the entity's influence.

♦️No, the Phantom Warden does not have minions. They operate as a solitary killer, relying on their own abilities and the haunting influence of the Entity to pursue and catch survivors.

♦️In the Dead By Daylight lore, the relationships between killers are often ambiguous and not extensively explored. The Phantom Warden is generally depicted as a solitary entity driven by the influence of the Entity, with limited interactions or relationships with other killers.

♦️The Phantom Warden's height is approximately 6 feet 3 inches (190 cm).

♦️His main Victim in the survivors is Helena Turner (Specter's Escapee)

Survivor Infos:


♦️Helena "Specter's Escapee" Turner


♦️A former prison librarian, Helena became entangled with dark forces while researching the supernatural. Her quest for forbidden knowledge led her to a cursed artifact, ultimately marking her as a prime target for the Entity.


♦️1. Forbidden Lore - Helena's extensive knowledge of the occult allows her to decipher tomes scattered across the map more quickly, providing valuable information on the killer's location or objectives.

♦️2. Evasive Spirit - Having faced the supernatural, Helena is more adept at avoiding the Phantom Warden's ethereal pursuits. She gains a slight speed boost when the killer is within a certain range.

♦️3. Residual Resistance - Helena's exposure to otherworldly energies grants her a small chance to resist the effects of killer powers, such as stuns or status effects.


♦️Helena appears in worn prison attire, symbolizing her connection to the haunted past. She carries a small satchel containing remnants of her research.


♦️Helena's fascination with the supernatural and her relentless pursuit of forbidden knowledge inadvertently drew the attention of the Entity, leading her into the twisted realm of the Dead By Daylight trials.

🔰Relationship with Phantom Warden🔰

♦️The Phantom Warden views Helena as a unique and challenging prey, drawn to her connection with the supernatural. Their encounters are fraught with the struggle between the cursed guardian and the survivor who seeks to understand and escape the Entity's clutches.