New Chapter Idea: The Great Harvest (Scarecrow Killer)

Sumpsausage Member Posts: 13

Chapter Idea: The Great Harvest
(Survivor is underneath the Killers Story)



  • Name: Kevin Brown
  • Gender: Male
  • Ethnicity: Caucasian American
  • Realm: Browns Farm
  • Power: Lasso
  • Weapon: Pitch Fork
  • Speed: 110% 4.4m/s
  • Terror Radius: 32 meters
  • Height: Tall

Weapon: Pitch Fork
Attack One (Click): The scarecrow pokes his pitchfork forward, rather than a swipe like normal killers.
Attack Two (Click and Hold): Holding his attack button gives him a quick dash rather than a lunge. This dash will kind of be like a jump dash forward (if that makes sense), he will need to recover from this just like normal attacks.

Ability: Lasso
The scarecrow winds up a lasso above his head and throws it in the direction he is facing. While doing so the killers walk speed will be slowed down just like other killers. If it hits a survivor, they will be lassoed around their neck and will start to be pulled towards the killer. A near by survivor can save the lassoed survivor, in doing so they run up to the captured survivor being dragged on the floor. The scarecrows pull will be paused for a very small amount of time where the survivor must perform a great skill check, but the great skill check is super, super small. If they happen to get the skill check to survivor is freed. If they fail the skill check the lassoed survivor is instantly pulled through the air towards the scarecrow. The survivor is then caught by the scarecrow and is instantly place on his shoulder, there is no further pick up animation if skill check is failed. (This ability only pulls the survivor towards the scarecrow; the survivor will not be roped up or have any other debuffs). The Lasso can pull survivors over pallets and vaults.

All Tired Up: After picking up your obsession they will automatically be wrapped up in rope by the entity making it impossible to move from there location. They will also need two-time bars to be picked up, one for the rope and one for the wounds. If the rope is broken the killer will be notified the same way as a generator blow, this works only once per down. If the rope is broken the obsession cannot be roped again until they are back to the injured running phase.

I’m coming for you: Any survivor’s you have not injured at least once will be revealed to you when the 3rd generator is fixed, they will continue to stay like this until you injure them.

Hay there! : Once the killer has attacked a survivor the entity will place hay on them leaving an extra way to track, the Hay is highlighted Yellow. This ability will last for 5/10/15 seconds and can be seen by all killer no matter what state they are in. This only works for the first hit in a chase, if you lose the survivor the ability is reset. The ability doesn’t reset if you are still in a chase with another survivor.

Lore: (This is a long story and I don't expect you to read it all, but if you do, thank you and tell me what you think)

Browns Farm was a block of land out in a small country town owned by Kevin’s Mother Clair Brown and Father David Brown. This farm was well known for its delicious vegetables and crops, but what secrets lied on the farm was only known to the family. Kevin was raised on the farm and spent most of his days helping his mother around the house while his Father and his two older brothers (Kyle and James) tended the field. Kevin didn’t have many chores or things to do as his mother and him kept the house and yard in good condition, the only other job Kevin had to do was make the scarecrows for the field but since the scarecrow rarely ever get stolen by troublesome kids, he rarely had to build another one until they needed it. So, in his spare time he would grab his lasso and rope anything he could, neighbors’ cattle, tree stumps even the scarecrows in the field.

During the day it seemed like a normal family working and taking care of there land but as the night grows closer and colder the family’s true colors would be revealed. Roughly around 5:00pm Kevin and his Mother would start to get dinner ready in the house. While his Father and Brothers would go upstairs to the attic, Kevin never really knew what they did up their all he knows is once they went into their secret room, they came down very different. He always dreaded that moment he saw them walk down stairs with what look liked powder under their noses and red eyes as if they just went swimming and forgot to keep their eyes closed. Dinner, most of the time, was quite but afterwards was when all hell broke loose. Kevin would be helping his Mother with the dishes as David, Kyle and James were in the living room watching TV, until suddenly Crash the sound of broken plates and vases filled the house. Clair would quickly dry her hands and drag Kevin upstairs in his room, she would lock his bedroom door behind her with pad locks and chains as if it was second nature. They would crawl under the bed and just lie there, while downstairs the crashes and banging would continue, then it would all go silent. Until stomping footstep that sounded like thunder filled the hallway, the door would be violently banged over and over while manic yelling and profanity would be screamed on top notes from the other side of the door, as Kevin and Clair would lie there in complete silence not wanting to make a sound hoping that it would stop soon.

