Joke Killer Idea: The skeleton
Killer title: Da boneheaded boneified mad pied peter pippin piping Whistling whistler!
Weapon: A spear that doubles as a big ol' flute
Speen: Slowsh
Height: medium? average? 14ft monster!
Terror radeous: 16m with a 32 meter lullaby in form of a groovy jigg he plays while not in a chase.
Power: Can instantly (think hag traps) teleport to dull and hexed totem locations throughout the map, whistling as he does so. After teleporting its first attack becomes ranged, throwing a bone spear that whistles through the air at incredibly hihg speadz
If a totem is snuffed, cleansed, or boned, it disables this teleport at that specific totem.
He can rebuild destroyed totems as his secondary action. He can do so by playing a diddy with his flute at the destroyed totem. This does not restore hex/boon effects.
potential addon exumples :
Bone zone: survivors near hoxed totems after having teleportated have their auras reveald for twenty.
Lack of calcium: survivors taht cleanse totems have a trail of white bone dust that follow them for 40 seconds
The forboden notes: Can throw the spear twice after teleporting. But teleported will destroy the bones and any hex/boon effect they may or may not have. (you will have to rebuild bones after teleporting)
Candle: Allows teh whistler to rebuild 1 hex per match if he has a hex to rebuild, if he has no hexes, this perk allows him to teleport to boon totems.
Stolen pinky bonez: allows Mr Skeltal to play a faster diddy, rebuilding totims quicker. Must have stolen the fingers from Clown!
Hex: Bone zone: This perk has 2 tokens, after a survivor boons or cleanses a dull totem, this causes the deceased to take vengence! After a brief rattle and whistle, a random dull totem lights up somewhere on the map, the totem that was cleansed or booned stands up and begins hunting the survivor that cleaned or boned it... Relentlessly! If the totem was booned, its effects follow the newly formed skeleton!!11!(It is also basically a nimisis zombone in skelton form) Stunning, or blinding the skeleton will turn it to dust, reforming after 20 seconds at other remainign dull totims to resume its vengful hunt! When all totims are cleansed one last skeltal will spawn, this skeltal will not revive when stunned or blinded.
Cleansing the hex totem will stop the relentless huntings and destroy the skeltons!
Hex: Beawre the D00T: After the last gen is completed a YUGE horn is played in the sky, a random totem is lit up or rebuild on the map! A highly non-intelligent skelton will spawn within the basement for each remainngning surverver. setting off to hunt them down. Cleansing the Hex destroys the skeltals
Hex: Hot Clavicles : Survivors within a radius of this totem equal to the terror radius of the killer have their auras revealed. This totems Aura is revealed if the spooker is also within the radii of said totem.