I don’t understand teammates

Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,620

I don’t care how bad the game starts please stop giving up on hook either because you got found first or whatever the reason may be. Y’all are the reason why some of these kill rates on certain killers are as “high” as they are if you looked at the recent data from a few days ago.

Why do you continue to even play if this is how you’re gonna act you know what I mean? And if I’m able to I always try to stop players from giving up because you are ruining the game for everyone else.


  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 258

    I've tried to quit doing this. After several games in a row of running the killer for 30-60 seconds or more right at the start and not seeing anyone touch a gen, I end up doing it anyway and either playing killer or turning the game off. Some days every game I play feels great. Other days it feels like I'm playing with people only doing challenges and the games feel lost right from the beginning. Or it becomes national tunnel day.

    Does this make what I'm doing right? In my opinion, no. Punishing it wouldn't even bother me because like I said, I either switch sides or stop playing when I get to that point. For others, I guess it could lead to a decline in players being forced to stay in with that feeling game after game. Hard to say without seeing something in action.

    However, if it ever becomes harder punished I think lobby dodging should become punished as well. Or let both sides see what they are going against so everyone can pick and choose.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,276
    edited February 17

    Until I found out that it was not a bannable offense and I was just clogging up the report system, I used to report Suicide on Hook players as "Griefing - Assisting the Killer" or "Unsportsmanlike Conduct - Refusing to participate in normal gameplay".

    I am sure majority of players still make this mistake... and tbh, I can't really think how you can call SoH anything other than Unsportsmanlike Conduct when the examples are "AFKing, rage quitting, idling, and refusing to participate in normal gameplay"... SoH satisfies at least 2 of those conditions.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,879

    What those players need to understand isn't just the impact but also the missed opportunities they're losing out on.

    Even recently, I was hooked twice really early in a trial. Had I have been the to give up, the odds are the Killer would have made light work of the rest. However, we still got a 3-person escape including me.

    This is far from an isolated incident, as there have been many times where Survivors have escaped, despite the early hooks. If those players who give up improve their resilience (because - above all else - it is weakness of character which results in killing themselves on hook), they may realise they could get a damn-sight more successes than they realize. Yes, there will be some trials where it goes tits-up, but fight on and they'd be quite surprised.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

    From what I’ve seen kill rates are just a few percentage points higher than they were 6-12 months ago, so I don’t really believe that survivors failing skill checks on hook has skyrocketed kill rates. And there’s nothing you can do to stop it anyway. But you’ve got two ways to deal with it:

    1.) If you feel you’re unable to escape matches because somebody else died early and you’re that reliant on other players to escape, craft a build and a playstyle that can help you individually escape your trials.

    Or 2.) Join a SWF.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,287

    Exactly this. This is the only pvp game I know where you can outright give up and ruin the game for everyone else and it's NOT against the rules, it's so weird.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 140


    played my first game this morning only for a healthy Meg to:

    1)run in front of my pathing to shack

    2)bodyblock shack pallet entrance until killer was behind me so I could get hit

    typical dbd solo w/ idiots

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 488

    There are plenty of reasons for throwing on hook, and people will keep doing it as long as DC penalties are stacking to the ridiculous levels that they currently do. They really need to put a cap on it so it doesn't get to that point.

    Yeah, I had a match this morning where I threw on hook. Because all three teammates were crouching all the way across the map, and no one was making a move to come for the save. So when I got close to second phase, I took my one chance to kobe and then let go from there. Why should I keep hanging around when the teammates can't be bothered to save?

    Oddly enough, when I spectated, and one of the teammates got hooked, they were saved right away. Truly baffling... 🤨

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 1,675

    There's an option called "Intentionally losing the match" I believe it is under unsportsmanlike.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,276

    Thing is though, that isn't completely unreasonable. You actually used the mechanic for its intended use... trying to escape when abandoned to die.

    You may be reported for giving up after that, you may not, but if reporting was enabled and taken seriously for things like this, one game like this wouldn't be a bannable offence.

    It'd be something that only mattered if you repeatedly SoH where it should flag up, and that would be how reporting for SoH should work.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,116
    edited February 17

    If people want to give up, there's nothing you can do. Saving them doesn't change anything. I guess, if you really want to spite them or get some altruism points. But 99% if someone has given up, they are leaving either way. You aren't anyone's teacher and its not your lesson to teach.

    And sometimes like others said, its fine to die on hook. You're only as good as your teammates and if they're doing absolutely nothing while the killer is actively trying to win, then yea. I'm going to the next match ASAP. Cause I don't want teammates that waste my time and don't do objectives, go for saves, etc. If your idea of fun is to mess with mine and meme around, then do you. I am not being forced to stay in a match with 2-3 teammates that don't do what they should be doing.

    General consensus is that your teammates are the real killers, b/c most of the time, its not even the killer the survivor is frustrated with. Its their teammates. And I don't blame anyone for leaving a match ASAP when their teammates play like crap, or do barely anything.

    I want to win. I don't care for meming, farming, the amount of bp's I get from a certain match, etc. I want to win. Thats it.

    Although I agree, it sucks when people give up out of the blue and your teammates are trying to do gens, run the killer, go for saves, etc. When it happens to teams that don't deserve it, I agree.