Roughly around 10:00pm the house would be silent again and Kevin and Clair would know the coast is clear. Clair would walk up to the window opening it slowly knowing that any creak would awaken everyone in the house. With the window open Kevin and his Mom would climb out onto the roof and climb down the grating on the side of the house. They would sneak out into the barn grab a hay bail and some blankets, that they stashed their earlier, walk out into the middle of the dense crop field and lie there under the stars listening to wind roll over the crops, the crickets chirp as they were lighted by the country night sky. This was the life Kevin and his Mother lived most nights too afraid to stay but too poor to leave, but Kevin knew as long as he was with his Mother in the Crop field, he would be safe. Those two where the only things that brought Kevin piece the silent nights in the crop field where he was hidden from all harm and his Mother the only person who showed him love and care.

Until one night there was a rustle in the crops Clair quickly propped up to see what it was, she couldn’t see anything. She waved Kevin to stay down all of a sudden Kevin’s father rushed out of the brush, manically screaming, towards Kevin’s mother with a rusty pitch fork impaling her to the ground. Kevin’s Mother screamed “Run” and Kevin in complete panic heart pounding, sprinted into the crops where he lost his father. He saw his father walk back towards the house and into the barn, without a second thought he ran back to his mother, where she was only barely alive. With tears rolling down his face his mother let out her last words “You’re a good boy Kevin, you deserve better than this. I love you and I want you to know you were always precious to me, please forgive me.” At that moment she went faint and her body was lifeless, she was dead. Kevin didn’t know how to feel he was mournful, but some what relieved his mother no longer had to go through this torture anymore. He looked towards the house, great anger came over him and at that moment his sanity snapped. As this was happening, he noticed his father carrying a torch and a spray can. He looked right and realized that half of the field was engulfed in flames. Kevin quickly gathered his composure and started running towards the house he stopped at the edge of the field, as his father walked behind the barn to start the fire from the other side. He quickly ran towards and into the barn making sure he wasn’t seen by his father, he grabbed his lasso and a spare scarecrow mask hoping to hide his identity from him. As his father was walking back in front of the shed Kevin ran out troughing his lasso around his father neck and yanking him to the ground. While his father was recovering, he grabbed the pitch fork that his father used earlier, that was resting on the side of the barn, and impaled him. Kevin stabbed him over and over as tears rolled down his face until he was all out of energy and his father was dead.

Kevin lifted his mask, rested on the pitch fork and let out a loud cry. This woke up the Kyle and James, they quickly ran out to find Kevin covered in blood with rope and pitch fork in hand. Crops burning behind him and their father dead on the floor. “What did you do Kevin?” James exclaimed, Kevin looked started like a deer in head lights. Struggling to make words come out, put his mask back on and ran down the long and dusty road off the farm and into a neighboring family’s crops. With his two older brothers hot on his tail the only thing he could yell out was, “I didn’t do it, I didn’t do it”. He ran left and right trying to lose his brothers until eventually they got tired and lost him in the field. They started to head home mentioning to each other “Call the cops he won’t get far”. Kevin eventually stopped and fell to the floor trying to catch his breath, over hearing what his brothers said he quickly turned back to take them out too. As they were crossing the road Kevin through his lasso and caught Kyle dragging him into the bushes, as Kyle was struggling for breath on the ground, James ran into the brush following the lasso rope hoping to catch Kevin. As James ran through the field, he found the end of the rope tied to a scarecrow at that moment of realization Kevin jumped out of the brush and impaled his brother in the heart and he died instantly. As Kyle was getting the rope off from around his neck coughing and gasping for air Kevin slowly walked up through the crops and killed Kyle as well.

