Who is doing this blight's addons design?

Who from bhvr thought this addon was a good idea?

I think they just can't let this killer with mid addons, they always have to create an problematic addon for this character

For anyone that thinks this addons isn't stupid hear me out

You have 20% speed from start to finish for free, you don't have to stack like are his speed addons, you just get it, and you can make some ridiculous hits with this because the increase look angle

The dowside does not justify it strentgh, just removing 2 tokens only makes his map control a little bad

And the fact that he only has 3 tokens, he can recharge them faster with no dowside

And they will change something about his basekit, since he is on the roadmap again

Every blight will use this addon until it gets nerfed and my hot take, this addon should have 2 tokens limit and his other iri addon should have 3 tokens at maximun, this is clearly more strong than the other iri addon.


  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 662

    Do you know what is the funniest thing? If you use Shredded Note with this new Iri Tag, unlike C33, the token does not decrease but reduced token charge time applies.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    It's really funny if that's real lol.

    I guess it's really imposible to nerf Blight. At this point, i won't surprise if they buff him and he is on roadmap... Here we go.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    honestly bhvr should just kidnap a blight main for playtesting purposes

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    You could have 200+ look angle and it would amount to nothing. Flicks mean nothing other than the "shoulder flick", getting hit by a 180+ means you didn't even think it could happen due to inexperience, you weren't counting rushes or you guessed wrong with little info. You thinking flicks are as good as they are is laughable. The only way to make this add-on good is with addy vial period.

  • ctrlaltdefeat36
    ctrlaltdefeat36 Member Posts: 6

    3 rushes is a significant trade-off for look angle and speed. Remember it's a flat 20%, not 5 or 10% faster with each rush like with new / old speed add-ons. The look angle is great for console players as it helps them catch up to what PC players are able to do with The Blight. And this is much less problematic than the infinite rush prior version of this add-on. No add-on should have 2 rushes like compound 33. It's useless and worse than basekit in its current state. I have a feeling BHVR will slightly buff C33 to 3 rushes to line up with the tag. Remember iri add-ons should be worth running, even if the killer is strong, otherwise what's the point?

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    Because they balance based on statistics. That's the reason why Blight has had like 8 add-ons which were all incredibly strong (on top of his already strong basekit). Because the pickrate on all of these were very balanced (obviously, because all add-ons were amazing). And they nerfed Marvins Blood (Only good Nemesis add-on) and Engravings (Before Billy rework) because the pickrate on those was insane (also for obvious reasons, those were their only usable add-ons. Doesnt mean they were too strong though. But hey, stats)

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,587

    "Just watch her glass shards to know when she's starting to phase!"

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    any rush attack that goes past 50% range is straight up dodge able .