Kevin started walking back up the road towards his home, he started to calm down and regain his composure. He walked back into the barn grabbed a hay bale, a spare blanket, went back into the embers of the once vibrant crop and lay down. With his mind racing about what just happened he started to have a weird emotion that he never felt before, he felt powerful, strong and started to enjoy the rush. This was the first time Kevin stood up for himself and at that moment he realized he was all alone, with his dead mother on his mind he fell asleep sad and broken.
He then woke up in the realm with no remembrance of how he got there, he had a new form and a new goal. The entity told him that he will give him back his mother if he kills anyone he finds in this realm, so now Kevin rushes across the realm hoping to claim his mother again the only person Kevin find life worth living for.


  • Name: Jeffery Wallace
  • Gender: Male
  • Role: The Aware Real-estate Agent
  • Ethnicity: Asian American

Jefferey Wallace is a The Aware Real-estate Agent he takes notice of his surroundings. His perks “What a Bargain”, “Bad Real-estate” and “Wise Investment” allow him to see what’s the best course of action and when's the best time to move on.

What a Bargain! : After a generator is done, The generator that is furthest from the killer will be revealed to only you for 2/5/8 seconds.

Bad Real-estate: At the start of the game for 5 seconds the hatch will be revealed to only you.

Wise Investment: For every 60 seconds you are within the killer’s terror radius you will gain a token up to 1/2/3. If you are in the injured state and the killer takes a swing at you, if the attack would normally hit you, your character will automatically dodge the attack by jump forward. Once tokens are spent, they can’t be used again. This perk can not be teamed with Dead Hard.

Story: (Not as long as the killer, but still would appreciate the read)

Jeffery Wallace is a wealthy business man and a good one at that, he loves to buy things at a low price and sell them for profit. When he saw Browns Farm being sold so low, he couldn’t understand why but without hesitation he bought the land and was going to put it back on the market for a higher price, after he went and saw what was wrong with the place.

One afternoon he went by Browns Farm, at first glance he couldn’t see why the place was so cheap, it looked so well kept. But as he got closer, he started to see the horror of Browns Farm. He hopped out of his car and saw what looked to be old police tape wrapped around the entrance of a nice-looking house. Jefferey didn’t think much of it and proceeded to walking into the house where he found a broken living room, smashed windows, broken plates and vases. He went upstairs to find blood stains on the hallway rug and doors broken of hinges. Except one that was still locked, “must be locked from the inside” he thought to himself. After visiting the ‘train wreck’ of a house, he proceeded to the barn where everything appeared normal apart from creepy looking scarecrow stacked all in a pile next to a work bench.

Next, he moved on to the crop field or lack thereof, there was nothing but ash. He continued to walk through the field trying to find any remains of vegetation, he couldn’t find anything. On his way back, he was startled by the remains of a dead body next to a lump of hay that he didn’t notice before. He quickly moved on and was going to call the police after checked behind the house, as he walked behind the house there was a small wall of trees. Jeffery continued walking hoping to find a fence line behind the wall of trees. As he walked, he brought up his phone and continued to dial the police to tell them about the dead body and to find out what happened on this farm.

The phone was ringing and quickly shut off with no power, even though a few second earlier it showed full battery. “Stupid phone, I really need to get a new one” Jeffery muttered to himself, at that moment a dark mist quickly rose from the ground covering Jeffery head to toe. He started running towards his car to hopefully get off this wicked farm. As he was running, he tripped, fell over, hitting his head and damaging his fresh, nice looking suit. He slowly got up trying to keep his balance and continued to walk towards his car just as he was exiting the small collection of trees he was yanked down by a random person, who he has never met or seen before. They cover Jeffery’s mouth and raise their finger indicating for him to keep quiet, they slowly point behind Jeff. Jeff turns around and he is met with a tall menacing figure holding a pitch fork and rope slowly walk past it suddenly stops, looks around a loud bang goes off in the distance and the creature runs of towards it direction. Jeff quickly realized he is no longer on the farm and was not going to letting this creature bring his end.

Thanks for reading this far I hope you enjoyed the idea, and would love to hear what you think.


  • asanandic
    asanandic Member Posts: 15

    You have put a lot of tought and time into this. And it is awesome. I love the Children of The Corn feel of the content you suggest. It is a great idea.

  • Sumpsausage
    Sumpsausage Member Posts: 13

    Thank you, it means alot :)

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    It's good I made a scarecrow killer too how about you check him out
  • ItsDaEmuDood
    ItsDaEmuDood Member Posts: 192

    Sorry to break the news, but this is just a bunch of existing perks reworked or nerfed into new ones:
    All Tired Up - Literally sounds like a new power. So I've gotta deal with this brick bullsh*t on top of say the Nurse's Blinks? Or the Pig's Grand Scheme? Not so hot after all.
    I'm Coming For You - Permanent auras that punish Survivors for doing their job? Really overpowered in the fact that you can track them until you feel it's right. This perk is the least of my complaints, but still, it should be changed.
    Hay There! - Extra scratch marks?? Woohoo...? Oh, right. It's for a limited time.
    What A Bargain! - Deja Vu is a straight upgrade to this thing. One generator for eight seconds, or three generators for 60 seconds that can also prevent a three-gen strat? Hm...seems obvious.
    Bad Real-Estate - Doesn't work. Hatch can never exist/spawn at the start of the game. Now maybe the Hatch's location would be nice as a backup plan, but that's pretty much the only thing that would be applicable here.
    Wise Investment - Mini Dead Hard token uses instead of one big Dead Hard? Hell, that may as well stay deep down in the Secret Survivor Desire chest.
    Look guys, I hate being mean, but when you have to keep your fellow players in line, you gotta do what you have to do. Sorry if I hurt your feelings OP.

  • Sumpsausage
    Sumpsausage Member Posts: 13

    Sorry to break the news, but this is just a bunch of existing perks reworked or nerfed into new ones:
    All Tired Up - Literally sounds like a new power. So I've gotta deal with this brick bullsh*t on top of say the Nurse's Blinks? Or the Pig's Grand Scheme? Not so hot after all.
    I'm Coming For You - Permanent auras that punish Survivors for doing their job? Really overpowered in the fact that you can track them until you feel it's right. This perk is the least of my complaints, but still, it should be changed.
    Hay There! - Extra scratch marks?? Woohoo...? Oh, right. It's for a limited time.
    What A Bargain! - Deja Vu is a straight upgrade to this thing. One generator for eight seconds, or three generators for 60 seconds that can also prevent a three-gen strat? Hm...seems obvious.
    Bad Real-Estate - Doesn't work. Hatch can never exist/spawn at the start of the game. Now maybe the Hatch's location would be nice as a backup plan, but that's pretty much the only thing that would be applicable here.
    Wise Investment - Mini Dead Hard token uses instead of one big Dead Hard? Hell, that may as well stay deep down in the Secret Survivor Desire chest.
    Look guys, I hate being mean, but when you have to keep your fellow players in line, you gotta do what you have to do. Sorry if I hurt your feelings OP.

    Hey there, thanks for the feedback. My understanding of the perks available and how they work probably needs more attention, but hey we aren't playing for big money.

    Just remember this is all for fun, I don't expect DBD devs to implement anything and everything. But with any idea there are things that need to be improved, reworked and removed. If there are such glaring issues that yourself has so kindly put on display, I would expect the DBD team to have that understanding on what will make and what will break the game.

    But you did make some good points that will be taken into consideration.

    Thank you for your feedback. Have a good one.
  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392
    Not a fan of a pitchfork. For some reason when I think of scarecrows and horror movies, I think of a scythe.  Either the large scythe or the one handed sickle, either one would be quite cool on a killer like this.
  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143
    Not a fan of a pitchfork. For some reason when I think of scarecrows and horror movies, I think of a scythe.  Either the large scythe or the one handed sickle, either one would be quite cool on a killer like this.
    You should check out my scarecrow killer then.
  • Sumpsausage
    Sumpsausage Member Posts: 13

    @Divinitye9 said:
    Not a fan of a pitchfork. For some reason when I think of scarecrows and horror movies, I think of a scythe.  Either the large scythe or the one handed sickle, either one would be quite cool on a killer like this.

    Hey there "Divinitye9"

    I know what you mean, when I was designing the character, I went through a couple of different weapons ideas. Such as a rope whip with clawed tips, a full size scythe, a garden hoe, a sickle and a pitchfork. I was originally going to go for the sickle but I thought that was too main stream and ended with the pitchfork because it seems to be more common on farms compared to sickles.

    Now I'm not a farmer of have family that have farms so I could be wrong with that last statement.

    Another idea could be a hand sized pitchfork, kind of like a dagger but rather than a knife end, its a pitchfork. What are your thoughts on that?

    Cheers for your feedback

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    @Divinitye9 said:
    Not a fan of a pitchfork. For some reason when I think of scarecrows and horror movies, I think of a scythe.  Either the large scythe or the one handed sickle, either one would be quite cool on a killer like this.

    Hey there "Divinitye9"

    I know what you mean, when I was designing the character, I went through a couple of different weapons ideas. Such as a rope whip with clawed tips, a full size scythe, a garden hoe, a sickle and a pitchfork. I was originally going to go for the sickle but I thought that was too main stream and ended with the pitchfork because it seems to be more common on farms compared to sickles.

    Now I'm not a farmer of have family that have farms so I could be wrong with that last statement.

    Another idea could be a hand sized pitchfork, kind of like a dagger but rather than a knife end, its a pitchfork. What are your thoughts on that?

    Cheers for your feedback

    You don’t see sickles and scythes in most modernized countries due to the use of machinery. They are used by those who do not have access to such things. 

    Aside from it being an old piece of farm equipment and being “mainstream”, scythes also bring a very strong nod to what they are generally seen as. Scythes are most commonly associated with the grim reaper, hence death. In this entity’s world it would fit quite nicely with the lore.

    A jumping slash would also make more sense with a two handed weapon over a single handed. If you are going to jump at someone and you want to make it count, the bigger the better. Whether it be a scythe, a pitchfork, a piece of rebar, or hell an entire leg haunch of a cow... you get the point.

    Scythes in my opinion also look far more menacing. Pitch forms are deadly, especially if Jason Voorhees has one, but I’d be terrified if a monstrous scarecrow was waving a scythe in my face.

    Just my personal opinion, though. 
  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
    Divinitye9 said:

    Not a fan of a pitchfork. For some reason when I think of scarecrows and horror movies, I think of a scythe.  Either the large scythe or the one handed sickle, either one would be quite cool on a killer like this.

    You should check out my scarecrow killer then.

    Have you no shame?

  • Sumpsausage
    Sumpsausage Member Posts: 13

    @Divinitye9 said:
    Sumpsausage said:

    @Divinitye9 said:

    Not a fan of a pitchfork. For some reason when I think of scarecrows and horror movies, I think of a scythe.  Either the large scythe or the one handed sickle, either one would be quite cool on a killer like this.

    Hey there "Divinitye9"

    I know what you mean, when I was designing the character, I went through a couple of different weapons ideas. Such as a rope whip with clawed tips, a full size scythe, a garden hoe, a sickle and a pitchfork. I was originally going to go for the sickle but I thought that was too main stream and ended with the pitchfork because it seems to be more common on farms compared to sickles.

    Now I'm not a farmer of have family that have farms so I could be wrong with that last statement.

    Another idea could be a hand sized pitchfork, kind of like a dagger but rather than a knife end, its a pitchfork. What are your thoughts on that?

    Cheers for your feedback

    You don’t see sickles and scythes in most modernized countries due to the use of machinery. They are used by those who do not have access to such things. 

    Aside from it being an old piece of farm equipment and being “mainstream”, scythes also bring a very strong nod to what they are generally seen as. Scythes are most commonly associated with the grim reaper, hence death. In this entity’s world it would fit quite nicely with the lore.

    A jumping slash would also make more sense with a two handed weapon over a single handed. If you are going to jump at someone and you want to make it count, the bigger the better. Whether it be a scythe, a pitchfork, a piece of rebar, or hell an entire leg haunch of a cow... you get the point.

    Scythes in my opinion also look far more menacing. Pitch forms are deadly, especially if Jason Voorhees has one, but I’d be terrified if a monstrous scarecrow was waving a scythe in my face.

    Just my personal opinion, though. 

    Hey Devinitye9

    It's interesting how one character can be portrayed in so many different ways, it was good to see what you thought. I have seen a bunch of videos up online where people have used scythes against machines in harvesting crops and I agree I would not like to go up against one of those.

    I may stick to the pitchfork but I will think about what you gave me. Talking about the scythe gave me another idea for a killer check below and tell me what you think :chuffed:

    The Reaper: He has the scythe as his main weapon, but his ability is he can throw the scythe and where ever it lands he can choose to get teleported to that location or the scythe get's teleported to him. A little bit like the nurse and the huntress mixed together, but that could be OP. What are your thoughts?

    Good talking you and everyone here :chuffed:

  • Sumpsausage
    Sumpsausage Member Posts: 13

    @Divinitye9 said:
    Sumpsausage said:

    @Divinitye9 said:

    Not a fan of a pitchfork. For some reason when I think of scarecrows and horror movies, I think of a scythe.  Either the large scythe or the one handed sickle, either one would be quite cool on a killer like this.

    Hey there "Divinitye9"

    I know what you mean, when I was designing the character, I went through a couple of different weapons ideas. Such as a rope whip with clawed tips, a full size scythe, a garden hoe, a sickle and a pitchfork. I was originally going to go for the sickle but I thought that was too main stream and ended with the pitchfork because it seems to be more common on farms compared to sickles.

    Now I'm not a farmer of have family that have farms so I could be wrong with that last statement.

    Another idea could be a hand sized pitchfork, kind of like a dagger but rather than a knife end, its a pitchfork. What are your thoughts on that?

    Cheers for your feedback

    You don’t see sickles and scythes in most modernized countries due to the use of machinery. They are used by those who do not have access to such things. 

    Aside from it being an old piece of farm equipment and being “mainstream”, scythes also bring a very strong nod to what they are generally seen as. Scythes are most commonly associated with the grim reaper, hence death. In this entity’s world it would fit quite nicely with the lore.

    A jumping slash would also make more sense with a two handed weapon over a single handed. If you are going to jump at someone and you want to make it count, the bigger the better. Whether it be a scythe, a pitchfork, a piece of rebar, or hell an entire leg haunch of a cow... you get the point.

    Scythes in my opinion also look far more menacing. Pitch forms are deadly, especially if Jason Voorhees has one, but I’d be terrified if a monstrous scarecrow was waving a scythe in my face.

    Just my personal opinion, though. 

    Hey Devinitye9

    It's interesting how one character can be portrayed in so many different ways by so many different people. I have also seen a bunch of videos up online where people have used machines against scythes in harvesting crops and I agree I wouldn't want to go up against one of those.

    I may stick with the pitchfork but I will think about what you gave me. Talking about scythes gave me another idea for a killer.

    The Reaper: He has a scythe as his main weapon. His ability is he can throw the scythe and where ever it lands he can either teleport to that location or have the scythe return to him. A little bit like the Huntress and Nurse mixed together but that could be a little OP. The finer details will need to be worked out though but tell me what you think?

    Great talking to you and everyone here :chuffed:

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    @TrueKn1ghtmar3 said:
    Divinitye9 said:

    Not a fan of a pitchfork. For some reason when I think of scarecrows and horror movies, I think of a scythe.  Either the large scythe or the one handed sickle, either one would be quite cool on a killer like this.

    You should check out my scarecrow killer then.

    Have you no shame?

    Nope none